Pro-HAMAS students block UCLA Jewish student from entering campus

These DISGUSTING Liberal rioters, I have had enough! Start expelling them! They have no right to harass the Jewish kids!
The antisemitic Muslim who is president of Columbia and has allowed this needs to be fired.

Can you imagine if a Christian white man was president and allowed Klan members to gather en masse, harassing and bullying black students? His ass would have been history within the first 24 hours.

But when the victims are Jews, and Muslims their tormentors, leftist cheer it on, or justify it.
US campuses terrorized snd held hostage by teenagers over make pretend Palestine and its murderous Hamas
Keep in mind the university administration, the City of Los Angeles, the California State government, and the Biden administration are allowing this to happen.

Outright anti-Semitism by these assholes.

We need to get there rotten bastards OUT of power.
You support peace and give hamas a pass for their terrorism on Oct 7.
Not sure how you reconcile that, fella.
Never gave them a pass, but why do you support mass murder of innocent women and children? Do hate all Muslims or just Palestinians?

Do you think anyone who opposes Israel’s genocide is Hamas?

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