
damn now i want to snoop.....infidel? hello.....stop calling my wonderful blameless son names....

that is my job

Well, my calling him an infidel was based on what you wrote, Stroll.

When you're involved with someone and you'll messing around with others behind your significant other's back, the word for that is INFIDEL, after all.
When I was 23 my boyfriend found my diary while I was at work and read the entire thing. I was so pissed, because he invaded my privacy. I dumped his ass as fast as I could.

We didn't have cell phones back then..................
Wouldn't you have needed to have something fairly incriminating written for him to have mentioned doing it? Or were there "external reporters" involved?

IMHO there shouldn't be any secrets in a committed relationship. Things that are "off limits" (IE phone, purse, wallet, organizer) are simply a breeding ground for suspicion.

If you want trust you can't seem like you have something to hide.

EDIT - The one exception is a diary or journal.
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The whole ball of wax is a product of the moral decay in America.

I wonder how many hours the both of them had together watching MTV? Yeah... garbage... but that's what kids their age do right? That's just the way things are... or at least that's what they think nowadays.
no they arent the mtv types....spend most of their time in the great outdoors climbing...she is a river rat

moral decay..i dont see older people showing any better morals than the young
no they arent the mtv types....spend most of their time in the great outdoors climbing...she is a river rat
Then I'd say there was a lapse in good judgment on your sons part. To what degree only he and his ex knows. But I'd imagine for the girl to react as strongly as she did, she had to have found something pretty steamy in the text message... or messages.

moral decay..i dont see older people showing any better morals than the young
I do. My own son lives with one girl after another, and he knows how I feel about it. No woman is ever going to live with me that isn't my wife. Big difference.
i see people living together in all age ranges....a lot of older people wont marry cause of their social security....but i know what you are talking about..they seem to just jump right into housekeeping....matter of fact..he moved out cause i found him in bed with a young lady in my house...i told him..either go by my rules or move out....he was gone in two weeks....but it was time..

son, 26, dating young lady...he leaves his apartment...she is still there...he leaves his cell accident (that kid never goes anywhere without that cell phone)...she reads his text messages...drives to where he works..and proceeds to give him hell...dumping him and returning said cellphone...

now my questions:

what was on the cell phone that she saw?

answer: none of your damn business....

why did you leave a message on your cell phone?

answer: its my cell and i didnt think she would go thru it

so as a none cell phone person....was she wrong to go thru his text messages or was he stupid to leave something on there that would upset her?

My O My the drama is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

son, 26, dating young lady...he leaves his apartment...she is still there...he leaves his cell accident (that kid never goes anywhere without that cell phone)...she reads his text messages...drives to where he works..and proceeds to give him hell...dumping him and returning said cellphone...

now my questions:

what was on the cell phone that she saw?

answer: none of your damn business....

why did you leave a message on your cell phone?

answer: its my cell and i didnt think she would go thru it

so as a none cell phone person....was she wrong to go thru his text messages or was he stupid to leave something on there that would upset her?

well i havent peeked....granted he guarded it...but i have asked...repeatly....and his room mate too...he just claims to be swizterland...or some shit...i am sure he has cleared the messages by now...they text all the time...driving texting...i wonder if they text during sex?
Privacy is so over-rated. Try living in a shelter for a few years and you just no longer care about it ... because most people don't really care about you enough to look anyway ... just a thought.

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