"Pride" Fest

Parades are fun. Marching around in the sun is fun. Cheering the parade is fun. Bright colors are fun. Floats and music are fun.

Where it crosses the line is when it gets obscene, grotesque and nasty. Then it's just thumbing people in the eye to make a point and it's not cool.

Well that is it isn't it?
I have seem many a photo of "pride parades" where participants wear extremely revealing outfits, where they are basically naked with tiny cover-ups...participate in lewd behavior in public, but get away with it because they last thing anyone wants to do is upset one of the protected classes.
If a pride parade was people wearing bright clothes and having fun/music etc. - more power to them.
But involving very young children, marching along side guys with nothing but plastic peppers covering their small cocks... that is nothing else than obscene.
I've seen the same at the beach...at Mardi Gras...at Carnival.
Were they in a public march in the middle of the day with children everywhere? And participating?
Or do you mean the tits for beads along bourbon street late at night when no kids are around?
As Mac states...they are indeed trolling. Doing it just to annoy people who they want to label sexist, but in reality don't want to see skinny naked guys with nothing but socks/plastic toys etc covering their dicks.
Sorry...been to a lot of public events and have never seen that before.
So, you take your kids to throw beads?

It is up to the parents to take their kids.
Parades are fun. Marching around in the sun is fun. Cheering the parade is fun. Bright colors are fun. Floats and music are fun.

Where it crosses the line is when it gets obscene, grotesque and nasty. Then it's just thumbing people in the eye to make a point and it's not cool.

Well that is it isn't it?
I have seem many a photo of "pride parades" where participants wear extremely revealing outfits, where they are basically naked with tiny cover-ups...participate in lewd behavior in public, but get away with it because they last thing anyone wants to do is upset one of the protected classes.
If a pride parade was people wearing bright clothes and having fun/music etc. - more power to them.
But involving very young children, marching along side guys with nothing but plastic peppers covering their small cocks... that is nothing else than obscene.
I've seen the same at the beach...at Mardi Gras...at Carnival.
Were they in a public march in the middle of the day with children everywhere? And participating?
Or do you mean the tits for beads along bourbon street late at night when no kids are around?
As Mac states...they are indeed trolling. Doing it just to annoy people who they want to label sexist, but in reality don't want to see skinny naked guys with nothing but socks/plastic toys etc covering their dicks.
Sorry...been to a lot of public events and have never seen that before.
So, you take your kids to throw beads?

It is up to the parents to take their kids.

Your reading comprehension is mighty low.
Fuck you you bigoted piece of shit.

They can't get married everywhere, they can't be themselves in school, they have to put up withb assholes like you, they don't have anti-discrimination protections.

Fuck you fuck you fuck you.

Who do you hope to convince with that crap Dave?
Fuck you you bigoted piece of shit.

They can't get married everywhere, they can't be themselves in school, they have to put up withb assholes like you, they don't have anti-discrimination protections.

Fuck you fuck you fuck you.

Who do you hope to convince with that crap Dave?
Not the bigots. I am sick & tired of their shit.
Parades are fun. Marching around in the sun is fun. Cheering the parade is fun. Bright colors are fun. Floats and music are fun.

Where it crosses the line is when it gets obscene, grotesque and nasty. Then it's just thumbing people in the eye to make a point and it's not cool.

Well that is it isn't it?
I have seem many a photo of "pride parades" where participants wear extremely revealing outfits, where they are basically naked with tiny cover-ups...participate in lewd behavior in public, but get away with it because they last thing anyone wants to do is upset one of the protected classes.
If a pride parade was people wearing bright clothes and having fun/music etc. - more power to them.
But involving very young children, marching along side guys with nothing but plastic peppers covering their small cocks... that is nothing else than obscene.
I've seen the same at the beach...at Mardi Gras...at Carnival.
Were they in a public march in the middle of the day with children everywhere? And participating?
Or do you mean the tits for beads along bourbon street late at night when no kids are around?
As Mac states...they are indeed trolling. Doing it just to annoy people who they want to label sexist, but in reality don't want to see skinny naked guys with nothing but socks/plastic toys etc covering their dicks.
Sorry...been to a lot of public events and have never seen that before.
So, you take your kids to throw beads?

It is up to the parents to take their kids.

Your reading comprehension is mighty low.
Nope. Someone, was it you, having a fit because of children being there. So why would you take your kid to a gay pride parade if you did not want them to see the stuff that might go on?
Fuck you you bigoted piece of shit.

They can't get married everywhere, they can't be themselves in school, they have to put up withb assholes like you, they don't have anti-discrimination protections.

Fuck you fuck you fuck you.

Who do you hope to convince with that crap Dave?
Not the bigots. I am sick & tired of their shit.

Yeah well they are probably sick and tired of YOUR shit too. :1041::10:
Nope. Someone, was it you, having a fit because of children being there. So why would you take your kid to a gay pride parade if you did not want them to see the stuff that might go on?

Coercion to be PC. There are a lot of stupid people.
Well that is it isn't it?
I have seem many a photo of "pride parades" where participants wear extremely revealing outfits, where they are basically naked with tiny cover-ups...participate in lewd behavior in public, but get away with it because they last thing anyone wants to do is upset one of the protected classes.
If a pride parade was people wearing bright clothes and having fun/music etc. - more power to them.
But involving very young children, marching along side guys with nothing but plastic peppers covering their small cocks... that is nothing else than obscene.
I've seen the same at the beach...at Mardi Gras...at Carnival.
Were they in a public march in the middle of the day with children everywhere? And participating?
Or do you mean the tits for beads along bourbon street late at night when no kids are around?
As Mac states...they are indeed trolling. Doing it just to annoy people who they want to label sexist, but in reality don't want to see skinny naked guys with nothing but socks/plastic toys etc covering their dicks.
Sorry...been to a lot of public events and have never seen that before.
So, you take your kids to throw beads?

It is up to the parents to take their kids.

Your reading comprehension is mighty low.
Nope. Someone, was it you, having a fit because of children being there. So why would you take your kid to a gay pride parade if you did not want them to see the stuff that might go on?
Again, your reading comprehension is pretty bad, that or you have such a large chip on your shoulder it disables your ability to read.
I said...kids marching along side them...not my kids ya dolt.
Each one I've been to has its own tone. When I went to Palm Springs, they were led by a horseback contingent of scouts holding state flags. Long Beach has a lot of church groups in their parade. San Diego has a lot military. And so on.
It all sounds positively wholesome next to San Francisco.
I don’t think I’ll ever understand how or why anyone could pride themselves in their choices of sexual behavior.
Who the hell cares? If you want to participate, participate. If not don't participate.

Last week was doughnut day? We have an ice cream day, a strawberry day, secretaries week, mothers day, fathers day.
In June besides gay pride month, we have aquarium month, candy month, dairy month, fight the filthy fly month, national accordion awareness month, adopt a cat month national fresh fruit and vegetables month, rose month, turkey lovers month, national gardening week, fishing week, email week, lightening safety week, dare day, flip a coin day, national trails day, national bubba day, national rocky road day, repeat day, repeat day, applesauce cake day, hug your cat day, repeat day, national cheese day, old maids day, hot air balloon day, world environment day, d-day WWII, repeat day, national gardening exercise day, national yoyo day, national chocolate ice cream day, national doughnut day, VCR day (do they even exist anymore) repeat day, best friends day, name your poison day, world ocean day, donald duck day, repeat day, national strawberry rhubarb pie day, nursing assistance day, ball point pen day, herb and spices day, iced tea day, national corn on the cob day, national jerky day, repeat day.

There are a lot more I didn't get to. So, if you don't like one pick another.
PITTSBURGH PRIDE: Tens of thousands celebrate at Pittsburgh Pride, largest turnout in city history

So this is "pride" month (or week, or day, or nanosecond, regardless), and all of the "woke" universe is simply thrilled to participate and observe the festivities.

On a very basic level, I'm not sure I get the "pride" aspect of these events. The participants are "proud" of being sexual deviants? I'm reminded of the old slogan, "I'm Black and I'm PROUD!" How can you be "proud" of something over which you [claim you] have no control? I would buy, "not ashamed" or "well adjusted" but "proud"? Nah. Makes no sense.

It appears to me that the message has been massaged to be more palatable to a broader audience. The message now seems to be something about "equality." Again, what is that supposed to mean? Who is claiming that sexual deviants aren't "equal," whatever that means? They are certainly not THE SAME as everyone else, although I am not aware of any problems with voting rights, economic discrimination or any of that.

So how can anyone be against "equality"? That's like saying, "I'm with the GOOD!" Who isn't?

I dare say, if these events were staged in the same way as "Gay Pride" parades were a decade ago, they wouldn't have insurance companies and mainstream politicians marching along side of them.

What a world.
You realize that Pride starts with the Stonewall Riots, right?

No one cares except you.

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