Presidential term limits: slippery slope back to authoritarianism in Africa


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
There is mounting concern in Africa about a lack of leadership as well as an increasing trend of hard-won democratic rights being reversed. One way this is being done is through presidential term limits being abandoned, or extended. This in turn is leading to a reemergence of authoritarian politics, and political violence.

Extending or abolishing term limits is not unique to the continent. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin won a fourth term in March 2018 after changes to the constitution and some nimble political footwork. And the Chinese parliament recently voted to abolish term limits allowing for the possibility of President Xi Jinping becoming president for life. Given that Russia and China play an influential role on the African continent these events don’t bode well for the future of presidents sticking to term limits on the continent.

Burundi is a case in point. A poll is being held to amend the constitution to extend presidential term limits from five to seven years. Incumbency would be restricted to two consecutive terms. But the amendment doesn’t apply retroactively which means that President Pierre Nkurunziza could possibly remain in office until 2034. If he lives that long (he’s 55-years-old), and given that he assumed the position in 2005, this would make him president for 29 years.

Burundi is far from alone. Rwanda, Togo, Gabon, Uganda, Chad, Cameroon, Djibouti, Republic of Congo, Sudan, Eritrea, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo have all fiddled with term limits. They’ve done this by abolishing, amending or ignoring them, or by simply not holding elections. Other countries such as Ethiopia, Gambia, Lesotho, and Morocco have never introduced term limits.
Presidential term limits: slippery slope back to authoritarianism in Africa

I don't see the AU doing anything.
This is a global trend.

Venezuela, Russia, China and now the Congo....MANY more to come. People never learn from history and therefore repeat it.

A modern false sense of security has led people worldwide to falsely believe that "Modern" Civilization does not allow authoritarianism and human rights abuses that occurred in "ancient" history. They are DEAD wrong.

The American and European Left is the major component ushering that into Western civilization. Backed by ignorance and apathy. In the US, the Left is not only trying to LIMIT a properly elected President's term, they are trying to end it...thereby extending the terms of their desired candidates effectively.

VERY bad times ahead for future generations.
The history of "modern" africa is 'when the white man leaves, the lights go out". You just can't be 1800 years behind the times (as africans were in 1800, barely being in the iron age) and have any chance of ever catching up to the rest of the world. The Amerian Indians were 3000 years behind, and SAW the wheel, written language, etc, and refused to take advantage of the technology. So they got crushed.
Third World Term Limits:

You Get Elected To JUST ONE Term
But It's Permanent...

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