Presidential Rating Criteria Used By Historians. Where do You Put Obama?

I see Obama as middle of the road not a total disaster but not great either he has had two highlights passage of obamacare which we still don't know how it will play out and the Bin Laden raid outside of that it has been a pretty bland Presidency.
1. Leadership Ability.

Non-existant. In fact he is careful to NOT display any example of leading. That nway he cannot be linked to anything bad that happens. That is why he never gets the blame when it does.

2. Accomplishments.

Obamacare, ordering the killing of OBL, ordering the killing of the Somali Pirates, receiving the Nobel. The Stimulus Package.

3. Crisis Management.

Examples: Hurricane Sandy, Ben-Gazi, Iran, Egypt, Syria.

4. Character and Integrity.

Is this a joke? He lies continuously. That is not integrity and without that your character is poor.

5. Political Skill.

Extremely politically saavy. Never seen anything like it.

6. Appointments.

Awful from top to bottom.

Obama is without a doubt the worst president we have ever had.

Umm, ok. So that's the best you could come up with. No counter to what I posted but you found a picture, of something, I'm sure you think it's relevant. That's the best you could muster here. I'm pretty much going to be done with you if you can't do any better than this. You do have nowhere to go but up though since you started at absolutely f*cking pathetic. A worm could crawl over the bar you have set. Let's see how you do.

That's Obama's mother. I'm sure he recited Malcolm X to her every night before bed and asked her for reparations. :cool:

Every one of your points are only important to people obsessed with race and looking for any possible angle to attack the President.

You dumb fucking waste of my time.

EDIT - ...waiting... [MENTION=40891]AzMike[/MENTION]

EDIT again - going to bed now. I'll check again tomorrow. Maybe by then you'll have something intelligent to say. :doubt:
I know who it is. Has no bearing whatsoever on what he has said. Is his mom some sort of magic eraser that wipes out his actual words?
I have several books that are considered definitive in terms of rating the relative "greatness" of past Presidents. Historians are told to use the following criteria.

1. Leadership Ability.

2. Accomplishments.

3. Crisis Management.

4. Character and Integrity.

5. Political Skill.

6. Appointments.

Okay have the criteria. So what do you think? Where does Obama rank?

Leadership Ability -
Leading from behind is a bad idea when your leading from your own behind.
Leading the press to false information.

Passing an expensive and ineffective stimulus bill
Spending millions of dollars on European embassies for recharging electric cars while leaving the Benghazi facility unprotected.
Making Joe Biden vice president as insurance against being impeached.
Bringing America together in opposition to Syrian policy.

Crisis Management-
Managing to have crisis over crises which he can't handle while insisting it's not his fault.

Character and Integrity-
Unburdened by either, Obama was able to pass an unpopular healthcare bill while giving waivers to his supporters and major contributors.
According to the left, "Character" and "Integrity" are probably racist code words anyway.

Political Skill-
Political skills are great when he owns both houses and the press. Otherwise, his "political skills" diminish.

Excellent! Always able to keep golfing appointments on time.
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There are two things I rate him down very low on. Obamacare (because we simply cannot afford it and I get ill thinking about a government flunky deciding my health coverage) and race relations. In regards to race relations, I don't blame him for what is going on, but I do think he has damaged race relations. I had hoped his Presidency would improve relations, but I should have known that Washington Republicans would never have allowed that to happen.

For the most part except for those two items, I can't really think of anything that makes me think he was any better or any worse than other President. They all had their good and their bad. I suppose if it were not for Obamacare, I would rate him kind of high, but I will never get over the Obamacare fiasco, unless I am completely proven wrong, which I do not foresee happening.


I don't fault him on race relations because, regardless of whoever happened to be the 1st black President, it was going to polarize the radicals; and unfortunately those are the most vocal people on the issue.

As for what I fault him on? Not reaching across the aisle like his platform said he would, and continuing to interfere in the middle east where there are never any winners.

I fault him about race relations. He was uniquely in a position to advance black America and unite them with white America.

He campaigned on "Yes, you can"--an inspirational message. He was the perfect person to give that the first black give that speech to black majority junior high schools all over the country...and inspire them and give them hope like no other President could remove the scars from past mistreatment. It could have made a real difference.

But, the good from such a message, coming from the first black President... would not have been realized in time for these youths to vote for he played golf instead and fomented racial grievance politics.

The reason I don't blame him is that there is not a damned thing he could have done that Washington Republicans would not have thrown back in his face and thinking about that, it would only have made things worse, because those black students would have blamed white America and conservatives again.

He'll always be our first black president. If he's lucky, that will be the only thing that history remembers.

You mean if we are lucky because that would mean Obamacare would simply be a long forgotten nightmare.

top ten- but pub opposition and bs will be remembered as the worst ever, while Obama gets back our world respect ruined by Boosh...and passes the most important social reform since the 30's...
I don't fault him on race relations because, regardless of whoever happened to be the 1st black President, it was going to polarize the radicals; and unfortunately those are the most vocal people on the issue.

As for what I fault him on? Not reaching across the aisle like his platform said he would, and continuing to interfere in the middle east where there are never any winners.

I fault him about race relations. He was uniquely in a position to advance black America and unite them with white America.

He campaigned on "Yes, you can"--an inspirational message. He was the perfect person to give that the first black give that speech to black majority junior high schools all over the country...and inspire them and give them hope like no other President could remove the scars from past mistreatment. It could have made a real difference.

But, the good from such a message, coming from the first black President... would not have been realized in time for these youths to vote for he played golf instead and fomented racial grievance politics.

The reason I don't blame him is that there is not a damned thing he could have done that Washington Republicans would not have thrown back in his face and thinking about that, it would only have made things worse, because those black students would have blamed white America and conservatives again.


Please tell us exactly what was thrown back in his face. Then we can discuss if it really would have been good. To make it easy for you just wait a day or two and someone will make a list of Obama accomplishment which the vast majority had to go through Congress.

No, blaming the party that has no power since 2006 is just BS whining by the Democrats whom are in power.
top ten- but pub opposition and bs will be remembered as the worst ever, while Obama gets back our world respect ruined by Boosh...and passes the most important social reform since the 30's...

We are talking about the USA on the Planet Earth, what in the hell are you talking about?

I fault him about race relations. He was uniquely in a position to advance black America and unite them with white America.

He campaigned on "Yes, you can"--an inspirational message. He was the perfect person to give that the first black give that speech to black majority junior high schools all over the country...and inspire them and give them hope like no other President could remove the scars from past mistreatment. It could have made a real difference.

But, the good from such a message, coming from the first black President... would not have been realized in time for these youths to vote for he played golf instead and fomented racial grievance politics.

The reason I don't blame him is that there is not a damned thing he could have done that Washington Republicans would not have thrown back in his face and thinking about that, it would only have made things worse, because those black students would have blamed white America and conservatives again.


Please tell us exactly what was thrown back in his face. Then we can discuss if it really would have been good. To make it easy for you just wait a day or two and someone will make a list of Obama accomplishment which the vast majority had to go through Congress.

No, blaming the party that has no power since 2006 is just BS whining by the Democrats whom are in power.

You do understand the word "would" don't you? If you do, then you will understand why I do not answer your question. Nothing has been... rather it would have been.

1. Leadership Ability.
A weak pitiful leadership style. Promised to embrace compromise and to reach across the isle. He has done none of that even declaring he did not need the republicans. Even when he had a majority in both Houses he failed to lead. Foreign policy is a shambles domestic policy is a shambles. He spends his time campaigning and never for anything except himself. He has done nothing to make Reid compromise with the House, he has stated numerous times contentious remarks about his opposition, anyone remember "clinging to guns and the Bible"? How about raising an ARMY to FIGHT his enemy the Republicans?

2. Accomplishments.

His one accomplishment is Obama care and it is a failure. He gets credit for ordering the mission that killed Osama Bin Laden as well.

3. Crisis Management.
Libya he ignored Congress, Syria he painted himself into a corner and looks stupid and weak. He espoused a racist position on the Zimmerman Martin case as well as Beer gate. Failure.

4. Character and Integrity.
He has none.

5. Political Skill.
He is a good politician.

6. Appointments.
Failure again. His appointments are ignoring the law and breaking the law.
top ten- but pub opposition and bs will be remembered as the worst ever, while Obama gets back our world respect ruined by Boosh...and passes the most important social reform since the 30's...

We are talking about the USA on the Planet Earth, what in the hell are you talking about?

Sure, pub dupe lol. Everything you know is proven total bs outside the Pub dupe alternate universe, Rush Seanbeck LOL. SEE SIG.:eusa_whistle:
I have several books that are considered definitive in terms of rating the relative "greatness" of past Presidents. Historians are told to use the following criteria.

1. Leadership Ability.

2. Accomplishments.

3. Crisis Management.

4. Character and Integrity.

5. Political Skill.

6. Appointments.

Okay have the criteria. So what do you think? Where does Obama rank?
I have insufficient knowledge of all other Presidents to rank Obama on a scale including each of them. However, I can rank him on each metric listed.

1. Leadership Ability.
A smooth talking community organizer he is..but leader? No. He has no leadership ability other than to possess an ability to cause dupes to chant his name in unison.

2. Accomplishments.
Many. Most are damaging to the well being of our nation. He has divided us with his incessant race baiting. He has destroyed the job market. He has impeded economic growth. He has driven the coal industry into the ground and is working hard on the oil industry. He has caused companies to move jobs overseas. He has rewarded his contributors with immunity from his devastating "affordable care" law. He has appointed Marxist/Socialist/Communist, UNELECTED "Czars" to control many facets of American life. He has duped his supporters into thinking he is improving their lot.

I could go on and on....

3. Crisis Management.
Pitiful, to say the least! He plays cards with his fuck buddy during the Bin laden raid. He sleeps during the Benghazi terrorist attack. He is a goddamned coward and a self-serving narcissist hack.

4. Character and Integrity.
Don't make me laugh! He is a shady, if not totally "in the dark" character and has no integrity at all.

5. Political Skill.
That I will give him fair marks on. He is the quintessential accomplished liar and backstabber.

6. Appointments.
See item 2 above. He has appointed the most inept group of socialist assholes imaginable.

I can't imagine any of the 43 preceding Presidents being any worse than Barack Hussein Obama.

Somewhere in the middle. 50 years from now his presidency will be remembered as pretty vanilla.

Imo Obamacare will define his legacy. It depends on how that turns out.

You could be right, although I think his political appointments will hurt him (Eric Holder anyone?) and the character and integrity issue will hurt him ("I never used a red line." Obama care won't raise the deficit "one thin dime." "You can keep your doctor.") and about a thousand others.

But you're right, if Obamacare is a big success it could go a long way to helping his legacy. Only time will tell.
Obamacare is already a miserable failure. So miserable that thousands of people want to opt out of it. So miserable that doctors are retiring early to keep from having to deal with it. So miserable that Congress and their staff, unions, Obama contributors and other suckasses are being given a pass. So miserable that insurance premiums are expected to MORE THAN DOUBLE in some states that have already elected to set up the exchanges. The only way Obamacare will be successful is when it is counted by Obama as an issue that helped to enable him to destroy the US economy.

The liberal fuckers that support Obama and his obscene policies will be the last to admit that.


1. Leadership Ability.


2. Accomplishments.

Downgraded Credit, Turned us toward proven economic failure, killed kids with drones


3. Crisis Management.



4. Character and Integrity.


5. Political Skill.

A+ Then again Dems are a hive minded Collective

6. Appointments.

He's always late for appointments


Oh you could've done better than that. You need to really delve into your character next time! Really embrace and exclaim that GOP narrative!
The truth hurts, doesn't it?
Of the 44 presidents, I would rate Obama 5th.

1st - Reagan and Lincoln

2nd - 23 other presidents tie

3rd - Grover Cleveland

4th - 17 more presidents tie

5th - Barak Obama


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