President Vows to Avenge Sar-I-Pul Massacre


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
On August 5, militants killed dozens of people, mostly civilians, after capturing Mirzawlang area of Sayyad district, an official had said on Sunday.
The area had been under control of the Afghan Local Police (ALP) and public uprising members (pro-government forces) until August 4, when Taliban attacked and severely battled for capturing the area.
Local officials said some parts of the Mirzawlang area were under Taliban control and others under Daesh militant group.
President Vows to Avenge Sar-I-Pul Massacre

Afghan officials claimed the Taliban was responsible for the mass killings of more than 40 civilians including children and women in Mirza Olang area of Sayad district. However, the Taliban in a statement denied the claims.
President Ghani Vows ‘Revenge’ of Sar-i-Pul Massacre - Ariana News

Taliban release 235 hostages in northern Afghanistan

SAR-I-PUL (Pajhwok): The governor of northern Sar-i-Pul province on Tuesday claimed around 150 families remained in captivity of militants in Sayyad district and that security forces were yet to launch offensive against the rebels.

Mohammad Zahir Wahdat said sporadic clashes continued in some areas of Mirzawalang where Daesh and Taliban massacred civilians some days back. Militants, however, denied killing civilians and said they only killed local security forces.

According to Wahdat, local elders had launched mediation to secure the release of captive families. Around 1,000 families lived in Mirzawalng valley, he added.

150 families still in rebels’ captivity: Sar-i-Pul governor

If I could locate one article with all of the information that'd be great.

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