The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
His biggest mistake to date was one he made immediately. When he decided to be a gentleman and let Hillary Clinton fade in to history, it was a huge miscalculation, and an understandable one.

The Clintons at one time had a friendly relationship with President Trump. And I assume that as Trump did, that this was just politics, and things would return back to normal after his inauguration.

But this was The Clintons and Obama and Operation Resist Democracy was formed. If the Clintons had a son, he'd look just like Obama and Obama was a fine son indeed, learning at the feet of The King and Queen of Corruption. Politics isn't just a dirty game with the Clintons, and the Pupil they schooled on The Clinton Way.... Politics is warfare, where The Nuclear Option is always employed against your opponent, even if you have to commit War Crimes to use it. Obama not only learned his lessons well, he expanded upon them. He took political corruption to an art form.

President Trump's biggest mistake is still obstructing his vision and plan for America, and his taking a pass on not uprooting The Clinton Crime Machine, and The Obama Oligarchy by the Roots, burn it, stamp it out and exterminate it has cost him, despite his seeming to finally be turning the corner on this. He has a lot he wants to get done, so there is no time to waste. Obama and the Clintons worked for 8 years to populate The State Department, The FBI, CIA, DOJ, Federal Elections, IRS, VA, Department of Education with the most politically corrupt Marxists available. He should have immediately investigated the following people:

  • Schultz
  • Brazile
  • Clinton
  • Clapper
  • Brennan
  • McCabe
  • Comey
  • McCauliff
  • Koskinen
  • Lerner
  • Holder
  • Lynch
  • Rice
  • Powers
  • Abedine
  • Weiner
  • Blumenthal
  • Farkas
  • Obama
All of these people have committed real crimes, and there is real evidence of their crimes. These aren't some titilating Fake News stories regurgitated every day.....there were REAL Scandals....where Real People got hurt....and died....and lots of money exchanged hands. Let's hope these swamp creatures finally get put under the microscope like they should have been from the very start.

I think The President realized The Swamp was there, but I don't think he realized how much work Obama and Clinton and their core operatives put in to expanding it and entrenching it. The first thing he should have done was FIRE JAMES COMEY and then investigate him, Rice, Lynch for Obstruction of Justice, and Subpoena The DNC server, and reviewed and reopened all of the Scandals James Comey, McCabe, Holder, & Lynch all tried to sweep under the rug. He should have taken a long hard look at The Uranium One Deal and the $145 Million in Donations to The Clinton Foundation, and prosecuted The Clinton Foundation as it is a DeFacto Money Laundering Scheme for the sole purpose of selling Political Access to certain people.

And he should have opened an investigation in to Obama Bin Spying's illegal espionage operations, and John McCain's dealings with James Comey, Fusion GPS, and The Russian Sourced Fusion GPS Fake Dossier.

Everyone and anyone associated with The Corrupt Clintons, and The Chicago Crime Machine should have been under investigation. President Trump, instead of being a gentlemen, and a gracious winner, and letting bygones be bygones, should have went on The Offensive, and had he done that, we probably wouldn't have had 7 simultaneous investigations going on that have turned up Nothing & are costing the TAXPAYER Tens of Millions of Dollars, and climbing already, expected to top out at around $100 Million Dollars; 18 months of illegal surveillance that has turned up nothing; over 145 leaks from The Deep State that have really amounted to NOTHING; Illegal Unmasking that really has been about NOTHING; Leaked tax returns from THE IRS that actually prove The President paid more taxes than Obama, Clinton, and Bernie Sanders; But worst yet, nearly two years of a Willing Media Colluding with The Deep State in an Espionage Operation.

Maybe now, The President gets it. I think he was advised to "LET IT GO" and probably by Jeff Sessions. I personally would be pissed if this were the case, and he followed Session's advice only to realize that this is exactly what The Democrats Wanted, so that there would be No Obstacles to their Politics of Personal Destruction Propaganda Campaign.

I think The President should now, go on The Offensive and DEMAND THE DEEP STATE show WE THE PEOPLE any so called "EVIDENCE" that the DNC server was hacked. The Federal Government should share all THE EVIDENCE of phone calls, and text messages between SETH RICH and JULIAN ASSANGE & The testimonies of Comey's Immunized Cohorts should be UNSEALED, same with Lynch and her sealing The INVESTIGATION in to Hillary Clinton and The Clinton Foundation!

Assange should be pardoned and brought to THE US to testify before CONGRESS OPENLY, and it should be Televised. Assange's associate KimDotCom founder stated openly that he would testify as well that he actually helped Seth Rich with uploading The EMAILS. He needs to testify publicly to this. Lastly, Schultz, and her gang of Pakistani Hackers who not only were Foreign Nationals employed by THE DNC, but were DATA thieves that got caught stealing DATA from THE DNC, but they were taken with SCHULTZ to The HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN even after they were BANNED from THE DNC for this very act.

They need to be questioned openly and in a very Public way. Rice, Lynch, Comey, McCabe all need to be Subpoened and Grilled under Oath. If President Trump wants to Drain The Swamp, he needs to bring a Flame Thrower and Torch it too, so that nothing lives afterwards!
Last edited:
Trump was ranting about Hillary Clinton this morning you idiot.
So do you work for Putin?
North Korea?
The Deep State?
Some Leftist Rag of a Newspaper no one cares about?
Some Lefty Media Outlet?
Are you an Illegal Alien?
Or maybe some slimy lefty politician or sleazy attorney?

You can't be an American.
Although you could be a disgusting America Hating Liberal AND A TRAITOR TO YOUR COUNTRY.
His biggest mistake to date was one he made immediately. When he decided to be a gentleman and let Hillary Clinton fade in to history, it was a huge miscalculation, and an understandable one.

The Clintons at one time had a friendly relationship with President Trump. And I assume that as Trump did, that this was just politics, and things would return back to normal after his inauguration.

But this was The Clintons and Obama and Operation Resist Democracy was formed. If the Clintons had a son, he'd look just like Obama and Obama was a fine son indeed, learning at the feet of The King and Queen of Corruption. Politics isn't just a dirty game with the Clintons, and the Pupil they schooled on The Clinton Way.... Politics is warfare, where The Nuclear Option is always employed against your opponent, even if you have to commit War Crimes to use it. Obama not only learned his lessons well, he expanded upon them. He took political corruption to an art form.

President Trump's biggest mistake is still obstructing his vision and plan for America, and his taking a pass on not uprooting The Clinton Crime Machine, and The Obama Oligarchy by the Roots, burn it, stamp it out and exterminate it has cost him, despite his seeming to finally be turning the corner on this. He has a lot he wants to get done, so there is no time to waste. Obama and the Clintons worked for 8 years to populate The State Department, The FBI, CIA, DOJ, Federal Elections, IRS, VA, Department of Education with the most politically corrupt Marxists available. He should have immediately investigated the following people:

  • Schultz
  • Brazile
  • Clinton
  • Clapper
  • Brennan
  • McCabe
  • Comey
  • McCauliff
  • Koskinen
  • Lerner
  • Holder
  • Lynch
  • Rice
  • Powers
  • Abedine
  • Weiner
  • Blumenthal
  • Farkas
  • Obama
All of these people have committed real crimes, and there is real evidence of their crimes. These aren't some titilating Fake News stories regurgitated every day.....there were REAL Scandals....where Real People got hurt....and died....and lots of money exchanged hands. Let's hope these swamp creatures finally get put under the microscope like they should have been from the very start.

I think The President realized The Swamp was there, but I don't think he realized how much work Obama and Clinton and their core operatives put in to expanding it and entrenching it. The first thing he should have done was FIRE JAMES COMEY and then investigate him, Rice, Lynch for Obstruction of Justice, and Subpoena The DNC server, and reviewed and reopened all of the Scandals James Comey, McCabe, Holder, & Lynch all tried to sweep under the rug. He should have taken a long hard look at The Uranium One Deal and the $145 Million in Donations to The Clinton Foundation, and prosecuted The Clinton Foundation as it is a DeFacto Money Laundering Scheme for the sole purpose of selling Political Access to certain people.

And he should have opened an investigation in to Obama Bin Spying's illegal espionage operations, and John McCain's dealings with James Comey, Fusion GPS, and The Russian Sourced Fusion GPS Fake Dossier.

Everyone and anyone associated with The Corrupt Clintons, and The Chicago Crime Machine should have been under investigation. President Trump, instead of being a gentlemen, and a gracious winner, and letting bygones be bygones, should have went on The Offensive, and had he done that, we probably wouldn't have had 7 simultaneous investigations going on that have turned up Nothing & are costing the TAXPAYER Tens of Millions of Dollars, and climbing already, expected to top out at around $100 Million Dollars; 18 months of illegal surveillance that has turned up nothing; over 145 leaks from The Deep State that have really amounted to NOTHING; Illegal Unmasking that really has been about NOTHING; Leaked tax returns from THE IRS that actually prove The President paid more taxes than Obama, Clinton, and Bernie Sanders; But worst yet, nearly two years of a Willing Media Colluding with The Deep State in an Espionage Operation.

Maybe now, The President gets it. I think he was advised to "LET IT GO" and probably by Jeff Sessions. I personally would be pissed if this were the case, and he followed Session's advice only to realize that this is exactly what The Democrats Wanted, so that there would be No Obstacles to their Politics of Personal Destruction Propaganda Campaign.

I think The President should now, go on The Offensive and DEMAND THE DEEP STATE show WE THE PEOPLE any so called "EVIDENCE" that the DNC server was hacked. The Federal Government should share all THE EVIDENCE of phone calls, and text messages between SETH RICH and JULIAN ASSANGE & The testimonies of Comey's Immunized Cohorts should be UNSEALED, same with Lynch and her sealing The INVESTIGATION in to Hillary Clinton and The Clinton Foundation!

Assange should be pardoned and brought to THE US to testify before CONGRESS OPENLY, and it should be Televised. Assange's associate KimDotCom founder stated openly that he would testify as well that he actually helped Seth Rich with uploading The EMAILS. He needs to testify publicly to this. Lastly, Schultz, and her gang of Pakistani Hackers who not only were Foreign Nationals employed by THE DNC, but were DATA thieves that got caught stealing DATA from THE DNC, but they were taken with SCHULTZ to The HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN even after they were BANNED from THE DNC for this very act.

They need to be questioned openly and in a very Public way. Rice, Lynch, Comey, McCabe all need to be Subpoened and Grilled under Oath. If President Trump wants to Drain The Swamp, he needs to bring a Flame Thrower and Torch it too, so that nothing lives afterwards!
While you're sitting back and worrying about the Clintons, the bitch and mitch is ruining this country....get a fuckin life and shut the fuck up!!
His biggest mistake to date was one he made immediately. When he decided to be a gentleman and let Hillary Clinton fade in to history, it was a huge miscalculation, and an understandable one.

The Clintons at one time had a friendly relationship with President Trump. And I assume that as Trump did, that this was just politics, and things would return back to normal after his inauguration.

But this was The Clintons and Obama and Operation Resist Democracy was formed. If the Clintons had a son, he'd look just like Obama and Obama was a fine son indeed, learning at the feet of The King and Queen of Corruption. Politics isn't just a dirty game with the Clintons, and the Pupil they schooled on The Clinton Way.... Politics is warfare, where The Nuclear Option is always employed against your opponent, even if you have to commit War Crimes to use it. Obama not only learned his lessons well, he expanded upon them. He took political corruption to an art form.

President Trump's biggest mistake is still obstructing his vision and plan for America, and his taking a pass on not uprooting The Clinton Crime Machine, and The Obama Oligarchy by the Roots, burn it, stamp it out and exterminate it has cost him, despite his seeming to finally be turning the corner on this. He has a lot he wants to get done, so there is no time to waste. Obama and the Clintons worked for 8 years to populate The State Department, The FBI, CIA, DOJ, Federal Elections, IRS, VA, Department of Education with the most politically corrupt Marxists available. He should have immediately investigated the following people:

  • Schultz
  • Brazile
  • Clinton
  • Clapper
  • Brennan
  • McCabe
  • Comey
  • McCauliff
  • Koskinen
  • Lerner
  • Holder
  • Lynch
  • Rice
  • Powers
  • Abedine
  • Weiner
  • Blumenthal
  • Farkas
  • Obama
All of these people have committed real crimes, and there is real evidence of their crimes. These aren't some titilating Fake News stories regurgitated every day.....there were REAL Scandals....where Real People got hurt....and died....and lots of money exchanged hands. Let's hope these swamp creatures finally get put under the microscope like they should have been from the very start.

I think The President realized The Swamp was there, but I don't think he realized how much work Obama and Clinton and their core operatives put in to expanding it and entrenching it. The first thing he should have done was FIRE JAMES COMEY and then investigate him, Rice, Lynch for Obstruction of Justice, and Subpoena The DNC server, and reviewed and reopened all of the Scandals James Comey, McCabe, Holder, & Lynch all tried to sweep under the rug. He should have taken a long hard look at The Uranium One Deal and the $145 Million in Donations to The Clinton Foundation, and prosecuted The Clinton Foundation as it is a DeFacto Money Laundering Scheme for the sole purpose of selling Political Access to certain people.

And he should have opened an investigation in to Obama Bin Spying's illegal espionage operations, and John McCain's dealings with James Comey, Fusion GPS, and The Russian Sourced Fusion GPS Fake Dossier.

Everyone and anyone associated with The Corrupt Clintons, and The Chicago Crime Machine should have been under investigation. President Trump, instead of being a gentlemen, and a gracious winner, and letting bygones be bygones, should have went on The Offensive, and had he done that, we probably wouldn't have had 7 simultaneous investigations going on that have turned up Nothing & are costing the TAXPAYER Tens of Millions of Dollars, and climbing already, expected to top out at around $100 Million Dollars; 18 months of illegal surveillance that has turned up nothing; over 145 leaks from The Deep State that have really amounted to NOTHING; Illegal Unmasking that really has been about NOTHING; Leaked tax returns from THE IRS that actually prove The President paid more taxes than Obama, Clinton, and Bernie Sanders; But worst yet, nearly two years of a Willing Media Colluding with The Deep State in an Espionage Operation.

Maybe now, The President gets it. I think he was advised to "LET IT GO" and probably by Jeff Sessions. I personally would be pissed if this were the case, and he followed Session's advice only to realize that this is exactly what The Democrats Wanted, so that there would be No Obstacles to their Politics of Personal Destruction Propaganda Campaign.

I think The President should now, go on The Offensive and DEMAND THE DEEP STATE show WE THE PEOPLE any so called "EVIDENCE" that the DNC server was hacked. The Federal Government should share all THE EVIDENCE of phone calls, and text messages between SETH RICH and JULIAN ASSANGE & The testimonies of Comey's Immunized Cohorts should be UNSEALED, same with Lynch and her sealing The INVESTIGATION in to Hillary Clinton and The Clinton Foundation!

Assange should be pardoned and brought to THE US to testify before CONGRESS OPENLY, and it should be Televised. Assange's associate KimDotCom founder stated openly that he would testify as well that he actually helped Seth Rich with uploading The EMAILS. He needs to testify publicly to this. Lastly, Schultz, and her gang of Pakistani Hackers who not only were Foreign Nationals employed by THE DNC, but were DATA thieves that got caught stealing DATA from THE DNC, but they were taken with SCHULTZ to The HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN even after they were BANNED from THE DNC for this very act.

They need to be questioned openly and in a very Public way. Rice, Lynch, Comey, McCabe all need to be Subpoened and Grilled under Oath. If President Trump wants to Drain The Swamp, he needs to bring a Flame Thrower and Torch it too, so that nothing lives afterwards!
While you're sitting back and worrying about the Clintons, the bitch and mitch is ruining this country....get a fuckin life and shut the fuck up!!

So who do you work for? You have to have a motivation for defending Political Corruption on this scale. I wouldn't assume you are even an American. There isn't enough evidence to convict you of that.
His biggest mistake to date was one he made immediately. When he decided to be a gentleman and let Hillary Clinton fade in to history, it was a huge miscalculation, and an understandable one.

The Clintons at one time had a friendly relationship with President Trump. And I assume that as Trump did, that this was just politics, and things would return back to normal after his inauguration.

But this was The Clintons and Obama and Operation Resist Democracy was formed. If the Clintons had a son, he'd look just like Obama and Obama was a fine son indeed, learning at the feet of The King and Queen of Corruption. Politics isn't just a dirty game with the Clintons, and the Pupil they schooled on The Clinton Way.... Politics is warfare, where The Nuclear Option is always employed against your opponent, even if you have to commit War Crimes to use it. Obama not only learned his lessons well, he expanded upon them. He took political corruption to an art form.

President Trump's biggest mistake is still obstructing his vision and plan for America, and his taking a pass on not uprooting The Clinton Crime Machine, and The Obama Oligarchy by the Roots, burn it, stamp it out and exterminate it has cost him, despite his seeming to finally be turning the corner on this. He has a lot he wants to get done, so there is no time to waste. Obama and the Clintons worked for 8 years to populate The State Department, The FBI, CIA, DOJ, Federal Elections, IRS, VA, Department of Education with the most politically corrupt Marxists available. He should have immediately investigated the following people:

  • Schultz
  • Brazile
  • Clinton
  • Clapper
  • Brennan
  • McCabe
  • Comey
  • McCauliff
  • Koskinen
  • Lerner
  • Holder
  • Lynch
  • Rice
  • Powers
  • Abedine
  • Weiner
  • Blumenthal
  • Farkas
  • Obama
All of these people have committed real crimes, and there is real evidence of their crimes. These aren't some titilating Fake News stories regurgitated every day.....there were REAL Scandals....where Real People got hurt....and died....and lots of money exchanged hands. Let's hope these swamp creatures finally get put under the microscope like they should have been from the very start.

I think The President realized The Swamp was there, but I don't think he realized how much work Obama and Clinton and their core operatives put in to expanding it and entrenching it. The first thing he should have done was FIRE JAMES COMEY and then investigate him, Rice, Lynch for Obstruction of Justice, and Subpoena The DNC server, and reviewed and reopened all of the Scandals James Comey, McCabe, Holder, & Lynch all tried to sweep under the rug. He should have taken a long hard look at The Uranium One Deal and the $145 Million in Donations to The Clinton Foundation, and prosecuted The Clinton Foundation as it is a DeFacto Money Laundering Scheme for the sole purpose of selling Political Access to certain people.

And he should have opened an investigation in to Obama Bin Spying's illegal espionage operations, and John McCain's dealings with James Comey, Fusion GPS, and The Russian Sourced Fusion GPS Fake Dossier.

Everyone and anyone associated with The Corrupt Clintons, and The Chicago Crime Machine should have been under investigation. President Trump, instead of being a gentlemen, and a gracious winner, and letting bygones be bygones, should have went on The Offensive, and had he done that, we probably wouldn't have had 7 simultaneous investigations going on that have turned up Nothing & are costing the TAXPAYER Tens of Millions of Dollars, and climbing already, expected to top out at around $100 Million Dollars; 18 months of illegal surveillance that has turned up nothing; over 145 leaks from The Deep State that have really amounted to NOTHING; Illegal Unmasking that really has been about NOTHING; Leaked tax returns from THE IRS that actually prove The President paid more taxes than Obama, Clinton, and Bernie Sanders; But worst yet, nearly two years of a Willing Media Colluding with The Deep State in an Espionage Operation.

Maybe now, The President gets it. I think he was advised to "LET IT GO" and probably by Jeff Sessions. I personally would be pissed if this were the case, and he followed Session's advice only to realize that this is exactly what The Democrats Wanted, so that there would be No Obstacles to their Politics of Personal Destruction Propaganda Campaign.

I think The President should now, go on The Offensive and DEMAND THE DEEP STATE show WE THE PEOPLE any so called "EVIDENCE" that the DNC server was hacked. The Federal Government should share all THE EVIDENCE of phone calls, and text messages between SETH RICH and JULIAN ASSANGE & The testimonies of Comey's Immunized Cohorts should be UNSEALED, same with Lynch and her sealing The INVESTIGATION in to Hillary Clinton and The Clinton Foundation!

Assange should be pardoned and brought to THE US to testify before CONGRESS OPENLY, and it should be Televised. Assange's associate KimDotCom founder stated openly that he would testify as well that he actually helped Seth Rich with uploading The EMAILS. He needs to testify publicly to this. Lastly, Schultz, and her gang of Pakistani Hackers who not only were Foreign Nationals employed by THE DNC, but were DATA thieves that got caught stealing DATA from THE DNC, but they were taken with SCHULTZ to The HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN even after they were BANNED from THE DNC for this very act.

They need to be questioned openly and in a very Public way. Rice, Lynch, Comey, McCabe all need to be Subpoened and Grilled under Oath. If President Trump wants to Drain The Swamp, he needs to bring a Flame Thrower and Torch it too, so that nothing lives afterwards!
While you're sitting back and worrying about the Clintons, the bitch and mitch is ruining this country....get a fuckin life and shut the fuck up!!

So who do you work for? You have to have a motivation for defending Political Corruption on this scale. I wouldn't assume you are even an American. There isn't enough evidence to convict you of that.
Don't worry about who I work for.....we've got to get you a fuckin hobby!!
His biggest mistake to date was one he made immediately. When he decided to be a gentleman and let Hillary Clinton fade in to history, it was a huge miscalculation, and an understandable one.

The Clintons at one time had a friendly relationship with President Trump. And I assume that as Trump did, that this was just politics, and things would return back to normal after his inauguration.

But this was The Clintons and Obama and Operation Resist Democracy was formed. If the Clintons had a son, he'd look just like Obama and Obama was a fine son indeed, learning at the feet of The King and Queen of Corruption. Politics isn't just a dirty game with the Clintons, and the Pupil they schooled on The Clinton Way.... Politics is warfare, where The Nuclear Option is always employed against your opponent, even if you have to commit War Crimes to use it. Obama not only learned his lessons well, he expanded upon them. He took political corruption to an art form.

President Trump's biggest mistake is still obstructing his vision and plan for America, and his taking a pass on not uprooting The Clinton Crime Machine, and The Obama Oligarchy by the Roots, burn it, stamp it out and exterminate it has cost him, despite his seeming to finally be turning the corner on this. He has a lot he wants to get done, so there is no time to waste. Obama and the Clintons worked for 8 years to populate The State Department, The FBI, CIA, DOJ, Federal Elections, IRS, VA, Department of Education with the most politically corrupt Marxists available. He should have immediately investigated the following people:

  • Schultz
  • Brazile
  • Clinton
  • Clapper
  • Brennan
  • McCabe
  • Comey
  • McCauliff
  • Koskinen
  • Lerner
  • Holder
  • Lynch
  • Rice
  • Powers
  • Abedine
  • Weiner
  • Blumenthal
  • Farkas
  • Obama
All of these people have committed real crimes, and there is real evidence of their crimes. These aren't some titilating Fake News stories regurgitated every day.....there were REAL Scandals....where Real People got hurt....and died....and lots of money exchanged hands. Let's hope these swamp creatures finally get put under the microscope like they should have been from the very start.

I think The President realized The Swamp was there, but I don't think he realized how much work Obama and Clinton and their core operatives put in to expanding it and entrenching it. The first thing he should have done was FIRE JAMES COMEY and then investigate him, Rice, Lynch for Obstruction of Justice, and Subpoena The DNC server, and reviewed and reopened all of the Scandals James Comey, McCabe, Holder, & Lynch all tried to sweep under the rug. He should have taken a long hard look at The Uranium One Deal and the $145 Million in Donations to The Clinton Foundation, and prosecuted The Clinton Foundation as it is a DeFacto Money Laundering Scheme for the sole purpose of selling Political Access to certain people.

And he should have opened an investigation in to Obama Bin Spying's illegal espionage operations, and John McCain's dealings with James Comey, Fusion GPS, and The Russian Sourced Fusion GPS Fake Dossier.

Everyone and anyone associated with The Corrupt Clintons, and The Chicago Crime Machine should have been under investigation. President Trump, instead of being a gentlemen, and a gracious winner, and letting bygones be bygones, should have went on The Offensive, and had he done that, we probably wouldn't have had 7 simultaneous investigations going on that have turned up Nothing & are costing the TAXPAYER Tens of Millions of Dollars, and climbing already, expected to top out at around $100 Million Dollars; 18 months of illegal surveillance that has turned up nothing; over 145 leaks from The Deep State that have really amounted to NOTHING; Illegal Unmasking that really has been about NOTHING; Leaked tax returns from THE IRS that actually prove The President paid more taxes than Obama, Clinton, and Bernie Sanders; But worst yet, nearly two years of a Willing Media Colluding with The Deep State in an Espionage Operation.

Maybe now, The President gets it. I think he was advised to "LET IT GO" and probably by Jeff Sessions. I personally would be pissed if this were the case, and he followed Session's advice only to realize that this is exactly what The Democrats Wanted, so that there would be No Obstacles to their Politics of Personal Destruction Propaganda Campaign.

I think The President should now, go on The Offensive and DEMAND THE DEEP STATE show WE THE PEOPLE any so called "EVIDENCE" that the DNC server was hacked. The Federal Government should share all THE EVIDENCE of phone calls, and text messages between SETH RICH and JULIAN ASSANGE & The testimonies of Comey's Immunized Cohorts should be UNSEALED, same with Lynch and her sealing The INVESTIGATION in to Hillary Clinton and The Clinton Foundation!

Assange should be pardoned and brought to THE US to testify before CONGRESS OPENLY, and it should be Televised. Assange's associate KimDotCom founder stated openly that he would testify as well that he actually helped Seth Rich with uploading The EMAILS. He needs to testify publicly to this. Lastly, Schultz, and her gang of Pakistani Hackers who not only were Foreign Nationals employed by THE DNC, but were DATA thieves that got caught stealing DATA from THE DNC, but they were taken with SCHULTZ to The HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN even after they were BANNED from THE DNC for this very act.

They need to be questioned openly and in a very Public way. Rice, Lynch, Comey, McCabe all need to be Subpoened and Grilled under Oath. If President Trump wants to Drain The Swamp, he needs to bring a Flame Thrower and Torch it too, so that nothing lives afterwards!
While you're sitting back and worrying about the Clintons, the bitch and mitch is ruining this country....get a fuckin life and shut the fuck up!!

So who do you work for? You have to have a motivation for defending Political Corruption on this scale. I wouldn't assume you are even an American. There isn't enough evidence to convict you of that.
Don't worry about who I work for.....we've got to get you a fuckin hobby!!
There are some places even I won't go I won't go there,,,,lol
For 25+ years the Republican Party had spent over $100 million investigating and prosecuting the Clintons. So far they've had one charge - lying about a blow job. How much more money are you prepared to piss away on pointless investigations?

In the meantime, Trump is giving Putin everything he promised for helping him win.

The ONLY reason Trump is talking about Clinton now is to deflect from his treason. It's not working. Trump is coming unglued. The clock is ticking on this Presidency.
Trump was ranting about Hillary Clinton this morning you idiot.
So do you work for Putin?
North Korea?
The Deep State?
Some Leftist Rag of a Newspaper no one cares about?
Some Lefty Media Outlet?
Are you an Illegal Alien?
Or maybe some slimy lefty politician or sleazy attorney?

You can't be an American.
Although you could be a disgusting America Hating Liberal AND A TRAITOR TO YOUR COUNTRY.

That would be Trump, his family and members of his admin.
Trump was ranting about Hillary Clinton this morning you idiot.
So do you work for Putin?
North Korea?
The Deep State?
Some Leftist Rag of a Newspaper no one cares about?
Some Lefty Media Outlet?
Are you an Illegal Alien?
Or maybe some slimy lefty politician or sleazy attorney?

You can't be an American.
Although you could be a disgusting America Hating Liberal AND A TRAITOR TO YOUR COUNTRY.

That would be Trump, his family and members of his admin.
So why would a poster you say works for Trump, or his family or members of his admin, come here on USMB and attack someone like me and this post, which clearly is supportive of Trump draining The Swamp and Torching the Hell out of it?

You don't make any sense, but then again, you are a liberal!
For 25+ years the Republican Party had spent over $100 million investigating and prosecuting the Clintons. So far they've had one charge - lying about a blow job. How much more money are you prepared to piss away on pointless investigations?

In the meantime, Trump is giving Putin everything he promised for helping him win.

The ONLY reason Trump is talking about Clinton now is to deflect from his treason. It's not working. Trump is coming unglued. The clock is ticking on this Presidency.
That's why its imperative that the Clintons stay away from Washington and politics...all they do is provide fuel to conservatives; who need them in order to remain financially solvent among their mindless followers. Conservatives at this point have nothing to go on, but Trump...and that's something they will never venture to tackle until its safe...until then, Pelosi, Hillary and ACA is thier only money makers...poor bastards that they are!!
His biggest mistake to date was one he made immediately. When he decided to be a gentleman and let Hillary Clinton fade in to history, it was a huge miscalculation, and an understandable one.

The Clintons at one time had a friendly relationship with President Trump. And I assume that as Trump did, that this was just politics, and things would return back to normal after his inauguration.

But this was The Clintons and Obama and Operation Resist Democracy was formed. If the Clintons had a son, he'd look just like Obama and Obama was a fine son indeed, learning at the feet of The King and Queen of Corruption. Politics isn't just a dirty game with the Clintons, and the Pupil they schooled on The Clinton Way.... Politics is warfare, where The Nuclear Option is always employed against your opponent, even if you have to commit War Crimes to use it. Obama not only learned his lessons well, he expanded upon them. He took political corruption to an art form.

President Trump's biggest mistake is still obstructing his vision and plan for America, and his taking a pass on not uprooting The Clinton Crime Machine, and The Obama Oligarchy by the Roots, burn it, stamp it out and exterminate it has cost him, despite his seeming to finally be turning the corner on this. He has a lot he wants to get done, so there is no time to waste. Obama and the Clintons worked for 8 years to populate The State Department, The FBI, CIA, DOJ, Federal Elections, IRS, VA, Department of Education with the most politically corrupt Marxists available. He should have immediately investigated the following people:

  • Schultz
  • Brazile
  • Clinton
  • Clapper
  • Brennan
  • McCabe
  • Comey
  • McCauliff
  • Koskinen
  • Lerner
  • Holder
  • Lynch
  • Rice
  • Powers
  • Abedine
  • Weiner
  • Blumenthal
  • Farkas
  • Obama
All of these people have committed real crimes, and there is real evidence of their crimes. These aren't some titilating Fake News stories regurgitated every day.....there were REAL Scandals....where Real People got hurt....and died....and lots of money exchanged hands. Let's hope these swamp creatures finally get put under the microscope like they should have been from the very start.

I think The President realized The Swamp was there, but I don't think he realized how much work Obama and Clinton and their core operatives put in to expanding it and entrenching it. The first thing he should have done was FIRE JAMES COMEY and then investigate him, Rice, Lynch for Obstruction of Justice, and Subpoena The DNC server, and reviewed and reopened all of the Scandals James Comey, McCabe, Holder, & Lynch all tried to sweep under the rug. He should have taken a long hard look at The Uranium One Deal and the $145 Million in Donations to The Clinton Foundation, and prosecuted The Clinton Foundation as it is a DeFacto Money Laundering Scheme for the sole purpose of selling Political Access to certain people.

And he should have opened an investigation in to Obama Bin Spying's illegal espionage operations, and John McCain's dealings with James Comey, Fusion GPS, and The Russian Sourced Fusion GPS Fake Dossier.

Everyone and anyone associated with The Corrupt Clintons, and The Chicago Crime Machine should have been under investigation. President Trump, instead of being a gentlemen, and a gracious winner, and letting bygones be bygones, should have went on The Offensive, and had he done that, we probably wouldn't have had 7 simultaneous investigations going on that have turned up Nothing & are costing the TAXPAYER Tens of Millions of Dollars, and climbing already, expected to top out at around $100 Million Dollars; 18 months of illegal surveillance that has turned up nothing; over 145 leaks from The Deep State that have really amounted to NOTHING; Illegal Unmasking that really has been about NOTHING; Leaked tax returns from THE IRS that actually prove The President paid more taxes than Obama, Clinton, and Bernie Sanders; But worst yet, nearly two years of a Willing Media Colluding with The Deep State in an Espionage Operation.

Maybe now, The President gets it. I think he was advised to "LET IT GO" and probably by Jeff Sessions. I personally would be pissed if this were the case, and he followed Session's advice only to realize that this is exactly what The Democrats Wanted, so that there would be No Obstacles to their Politics of Personal Destruction Propaganda Campaign.

I think The President should now, go on The Offensive and DEMAND THE DEEP STATE show WE THE PEOPLE any so called "EVIDENCE" that the DNC server was hacked. The Federal Government should share all THE EVIDENCE of phone calls, and text messages between SETH RICH and JULIAN ASSANGE & The testimonies of Comey's Immunized Cohorts should be UNSEALED, same with Lynch and her sealing The INVESTIGATION in to Hillary Clinton and The Clinton Foundation!

Assange should be pardoned and brought to THE US to testify before CONGRESS OPENLY, and it should be Televised. Assange's associate KimDotCom founder stated openly that he would testify as well that he actually helped Seth Rich with uploading The EMAILS. He needs to testify publicly to this. Lastly, Schultz, and her gang of Pakistani Hackers who not only were Foreign Nationals employed by THE DNC, but were DATA thieves that got caught stealing DATA from THE DNC, but they were taken with SCHULTZ to The HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN even after they were BANNED from THE DNC for this very act.

They need to be questioned openly and in a very Public way. Rice, Lynch, Comey, McCabe all need to be Subpoened and Grilled under Oath. If President Trump wants to Drain The Swamp, he needs to bring a Flame Thrower and Torch it too, so that nothing lives afterwards!

Trump never let Hilary fade into history. He hasn't been able to stop talking about her since being elected. Agent Orange likes to bring up Hilary because it deflects off of his circus of an administration.
For 25+ years the Republican Party had spent over $100 million investigating and prosecuting the Clintons. So far they've had one charge - lying about a blow job. How much more money are you prepared to piss away on pointless investigations?

In the meantime, Trump is giving Putin everything he promised for helping him win.

The ONLY reason Trump is talking about Clinton now is to deflect from his treason. It's not working. Trump is coming unglued. The clock is ticking on this Presidency.
That's why its imperative that the Clintons stay away from Washington and politics...all they do is provide fuel to conservatives; who need them in order to remain financially solvent among their mindless followers. Conservatives at this point have nothing to go on, but Trump...and that's something they will never venture to tackle until its safe...until then, Pelosi, Hillary and ACA is thier only money makers...poor bastards that they are!!
I looked at your signature line, and it's very racist. Is that why you are angry at President Trump and America?

Are you an American citizen or just an Angry Liberal or Foreign National of some sort?

And The President has much more to work with than Hillary Clinton, or the ACA, or Obama Bin Lying.

The past 8 years have been rife with corruption, graft, fraud and waste. Cleaning that up alone will "Make America Great Again!" Don't you agree? A less expensive more efficient government is good for everyone regardless of what party you believe in or what ideology you adhere to.
His biggest mistake to date was one he made immediately. When he decided to be a gentleman and let Hillary Clinton fade in to history, it was a huge miscalculation, and an understandable one.

The Clintons at one time had a friendly relationship with President Trump. And I assume that as Trump did, that this was just politics, and things would return back to normal after his inauguration.

But this was The Clintons and Obama and Operation Resist Democracy was formed. If the Clintons had a son, he'd look just like Obama and Obama was a fine son indeed, learning at the feet of The King and Queen of Corruption. Politics isn't just a dirty game with the Clintons, and the Pupil they schooled on The Clinton Way.... Politics is warfare, where The Nuclear Option is always employed against your opponent, even if you have to commit War Crimes to use it. Obama not only learned his lessons well, he expanded upon them. He took political corruption to an art form.

President Trump's biggest mistake is still obstructing his vision and plan for America, and his taking a pass on not uprooting The Clinton Crime Machine, and The Obama Oligarchy by the Roots, burn it, stamp it out and exterminate it has cost him, despite his seeming to finally be turning the corner on this. He has a lot he wants to get done, so there is no time to waste. Obama and the Clintons worked for 8 years to populate The State Department, The FBI, CIA, DOJ, Federal Elections, IRS, VA, Department of Education with the most politically corrupt Marxists available. He should have immediately investigated the following people:

  • Schultz
  • Brazile
  • Clinton
  • Clapper
  • Brennan
  • McCabe
  • Comey
  • McCauliff
  • Koskinen
  • Lerner
  • Holder
  • Lynch
  • Rice
  • Powers
  • Abedine
  • Weiner
  • Blumenthal
  • Farkas
  • Obama
All of these people have committed real crimes, and there is real evidence of their crimes. These aren't some titilating Fake News stories regurgitated every day.....there were REAL Scandals....where Real People got hurt....and died....and lots of money exchanged hands. Let's hope these swamp creatures finally get put under the microscope like they should have been from the very start.

I think The President realized The Swamp was there, but I don't think he realized how much work Obama and Clinton and their core operatives put in to expanding it and entrenching it. The first thing he should have done was FIRE JAMES COMEY and then investigate him, Rice, Lynch for Obstruction of Justice, and Subpoena The DNC server, and reviewed and reopened all of the Scandals James Comey, McCabe, Holder, & Lynch all tried to sweep under the rug. He should have taken a long hard look at The Uranium One Deal and the $145 Million in Donations to The Clinton Foundation, and prosecuted The Clinton Foundation as it is a DeFacto Money Laundering Scheme for the sole purpose of selling Political Access to certain people.

And he should have opened an investigation in to Obama Bin Spying's illegal espionage operations, and John McCain's dealings with James Comey, Fusion GPS, and The Russian Sourced Fusion GPS Fake Dossier.

Everyone and anyone associated with The Corrupt Clintons, and The Chicago Crime Machine should have been under investigation. President Trump, instead of being a gentlemen, and a gracious winner, and letting bygones be bygones, should have went on The Offensive, and had he done that, we probably wouldn't have had 7 simultaneous investigations going on that have turned up Nothing & are costing the TAXPAYER Tens of Millions of Dollars, and climbing already, expected to top out at around $100 Million Dollars; 18 months of illegal surveillance that has turned up nothing; over 145 leaks from The Deep State that have really amounted to NOTHING; Illegal Unmasking that really has been about NOTHING; Leaked tax returns from THE IRS that actually prove The President paid more taxes than Obama, Clinton, and Bernie Sanders; But worst yet, nearly two years of a Willing Media Colluding with The Deep State in an Espionage Operation.

Maybe now, The President gets it. I think he was advised to "LET IT GO" and probably by Jeff Sessions. I personally would be pissed if this were the case, and he followed Session's advice only to realize that this is exactly what The Democrats Wanted, so that there would be No Obstacles to their Politics of Personal Destruction Propaganda Campaign.

I think The President should now, go on The Offensive and DEMAND THE DEEP STATE show WE THE PEOPLE any so called "EVIDENCE" that the DNC server was hacked. The Federal Government should share all THE EVIDENCE of phone calls, and text messages between SETH RICH and JULIAN ASSANGE & The testimonies of Comey's Immunized Cohorts should be UNSEALED, same with Lynch and her sealing The INVESTIGATION in to Hillary Clinton and The Clinton Foundation!

Assange should be pardoned and brought to THE US to testify before CONGRESS OPENLY, and it should be Televised. Assange's associate KimDotCom founder stated openly that he would testify as well that he actually helped Seth Rich with uploading The EMAILS. He needs to testify publicly to this. Lastly, Schultz, and her gang of Pakistani Hackers who not only were Foreign Nationals employed by THE DNC, but were DATA thieves that got caught stealing DATA from THE DNC, but they were taken with SCHULTZ to The HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN even after they were BANNED from THE DNC for this very act.

They need to be questioned openly and in a very Public way. Rice, Lynch, Comey, McCabe all need to be Subpoened and Grilled under Oath. If President Trump wants to Drain The Swamp, he needs to bring a Flame Thrower and Torch it too, so that nothing lives afterwards!

Trump never let Hilary fade into history. He hasn't been able to stop talking about her since being elected. Agent Orange likes to bring up Hilary because it deflects off of his circus of an administration.

He came out and publicly stated that he was willing to let things go. She then actively engaged in bashing him, undermining his campaign and then joining Operation Resist Democracy.

So he was well within his rights to return fire. She should have stayed Drunk, Stupid, and out of sight.
Trump was ranting about Hillary Clinton this morning you idiot.
And not JUST this morning His lying mouth has been spouting lies about Hill and Obama for many years and Tree is one sick puppy
I believe The President has been vindicated on every single thing he has ever said about Hillary Clinton. And a Liberal cannot tell the difference between a lie and the truth, because every word that comes out of their mouth is a lie. This election proves that more than ever!
His biggest mistake to date was one he made immediately. When he decided to be a gentleman and let Hillary Clinton fade in to history, it was a huge miscalculation, and an understandable one.

The Clintons at one time had a friendly relationship with President Trump. And I assume that as Trump did, that this was just politics, and things would return back to normal after his inauguration.

But this was The Clintons and Obama and Operation Resist Democracy was formed. If the Clintons had a son, he'd look just like Obama and Obama was a fine son indeed, learning at the feet of The King and Queen of Corruption. Politics isn't just a dirty game with the Clintons, and the Pupil they schooled on The Clinton Way.... Politics is warfare, where The Nuclear Option is always employed against your opponent, even if you have to commit War Crimes to use it. Obama not only learned his lessons well, he expanded upon them. He took political corruption to an art form.

President Trump's biggest mistake is still obstructing his vision and plan for America, and his taking a pass on not uprooting The Clinton Crime Machine, and The Obama Oligarchy by the Roots, burn it, stamp it out and exterminate it has cost him, despite his seeming to finally be turning the corner on this. He has a lot he wants to get done, so there is no time to waste. Obama and the Clintons worked for 8 years to populate The State Department, The FBI, CIA, DOJ, Federal Elections, IRS, VA, Department of Education with the most politically corrupt Marxists available. He should have immediately investigated the following people:

  • Schultz
  • Brazile
  • Clinton
  • Clapper
  • Brennan
  • McCabe
  • Comey
  • McCauliff
  • Koskinen
  • Lerner
  • Holder
  • Lynch
  • Rice
  • Powers
  • Abedine
  • Weiner
  • Blumenthal
  • Farkas
  • Obama
All of these people have committed real crimes, and there is real evidence of their crimes. These aren't some titilating Fake News stories regurgitated every day.....there were REAL Scandals....where Real People got hurt....and died....and lots of money exchanged hands. Let's hope these swamp creatures finally get put under the microscope like they should have been from the very start.

I think The President realized The Swamp was there, but I don't think he realized how much work Obama and Clinton and their core operatives put in to expanding it and entrenching it. The first thing he should have done was FIRE JAMES COMEY and then investigate him, Rice, Lynch for Obstruction of Justice, and Subpoena The DNC server, and reviewed and reopened all of the Scandals James Comey, McCabe, Holder, & Lynch all tried to sweep under the rug. He should have taken a long hard look at The Uranium One Deal and the $145 Million in Donations to The Clinton Foundation, and prosecuted The Clinton Foundation as it is a DeFacto Money Laundering Scheme for the sole purpose of selling Political Access to certain people.

And he should have opened an investigation in to Obama Bin Spying's illegal espionage operations, and John McCain's dealings with James Comey, Fusion GPS, and The Russian Sourced Fusion GPS Fake Dossier.

Everyone and anyone associated with The Corrupt Clintons, and The Chicago Crime Machine should have been under investigation. President Trump, instead of being a gentlemen, and a gracious winner, and letting bygones be bygones, should have went on The Offensive, and had he done that, we probably wouldn't have had 7 simultaneous investigations going on that have turned up Nothing & are costing the TAXPAYER Tens of Millions of Dollars, and climbing already, expected to top out at around $100 Million Dollars; 18 months of illegal surveillance that has turned up nothing; over 145 leaks from The Deep State that have really amounted to NOTHING; Illegal Unmasking that really has been about NOTHING; Leaked tax returns from THE IRS that actually prove The President paid more taxes than Obama, Clinton, and Bernie Sanders; But worst yet, nearly two years of a Willing Media Colluding with The Deep State in an Espionage Operation.

Maybe now, The President gets it. I think he was advised to "LET IT GO" and probably by Jeff Sessions. I personally would be pissed if this were the case, and he followed Session's advice only to realize that this is exactly what The Democrats Wanted, so that there would be No Obstacles to their Politics of Personal Destruction Propaganda Campaign.

I think The President should now, go on The Offensive and DEMAND THE DEEP STATE show WE THE PEOPLE any so called "EVIDENCE" that the DNC server was hacked. The Federal Government should share all THE EVIDENCE of phone calls, and text messages between SETH RICH and JULIAN ASSANGE & The testimonies of Comey's Immunized Cohorts should be UNSEALED, same with Lynch and her sealing The INVESTIGATION in to Hillary Clinton and The Clinton Foundation!

Assange should be pardoned and brought to THE US to testify before CONGRESS OPENLY, and it should be Televised. Assange's associate KimDotCom founder stated openly that he would testify as well that he actually helped Seth Rich with uploading The EMAILS. He needs to testify publicly to this. Lastly, Schultz, and her gang of Pakistani Hackers who not only were Foreign Nationals employed by THE DNC, but were DATA thieves that got caught stealing DATA from THE DNC, but they were taken with SCHULTZ to The HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN even after they were BANNED from THE DNC for this very act.

They need to be questioned openly and in a very Public way. Rice, Lynch, Comey, McCabe all need to be Subpoened and Grilled under Oath. If President Trump wants to Drain The Swamp, he needs to bring a Flame Thrower and Torch it too, so that nothing lives afterwards!

Trump never let Hilary fade into history. He hasn't been able to stop talking about her since being elected. Agent Orange likes to bring up Hilary because it deflects off of his circus of an administration.

He came out and publicly stated that he was willing to let things go. She then actively engaged in bashing him, undermining his campaign and then joining Operation Resist Democracy.

So he was well within his rights to return fire. She should have stayed Drunk, Stupid, and out of sight.

Trump never stopped talking about Hilary. He lied about letting it go. He needs Hilary as deflection.
Going after your opponent after you've won is real third world shit. The worst kind.
His biggest mistake to date was one he made immediately. When he decided to be a gentleman and let Hillary Clinton fade in to history, it was a huge miscalculation, and an understandable one.

The Clintons at one time had a friendly relationship with President Trump. And I assume that as Trump did, that this was just politics, and things would return back to normal after his inauguration.

But this was The Clintons and Obama and Operation Resist Democracy was formed. If the Clintons had a son, he'd look just like Obama and Obama was a fine son indeed, learning at the feet of The King and Queen of Corruption. Politics isn't just a dirty game with the Clintons, and the Pupil they schooled on The Clinton Way.... Politics is warfare, where The Nuclear Option is always employed against your opponent, even if you have to commit War Crimes to use it. Obama not only learned his lessons well, he expanded upon them. He took political corruption to an art form.

President Trump's biggest mistake is still obstructing his vision and plan for America, and his taking a pass on not uprooting The Clinton Crime Machine, and The Obama Oligarchy by the Roots, burn it, stamp it out and exterminate it has cost him, despite his seeming to finally be turning the corner on this. He has a lot he wants to get done, so there is no time to waste. Obama and the Clintons worked for 8 years to populate The State Department, The FBI, CIA, DOJ, Federal Elections, IRS, VA, Department of Education with the most politically corrupt Marxists available. He should have immediately investigated the following people:

  • Schultz
  • Brazile
  • Clinton
  • Clapper
  • Brennan
  • McCabe
  • Comey
  • McCauliff
  • Koskinen
  • Lerner
  • Holder
  • Lynch
  • Rice
  • Powers
  • Abedine
  • Weiner
  • Blumenthal
  • Farkas
  • Obama
All of these people have committed real crimes, and there is real evidence of their crimes. These aren't some titilating Fake News stories regurgitated every day.....there were REAL Scandals....where Real People got hurt....and died....and lots of money exchanged hands. Let's hope these swamp creatures finally get put under the microscope like they should have been from the very start.

I think The President realized The Swamp was there, but I don't think he realized how much work Obama and Clinton and their core operatives put in to expanding it and entrenching it. The first thing he should have done was FIRE JAMES COMEY and then investigate him, Rice, Lynch for Obstruction of Justice, and Subpoena The DNC server, and reviewed and reopened all of the Scandals James Comey, McCabe, Holder, & Lynch all tried to sweep under the rug. He should have taken a long hard look at The Uranium One Deal and the $145 Million in Donations to The Clinton Foundation, and prosecuted The Clinton Foundation as it is a DeFacto Money Laundering Scheme for the sole purpose of selling Political Access to certain people.

And he should have opened an investigation in to Obama Bin Spying's illegal espionage operations, and John McCain's dealings with James Comey, Fusion GPS, and The Russian Sourced Fusion GPS Fake Dossier.

Everyone and anyone associated with The Corrupt Clintons, and The Chicago Crime Machine should have been under investigation. President Trump, instead of being a gentlemen, and a gracious winner, and letting bygones be bygones, should have went on The Offensive, and had he done that, we probably wouldn't have had 7 simultaneous investigations going on that have turned up Nothing & are costing the TAXPAYER Tens of Millions of Dollars, and climbing already, expected to top out at around $100 Million Dollars; 18 months of illegal surveillance that has turned up nothing; over 145 leaks from The Deep State that have really amounted to NOTHING; Illegal Unmasking that really has been about NOTHING; Leaked tax returns from THE IRS that actually prove The President paid more taxes than Obama, Clinton, and Bernie Sanders; But worst yet, nearly two years of a Willing Media Colluding with The Deep State in an Espionage Operation.

Maybe now, The President gets it. I think he was advised to "LET IT GO" and probably by Jeff Sessions. I personally would be pissed if this were the case, and he followed Session's advice only to realize that this is exactly what The Democrats Wanted, so that there would be No Obstacles to their Politics of Personal Destruction Propaganda Campaign.

I think The President should now, go on The Offensive and DEMAND THE DEEP STATE show WE THE PEOPLE any so called "EVIDENCE" that the DNC server was hacked. The Federal Government should share all THE EVIDENCE of phone calls, and text messages between SETH RICH and JULIAN ASSANGE & The testimonies of Comey's Immunized Cohorts should be UNSEALED, same with Lynch and her sealing The INVESTIGATION in to Hillary Clinton and The Clinton Foundation!

Assange should be pardoned and brought to THE US to testify before CONGRESS OPENLY, and it should be Televised. Assange's associate KimDotCom founder stated openly that he would testify as well that he actually helped Seth Rich with uploading The EMAILS. He needs to testify publicly to this. Lastly, Schultz, and her gang of Pakistani Hackers who not only were Foreign Nationals employed by THE DNC, but were DATA thieves that got caught stealing DATA from THE DNC, but they were taken with SCHULTZ to The HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN even after they were BANNED from THE DNC for this very act.

They need to be questioned openly and in a very Public way. Rice, Lynch, Comey, McCabe all need to be Subpoened and Grilled under Oath. If President Trump wants to Drain The Swamp, he needs to bring a Flame Thrower and Torch it too, so that nothing lives afterwards!

Trump never let Hilary fade into history. He hasn't been able to stop talking about her since being elected. Agent Orange likes to bring up Hilary because it deflects off of his circus of an administration.

He came out and publicly stated that he was willing to let things go. She then actively engaged in bashing him, undermining his campaign and then joining Operation Resist Democracy.

So he was well within his rights to return fire. She should have stayed Drunk, Stupid, and out of sight.

Trump never stopped talking about Hilary. He lied about letting it go. He needs Hilary as deflection.

You view is clouded by your zealous ideology and partisanship.

he President made a public statement that he was going to "let this go" but The Democrats, The Radical Jihadist Left, Obama, & Clinton did not graciously accept the offer and doubled their immoral offensive.

They launched a Soft Coup instead. The kind of thing you see in 3rd world countries. But what would you expect from a party that has embraced Marxism?

Operation RESIST DEMOCRACY is Proof of that, as are the nauseating repetitive attacks by Pelosi, Schummer, Waters, Reid, and Schiff.

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