Finally! Senator Asks DOJ About Democrats’ Work With Ukraine To Smear Trump Campaign


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Whoooooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! My hero on the hill. G g g g gooooo Grassley!

Here's where there was true collusion. This is going to get hot. The AG Deputy should have been on this. It's been out there since January and no one moved on it.

"The Senate Judiciary Committee is questioning whether the Democratic National Committee violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) by working with Ukrainian government officials to undermine Donald Trump’s presidential campaign last year.

In a letter sent to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley pointed to a report published by Politico in January laying out DNC official Alexandra Chalupa’s collaboration with Ukrainian politicians to compile research on Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman.

Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American activist who is no longer affiliated with the DNC, was paid $70,000 as a consultant for the party during the 2016 presidential cycle. She was paid $412,000 between 2004 and last year.

Republicans have recently latched onto the Politico expose as evidence of a double standard in the reporting about the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian attorney who allegedly promised to provide opposition research on Hillary Clinton."

Senator Asks DOJ About Democrats’ Work With Ukraine To Smear Trump Campaign
Whoooooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! My hero on the hill. G g g g gooooo Grassley!

Here's where there was true collusion. This is going to get hot. The AG Deputy should have been on this. It's been out there since January and no one moved on it.

"The Senate Judiciary Committee is questioning whether the Democratic National Committee violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) by working with Ukrainian government officials to undermine Donald Trump’s presidential campaign last year.

In a letter sent to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley pointed to a report published by Politico in January laying out DNC official Alexandra Chalupa’s collaboration with Ukrainian politicians to compile research on Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman.

Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American activist who is no longer affiliated with the DNC, was paid $70,000 as a consultant for the party during the 2016 presidential cycle. She was paid $412,000 between 2004 and last year.

Republicans have recently latched onto the Politico expose as evidence of a double standard in the reporting about the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian attorney who allegedly promised to provide opposition research on Hillary Clinton."

Senator Asks DOJ About Democrats’ Work With Ukraine To Smear Trump Campaign
Great. If Dems were up to bullshit, too, it ought to stop.
Whoooooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! My hero on the hill. G g g g gooooo Grassley!

Here's where there was true collusion. This is going to get hot. The AG Deputy should have been on this. It's been out there since January and no one moved on it.

"The Senate Judiciary Committee is questioning whether the Democratic National Committee violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) by working with Ukrainian government officials to undermine Donald Trump’s presidential campaign last year.

In a letter sent to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley pointed to a report published by Politico in January laying out DNC official Alexandra Chalupa’s collaboration with Ukrainian politicians to compile research on Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman.

Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American activist who is no longer affiliated with the DNC, was paid $70,000 as a consultant for the party during the 2016 presidential cycle. She was paid $412,000 between 2004 and last year.

Republicans have recently latched onto the Politico expose as evidence of a double standard in the reporting about the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian attorney who allegedly promised to provide opposition research on Hillary Clinton."

Senator Asks DOJ About Democrats’ Work With Ukraine To Smear Trump Campaign
Great. If Dems were up to bullshit, too, it ought to stop.

Now I understand why certain countries would want a specific outcome of an election, but this is really starting to get into a zone I'm not comfortable with at all. And we in the west are guilty as hell of "election meddling". Heck we overthrow governments.

Regime change. Removing "brutal dictators" for a new and improved "brutal dictator". Ask any Egyptian, Libyan or Syrian how they feel about the west's "meddling".

I don't know how you stop it. But I sure as hell don't like it.
Whoooooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! My hero on the hill. G g g g gooooo Grassley!

Here's where there was true collusion. This is going to get hot. The AG Deputy should have been on this. It's been out there since January and no one moved on it.

"The Senate Judiciary Committee is questioning whether the Democratic National Committee violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) by working with Ukrainian government officials to undermine Donald Trump’s presidential campaign last year.

In a letter sent to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley pointed to a report published by Politico in January laying out DNC official Alexandra Chalupa’s collaboration with Ukrainian politicians to compile research on Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman.

Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American activist who is no longer affiliated with the DNC, was paid $70,000 as a consultant for the party during the 2016 presidential cycle. She was paid $412,000 between 2004 and last year.

Republicans have recently latched onto the Politico expose as evidence of a double standard in the reporting about the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian attorney who allegedly promised to provide opposition research on Hillary Clinton."

Senator Asks DOJ About Democrats’ Work With Ukraine To Smear Trump Campaign

They also need to look in to the Pakistani Hackers The DNC hired and gave SUPER USER access to their systems, and who got busted stealing data and were fired and banned from THE DNC.

But it gets better. When Schultz was fired as DNC head for Ethical Violations (Election Crimes), Clinton hired her at The Clinton Campaign and Schultz brought her Pakistani Hackers with her.

That needs to be a Public Hearing on all it's own, including letting America see what was on THE DNC Server.
That is very good news. I just hope it won't be swept under the rug.

So far we've seen "investigations" based on nothing but ZERO investigations of real crooks and their real crimes. It's time.
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Whoooooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! My hero on the hill. G g g g gooooo Grassley!

Here's where there was true collusion. This is going to get hot. The AG Deputy should have been on this. It's been out there since January and no one moved on it.

"The Senate Judiciary Committee is questioning whether the Democratic National Committee violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) by working with Ukrainian government officials to undermine Donald Trump’s presidential campaign last year.

In a letter sent to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley pointed to a report published by Politico in January laying out DNC official Alexandra Chalupa’s collaboration with Ukrainian politicians to compile research on Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman.

Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American activist who is no longer affiliated with the DNC, was paid $70,000 as a consultant for the party during the 2016 presidential cycle. She was paid $412,000 between 2004 and last year.

Republicans have recently latched onto the Politico expose as evidence of a double standard in the reporting about the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian attorney who allegedly promised to provide opposition research on Hillary Clinton."

Senator Asks DOJ About Democrats’ Work With Ukraine To Smear Trump Campaign
Great. If Dems were up to bullshit, too, it ought to stop.

Now I understand why certain countries would want a specific outcome of an election, but this is really starting to get into a zone I'm not comfortable with at all. And we in the west are guilty as hell of "election meddling". Heck we overthrow governments.

Regime change. Removing "brutal dictators" for a new and improved "brutal dictator". Ask any Egyptian, Libyan or Syrian how they feel about the west's "meddling".

I don't know how you stop it. But I sure as hell don't like it.
Implement VOTER ID like all the other Democracies in THE World Do.

  • Viciously Prosecute people like The Clintons with a Zero Tolerance Policy.
  • Implement President Trump's Initiative to ban Government Employees from working as lobbyists for 5 years after they leave their office or their position.
  • Ban Foreign Donations to all PACs, or Charities Associated with a Candidate.
  • Make Influence Peddling and leaking of Classified Information an Offense with MANDATORY LIFE SENTENCES.
  • Make unauthorized unmasking, and wire tapping a mandatory sentence of 20 years in prison.
  • Make it a crime punishable by 10 years in prison if a Media Outlet publishes or broadcasts classified information.

That would clean a lot of this stuff up.
Whoooooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! My hero on the hill. G g g g gooooo Grassley!

Here's where there was true collusion. This is going to get hot. The AG Deputy should have been on this. It's been out there since January and no one moved on it.

"The Senate Judiciary Committee is questioning whether the Democratic National Committee violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) by working with Ukrainian government officials to undermine Donald Trump’s presidential campaign last year.

In a letter sent to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley pointed to a report published by Politico in January laying out DNC official Alexandra Chalupa’s collaboration with Ukrainian politicians to compile research on Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman.

Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American activist who is no longer affiliated with the DNC, was paid $70,000 as a consultant for the party during the 2016 presidential cycle. She was paid $412,000 between 2004 and last year.

Republicans have recently latched onto the Politico expose as evidence of a double standard in the reporting about the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian attorney who allegedly promised to provide opposition research on Hillary Clinton."

Senator Asks DOJ About Democrats’ Work With Ukraine To Smear Trump Campaign
Damn them for noting Trump's campaign manager was Putin's bagman. Damn them to hell. LOL
Whoooooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! My hero on the hill. G g g g gooooo Grassley!

Here's where there was true collusion. This is going to get hot. The AG Deputy should have been on this. It's been out there since January and no one moved on it.

"The Senate Judiciary Committee is questioning whether the Democratic National Committee violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) by working with Ukrainian government officials to undermine Donald Trump’s presidential campaign last year.

In a letter sent to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley pointed to a report published by Politico in January laying out DNC official Alexandra Chalupa’s collaboration with Ukrainian politicians to compile research on Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman.

Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American activist who is no longer affiliated with the DNC, was paid $70,000 as a consultant for the party during the 2016 presidential cycle. She was paid $412,000 between 2004 and last year.

Republicans have recently latched onto the Politico expose as evidence of a double standard in the reporting about the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian attorney who allegedly promised to provide opposition research on Hillary Clinton."

Senator Asks DOJ About Democrats’ Work With Ukraine To Smear Trump Campaign
Damn them for noting Trump's campaign manager was Putin's bagman. Damn them to hell. LOL

Putin's bagman? Put down the fucking bong. That's sheer idiocy.
then we can ask the DOJ why the IRS will come after Americans if they owe about 500.00, yet no one wants to investigate the Clintons and how/where all their money came/is coming from!:iagree:
Whoooooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! My hero on the hill. G g g g gooooo Grassley!

Here's where there was true collusion. This is going to get hot. The AG Deputy should have been on this. It's been out there since January and no one moved on it.

"The Senate Judiciary Committee is questioning whether the Democratic National Committee violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) by working with Ukrainian government officials to undermine Donald Trump’s presidential campaign last year.

In a letter sent to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley pointed to a report published by Politico in January laying out DNC official Alexandra Chalupa’s collaboration with Ukrainian politicians to compile research on Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman.

Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American activist who is no longer affiliated with the DNC, was paid $70,000 as a consultant for the party during the 2016 presidential cycle. She was paid $412,000 between 2004 and last year.

Republicans have recently latched onto the Politico expose as evidence of a double standard in the reporting about the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian attorney who allegedly promised to provide opposition research on Hillary Clinton."

Senator Asks DOJ About Democrats’ Work With Ukraine To Smear Trump Campaign
Great. If Dems were up to bullshit, too, it ought to stop.


then we can ask the DOJ why the IRS will come after Americans if they owe about 500.00, yet no one wants to investigate the Clintons and how/where all their money came/is coming from!:iagree:
how about Maxine Waters? four million dollar mansion on a public servant salary? oops.
Whoooooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! My hero on the hill. G g g g gooooo Grassley!

Here's where there was true collusion. This is going to get hot. The AG Deputy should have been on this. It's been out there since January and no one moved on it.

"The Senate Judiciary Committee is questioning whether the Democratic National Committee violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) by working with Ukrainian government officials to undermine Donald Trump’s presidential campaign last year.

In a letter sent to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley pointed to a report published by Politico in January laying out DNC official Alexandra Chalupa’s collaboration with Ukrainian politicians to compile research on Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman.

Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American activist who is no longer affiliated with the DNC, was paid $70,000 as a consultant for the party during the 2016 presidential cycle. She was paid $412,000 between 2004 and last year.

Republicans have recently latched onto the Politico expose as evidence of a double standard in the reporting about the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian attorney who allegedly promised to provide opposition research on Hillary Clinton."

Senator Asks DOJ About Democrats’ Work With Ukraine To Smear Trump Campaign
Great. If Dems were up to bullshit, too, it ought to stop.


exactly, Chalupa already admitted it.
then we can ask the DOJ why the IRS will come after Americans if they owe about 500.00, yet no one wants to investigate the Clintons and how/where all their money came/is coming from!:iagree:
how about Maxine Waters? four million dollar mansion on a public servant salary? oops.

Nice to see Tucker declare war on her.
maybe maxine has that 6000.00 epson printer that actually prints out legal 100 dollar bills? thats how she bought her home?
then we can ask the DOJ why the IRS will come after Americans if they owe about 500.00, yet no one wants to investigate the Clintons and how/where all their money came/is coming from!:iagree:
how about Maxine Waters? four million dollar mansion on a public servant salary? oops.

Nice to see Tucker declare war on her.
funny she can dish it out eh? But she certainly can't take it. My mother always told me if you can't handle repercussions, then keep my mouth shut. she is definitely far from keeping her trap shut.
then we can ask the DOJ why the IRS will come after Americans if they owe about 500.00, yet no one wants to investigate the Clintons and how/where all their money came/is coming from!:iagree:
how about Maxine Waters? four million dollar mansion on a public servant salary? oops.

Nice to see Tucker declare war on her.
funny she can dish it out eh? But she certainly can't take it. My mother always told me if you can't handle repercussions, then keep my mouth shut. she is definitely far from keeping her trap shut.
i wonder what kind of glue is used to keep her wigs stuck to her balding head
then we can ask the DOJ why the IRS will come after Americans if they owe about 500.00, yet no one wants to investigate the Clintons and how/where all their money came/is coming from!:iagree:
how about Maxine Waters? four million dollar mansion on a public servant salary? oops.

Nice to see Tucker declare war on her.
funny she can dish it out eh? But she certainly can't take it. My mother always told me if you can't handle repercussions, then keep my mouth shut. she is definitely far from keeping her trap shut.
i wonder what kind of glue is used to keep her wigs stuck to her balding head
gorilla glue?

then we can ask the DOJ why the IRS will come after Americans if they owe about 500.00, yet no one wants to investigate the Clintons and how/where all their money came/is coming from!:iagree:
how about Maxine Waters? four million dollar mansion on a public servant salary? oops.

Nice to see Tucker declare war on her.
funny she can dish it out eh? But she certainly can't take it. My mother always told me if you can't handle repercussions, then keep my mouth shut. she is definitely far from keeping her trap shut.
i wonder what kind of glue is used to keep her wigs stuck to her balding head
gorilla glue?

View attachment 140445
or "Creature From The Black Lagoon" Glue

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