President Trump will be the first President in history to attend the March for Life

Increased use of birth control is what is needed and what society is clamoring for. Alot less pregnancies means alot less abortions. It's a win win. As more and more young married couples choose not to have children abortion rates will fall. Another win win.
Anyone in charge of dropping bombs on innocent kids is a major hypocrite for attending anything like this.
Maybe Trump can tell them how many women he forced to have abortions
Great work Trump. I can't stand pro-death democrats regardless what stance one has on abortion.

Think about Trump directing a 2A rally. Difficult keeping in the baby juice thinking about it...
Trump supposed paid eight women to have abortions. Trump speaking at a right to life rally is like having Jeffrey Epstein speaking at a take your daughters to work rally.
Trump supposed paid eight women to have abortions. Trump speaking at a right to life rally is like having Jeffrey Epstein speaking at a take your daughters to work rally.

Supposing it is "true"(even though you offer no proof), so what? People can be redeemed and repent of their sins. Ever here of this character, Paul, in the Bible? How about in more recent times, President Duterte of the Philippine Republic? The distinguished President reports that he is a reformed homo, used to be as queer as a $3 bill before turning from his sins.
Not surprising. You all want to grab women by the pussy, the only difference is that you want to do it with the law. Yep.

Yep, they represent you. Lol
I would be honored to vote for Donald J. Trump again.

The Dem candidates are all so ghastly.

But I disagree with his kowtowing to the pro-life elements.

We do not need more and more human beings in this world, and especially not all the bad ones that are being born every day.
Like this guy gives two shits about abortion.


I think President Trump cares a lot about the Pro-Life movement and the abortion rackets. Otherwise, he wouldn't be at the big event bringing them new levels of visibility. Traditionally, the Main Stream Media ignores the annual rally for Life itself.
The guy who supposed paid 8 women to have abortions is leading a right to life rally. LOL What Next? Jerry Falwell, Jr leading a gay pride parade.
The guy who supposed paid 8 women to have abortions is leading a right to life rally. LOL What Next? Jerry Falwell, Jr leading a gay pride parade.

Do you have any proof of your allegations against your President? Or against the distinguished President of one of our nation's greatest universities?
How many women has Trump forced to have an abortion?

Who says there were any?
Let’s see

Millionaire playboy on the prowl banging starlets, beauty queens and everyday whores and none of them managed to get pregnant either by accident or on purpose?

Not a lot of illegitimate Trump offspring running around. Trump must have had himself lawyers, doctors and accountants to get them abortions and pay for their silence.

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