President Trump Signs Three Executive Orders on Federal Employees


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I’ve seen a number of articles on this, but this one has about the clearest explanations I’ve read so far. Here they are:

The first executive order aims to strengthen accountability for federal employees and makes it easier to fire poor performers in the federal government.

The second executive order creates a federal labor relations working group to analyze union contracts with the federal government. It also makes it harder to pay federal unions to appeal firings and to lobby Congress.

The third executive order, focused on federal unions, is aimed at reducing waste and expenditures and requires federal employees to spend at least 75 percent of their time working on the job they were hired to do, as opposed to working on federal union work. It will also allow the federal government to start charging unions for office space in federal buildings.

From Grim's Hall: Progress

Union leaders upset over Trump executive orders to weed out under-performing federal employees
I bet this is aimed mostly at employees that help the poor and workers that don't make enough money to even fucking eat.

I bet this also effects our troops negatively. Must be proud to fuck over the working man and the man defending your rights.
I bet this is aimed mostly at employees that help the poor and workers that don't make enough money to even fucking eat.

I bet this also effects our troops negatively. Must be proud to fuck over the working man and the man defending your rights.

Would you care to expound on your theory?
Like a fucken link maybe!!!
shouldnt encourage her...
I bet this is aimed mostly at employees that help the poor and workers that don't make enough money to even fucking eat.

I bet this also effects our troops negatively. Must be proud to fuck over the working man and the man defending your rights.
Burns your butt when our President forces the employees of taxpayers to be accountable, huh.
I bet this is aimed mostly at employees that help the poor and workers that don't make enough money to even fucking eat.

I bet this also effects our troops negatively. Must be proud to fuck over the working man and the man defending your rights.
when my friends in the military get upset im in. til then you are just making assumptions to suit your anger.
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I bet this is aimed mostly at employees that help the poor and workers that don't make enough money to even fucking eat.

I bet this also effects our troops negatively. Must be proud to fuck over the working man and the man defending your rights.
when my friends in the military get upset im in. til then you are just makibg assumptions to suit your anger.

Military personnel are far too busy cheering and applauding him.
I bet this is aimed mostly at employees that help the poor and workers that don't make enough money to even fucking eat.

I bet this also effects our troops negatively. Must be proud to fuck over the working man and the man defending your rights.
when my friends in the military get upset im in. til then you are just makibg assumptions to suit your anger.

Military personnel are far too busy cheering and applauding him.
well then she would be full of shit then and tryinf to use "the military" to influence others opinions.
Gop War against the working man .

Horse Shit.

He didn't go far enough. There were two things he didn't do.

#1- Tell those Unions of Fed employees that the govt would no longer
withhold union dues from paychecks and forward to the unions. Let the
employees pay the unions their dues. (Once the employees saw all that
extra money on their paychecks and see that nothing happens to their
employment because they are not paying...public sector unions are finished)

#2- End any type of affirmative action. It's time we started hiring based on
qualifications and work history instead of dumbass minorities. With
efficient, intelligent workers, we could get by on half the number of current
employees within the government.
99.99 percent of union workers aren't active union members as like most they are too busy working in this god awful rat race to worry about the union.
Dehumanizing them as bad people is both ignorant and anti American. They are trying to eek out a living like the rest of the people. The same people that criticize some middlle class worker while licking the boots of some sleezeball corporate master are uninformed.
I bet this is aimed mostly at employees that help the poor and workers that don't make enough money to even fucking eat.

I bet this also effects our troops negatively. Must be proud to fuck over the working man and the man defending your rights.
The Military doesn't have unions you loon.
99.99 percent of union workers aren't active union members as like most they are too busy working in this god awful rat race to worry about the union.
Dehumanizing them as bad people is both ignorant and anti American. They are trying to eek out a living like the rest of the people. The same people that criticize some middlle class worker while licking the boots of some sleezeball corporate master are uninformed.
But 100 percent of union workers have zero control over how their "political contributions" are spent.
I bet this is aimed mostly at employees that help the poor and workers that don't make enough money to even fucking eat.

I bet this also effects our troops negatively. Must be proud to fuck over the working man and the man defending your rights.
The Military doesn't have unions you loon.

After they retire from the military,,,Nursing home, mental health help, etc. Not that you give a shit.
I bet this is aimed mostly at employees that help the poor and workers that don't make enough money to even fucking eat.

I bet this also effects our troops negatively. Must be proud to fuck over the working man and the man defending your rights.
The Military doesn't have unions you loon.

After they retire from the military,,,Nursing home, mental health help, etc. Not that you give a shit.
I care very much for Veterns, I am one. I'm going to take a guess and say your not and never had to rely on Government services for health care. The people who work at these places are mostly Union members and it is not easy getting rid of the worthless ones ,that's when Vets suffer.
Finally, we have a president who is trying to cut government waste and ease the burden of the average tax payer. ..... :thup:

Please . Cons see working class blue/white collar Americans who make a living wage and have benefits. So they want to destroy them .
I bet this is aimed mostly at employees that help the poor and workers that don't make enough money to even fucking eat.

I bet this also effects our troops negatively. Must be proud to fuck over the working man and the man defending your rights.
when my friends in the military get upset im in. til then you are just makibg assumptions to suit your anger.

Military personnel are far too busy cheering and applauding him.

Yeah , cause commander bone spur is their boss and they have too.
I bet this is aimed mostly at employees that help the poor and workers that don't make enough money to even fucking eat.

I bet this also effects our troops negatively. Must be proud to fuck over the working man and the man defending your rights.
Thanks for proving yourself a putz, something that will save tax payers money and you're against it only because Trump did it.

This is you, so sad.

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