President Trump shrinks from another fight with China


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2018
  • 'President Trump's reversal on punishing Chinese telecom giant ZTE fits his pattern: Facing powerful adversaries, the tough-talking president usually shrinks from a fight.
  • The administration team he recently sent to Beijing to demand trade concessions from China came back empty.
  • China, from which Trump simultaneously seeks help in nuclear negotiations with North Korea, demanded that he back off on ZTE. So Trump backed off.
Strange as it sounded, Donald Trump's reversal on punishing a Chinese telecommunications giant fits his pattern: Facing powerful adversaries, the tough-talking president usually shrinks from a fight.

Republicans and Democrats alike slammed Trump's sudden declaration that stiff U.S. sanctions for Shenzhen-based ZTE meant "too many jobs in China lost." Not only had ZTE defied strictures against commerce with Iran and North Korea, U.S. intelligence officials warned that its devices could be instruments of Chinese espionage.'

President Trump shrinks from another fight with China

Wall Street types have known this about Trump from the beginning...he is a wimp. A flip-flopping, faux-bullying, spineless, all-bark-and-little-bite wimp.

On the campaign trail, he (rightly) condemned the U-3 and the Fed. Once in office...he clutches them to his ample fatty/man-bra-needing bosom.

He is backing off tariffs (thank goodness - what a moronic idea they are), healthcare reform, America First (now we're in Afghanistan forever) and on and on.

Sure, he got the tax 'reform' through...because that matters personally to him - he directly profits from it (despite his lies that he says he won't).
But anything that does not directly benefit him...he is a wimp on.

He is weak...and Wall Street knows it. Too bad his Trumpbot, ignoramus followers don't.
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