President Trump in 2016: I own guns. I feel a lot safer knowing they are there


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
"i also have a concealed-carry permit that allows me to carry a concealed weapon. i took the time and effort to get the permit because the constitutional right to defend yourself doesn't stop at the end of your driveway"

Trump made the comments at a campaign rally in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania.

Trump is in favor of making all concealed carry permits valid in every state.
JFK was a life member of the NRA. His anti-gun brother Teddy aka Edward Kennedy had a privately employed bodyguard who was arrested trying to enter the Senate Office Building with illegal weapons. Hypocrite Teddy quietly found a friendly judge who dismissed the charges. The brother of one of the victims of Barry Hussein's insanity is desperately trying to re-open the case on "Operation Fast and Furious" where the federal government shipped over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels (what were they thinking?) and one of the weapons was used to murder at least one U.S. citizen, a Border Patrol Officer not to mention the estimated hundreds of innocent Mexican citizens who were executed. If lefties were serious about the cliche of "gun control" they would push for the indictment of the federal officers who authorized "Op. Fast/Furious".
WHats your point ? You realize gun control doesn’t mean “ban all guns “.

Like keeping an AR from a psycho teen Is such an outrageous thing .
i guess that police agencies messed up on this 'Parkland school' massacre eh Timmy .
i guess that police agencies messed up on this 'Parkland school' massacre eh Timmy .

They could’ve done better. Florida law changes would’ve helped .

Being a gun nut state there are few tools they have to stop this kid from being armed .
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every state has it's own driving test that residents have to pass. once a state licenses you to drive, every other state recognizes that license as valid. if we can do that for driving, which is a privilege, not a right, surely we can do that for concealed carry, which is a right not a privilege!
too bad about the School massacre but individual RIGHTS are the most important thing . On the day of the massacre , 17 were murdered but over 300 and 10 million Americans were fine Timmy .
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violent crime in our inner cities is out of control! murder rates are way up!

there are far too many hardened drug dealers and gang members who are repeatedly involved in drive-by killings. we need to get them off the streets so that they don't continue to terrorize their neighborhoods and ruin more lives!
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"i told a gang member that everybody's not your friend. they will shoot you down and think nothing about it. but they're thinking about having fun, hanging out with their friends, going to parties, you can't tell em anything! I tried!" - President Trump
"i also have a concealed-carry permit that allows me to carry a concealed weapon. i took the time and effort to get the permit because the constitutional right to defend yourself doesn't stop at the end of your driveway"

Trump made the comments at a campaign rally in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania.

Trump is in favor of making all concealed carry permits valid in every state.
It could be just a populist statement, and I'm not sure he uses it if he does have a permit. He's probably had bodyguards for most of his life and doesn't need to carry for protection.
I think the more guns around me, the safer I am. I should make all my rallies totally gun-friendly. Everyone should bring a gun to my rallies. You know what a gun-free zone is to a whacko? That's bait!
whenever a deranged madman uses a gun to commit a horrific act, the left demands a ban on guns.

this tactic is a road to nowhere.

opponents of gun rights often use a lot of scary descriptive phrases when proposing legislative action against guns. ban assault weapons they say, or military style weapons, or high-capacity magazines.

those all do sound a little ominous, until you understand what they are actually talking about are common, popular semiautomatic rifles and standard magazines that are owned and used by tens of millions of Americans.

i worry when our social policy makers, looking for a "cause", pick on guns.
every state has it's own driving test that residents have to pass. once a state licenses you to drive, every other state recognizes that license as valid. if we can do that for driving, which is a privilege, not a right, surely we can do that for concealed carry, which is a right not a privilege!

You have to go to a class/classes, take and pass a written exam, shoot at targets to obtain a concealed carry. You knew that right?

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