President Trump Drawing HUGE Support Today!

I think that trump claimed unregistered voters which is fraud, and he did this in 2 elections. In spite of this fraud, trump still lost and that is a FACT!
And you are so delusional and brain-washed that you belong in a toilet. Either post something to back up your bullshit or flush yourself.

Trump won. The military knows it. The data that Mike Lindell shows in his Absolute Proof video is THEIR DATA. The military formally acknowledged Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March and they do not recognize Biden as President. Trump signed the Insurrection Act of 1807 before he left office and his Executive Order of 2018 is still in effect, both putting complete control in the military's hands. They are allowing Biden to prove what an incompetent ass hole he is, what a complete mess he is making of the country, to get most of America to support them when they do act to prevent civil war. They can act at any time, and they will when THEY deem the time is right. Biden is a complete FRAUD and he is going to end up executed for treason.


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And you are so delusional and brain-washed that you belong in a toilet.

Trump won. The military knows it. The data that Mike Lindell shows in his Absolute Proof video is THEIR DATA. The military formally acknowledged Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March and they do not recognize Biden as President. Trump signed the Insurrection Act of 1807 before he left office and his Executive Order of 2018 is still in effect, both putting complete control in the military's hands. They are allowing Biden to prove what an incompetent ass hole he is, what a complete mess he is making of the country, to get most of America to support them when they do act to prevent civil war. They can act at any time, and they will when THEY deem the time is right. Biden is going to end up executed for treason.


As if anyone needed more proof that the party of the former president is filled with lower educated fuckups.
.............. Trump will be back middle of August or thereabouts, there will be sweeping arrests, he will be using the emergency broadcast system to seize the MSM like CNN, MSNBC, ETC. and get the truth out to the public.
you are silencing us, trying to take guns, fk you even cheated in an election pure nazi like
No one on their right would EVER claim Rancid.

A couple of fun ones above, eh?

First, a plea to poster 'Trinnity': Please do not kill the golden goose. Be gentle on the multi-avatar'd poster 'Rancid'. That avataree is a rich font of inspiration for snark, satire, snickering, and good-humored innocent mockery.

I say 'multi-avatar'd' because I suspect 'Rancid' is sorta like a gossipboard 'Sybil' (who claimed 16 'identities in her body).

In other words, poster 'Rancid' seems to be the same guy who inhabits the avatars of poster "EMH', of jc456, of Rambunctious, Bripat, and any number of others.

I am so impressed that one guy, on an anonymous keyboard, of course, able to so similarly mimic each avatar. I would have never in a million years suspected such......except they all talk and seemingly think exactly the same.

Just sayin'.

Who knew?
When (not if) the military finally acts, and goes on the emergency broadcast system 24/7 for weeks, and Biden is facing a firing squad, I will be doing this:
laughing 4.gif

And you dumb shits will be doing this:
CRYING 03.gif

And for now, here ya go.
TRUMP finger.jpg
",,,,and Biden is facing a firing squad, I will be doing this...."

Well, ---and I have no desire to embarrass the avatar 'Rancid', but.....but if it is the same firing squad that Rancid asserted would execute (for treason) Bill Bar in the first week of August..........well.......Rancid may wish to try a flame thrower next time.

Bill Barr lives.
As far as I know.
The firing squad missed.
Or got stuck in traffic?
Whatever. They unfortunately made poor Rancid look like...........

Even Trump’s enemies know there is a military operation in play​

Well, at least those who are not too STUPID to see it and acknowledge it ... like most libtards in this thread. Too lazy to watch an hour long video? THEN REMAIN IGNORANT.
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Why hasn't our military already acted? They ARE acting. They are busy cleaning up THIS shit, which must be done FIRST.

"DUMBS" Deep Underground Military Bases​

I think you sit down when you pee.

Do you have anything better to do than threatening people with rape online? It's so pathetic.
I'm not threatening you, your own ignorance is threatening you. By you getting your ass reamed I am not talking about rape, I am talking about the permanent demise of the socialist / Marxist / Communist deep state that you love so much ... the permanent end of the Demoncrap party and its constant lying and paying word games ... like twisting "ass reaming" to "rape". Grow up!
I'm not threatening you, your own ignorance is threatening you. By you getting your ass reamed I am not talking about rape, I am talking about the permanent demise of the socialist / Marxist / Communist deep state that you love so much ... the permanent end of the Demoncrap party.
I thought I already made it clear, I'm not interested in your revenge rape fantasies, perv.
And you are so delusional and brain-washed that you belong in a toilet. Either post something to back up your bullshit or flush yourself.

Trump won. The military knows it. The data that Mike Lindell shows in his Absolute Proof video is THEIR DATA. The military formally acknowledged Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March and they do not recognize Biden as President. Trump signed the Insurrection Act of 1807 before he left office and his Executive Order of 2018 is still in effect, both putting complete control in the military's hands. They are allowing Biden to prove what an incompetent ass hole he is, what a complete mess he is making of the country, to get most of America to support them when they do act to prevent civil war. They can act at any time, and they will when THEY deem the time is right. Biden is a complete FRAUD and he is going to end up executed for treason.


I think that you have a toilet wrapped around your brains, yes? Maybe it is your mouth getting in the way of your brains.The election is over and since you can't prove your nonsense, instead you spew silly comments praising the pillow guy. You are out in left field, pal. Get a life. The military acepts President Biden and in fact has said that they would have stopped trump if he attempted a coup.
Unfortunately, as the asshole of the Republican Party, he is still attempting to do just that and is jolting our Democracy in the process. What is your education level? You have a high school mentality.

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