President Obama now at -60 negative approval rating, by all Americans.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
The most recent Presidential citizens approval survey, has President Barack Obama , at a
negative -60 approval rating by all American voters.

I saw this information on CNN news a couple of days ago. They went on to say that this is
the lowest approval rating that President Obama has had since he has been president.

The American economy, and his performance during the Gulf oil spill were some of the reasons given for the negative rating.:razz:
They also said this is the first time that Barack Obama, had a majority of people in America with a negative view of his performance as President of the United States.
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The most recent Presidential citizens approval survey, has President Barack Obama , at a
negative -60 approval rating by all American voters.

I saw this information on CNN news a couple of days ago. They went on to say that this is
the lowest approval rating that President Obama has had since he has been president.

The American economy, and his performance during the Gulf oil spill were some of the reasons given for the negative rating.:razz:

Yeah giving flowing speeches from a teleprompter is much easier than Actually Leading. Obama is learning this the hard way. To bad we are all stuck coming along for the ride. :eek:
The most recent Presidential citizens approval survey, has President Barack Obama , at a
negative -60 approval rating by all American voters.

I saw this information on CNN news a couple of days ago. They went on to say that this is
the lowest approval rating that President Obama has had since he has been president.

The American economy, and his performance during the Gulf oil spill were some of the reasons given for the negative rating.:razz:

Yeah giving flowing speeches from a teleprompter is much easier than Actually Leading. Obama is learning this the hard way. To bad we are all stuck coming along for the ride. :eek:

Will this second coming of the civil war be for the reenslavement of Blacks in America?
The most recent Presidential citizens approval survey, has President Barack Obama , at a
negative -60 approval rating by all American voters.

I saw this information on CNN news a couple of days ago. They went on to say that this is
the lowest approval rating that President Obama has had since he has been president.

The American economy, and his performance during the Gulf oil spill were some of the reasons given for the negative rating.:razz:

Yeah giving flowing speeches from a teleprompter is much easier than Actually Leading. Obama is learning this the hard way. To bad we are all stuck coming along for the ride. :eek:

Will this second coming of the civil war be for the reenslavement of Blacks in America?

No it will very clearly be between the right and left. Capitalist Pigs against pinko Commies all the way. Though I am sure the Left will try and make it about race they always do. :)
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The most recent Presidential citizens approval survey, has President Barack Obama , at a
negative -60 approval rating by all American voters.

negative negative....

so his approval rating is 60%?

Actually the Real Clear Politics average of several polls puts him at about 49% approve 49% disapprove. The problem for Obama is the direction of the Numbers. In January of 09 when he took office he had nearly 65% approve and only 20% disapprove. It is that massive swing the -60 is referring to I believe. In just over 18 Months Obama has lost nearly 25% of people who approved of him when he was elected, and Gained nearly 30% who disapprove. That is bad no matter how you try and color it.

See Graph and the polls used in the average here

An even worse number for the Democrats in general is the Direction of the country Polls. Those RCP has at an average of nearly 62% of Americans who believe the Country is heading in the wrong direction.

See Graph and the polls used in the average here

Or how about congressional job approval. 71% disapprove.

I trust the RCP site because they use an average of Several Polls from Different media outlets. I think there's is the most accurate picture of the mood of the country on issues you can get.

I sure would not want to be a Democrat in November. I would not want to be any incumbent, but it will be much worse for the Dems over all.

PS. How much you want to bet some Lib who posts on this thread will claim the 71% congressional disapproval is still "held over disapproval from Bush"

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