President Obama appears weak, indecisive to America , and rest of world.

President Obama is giving the impression that he is weak , and indecisive.
His slow to respond attitude, and scripted responses to many global situations, is making America look weak in the eyes of many foreign nations.

The Egyptian situation, the Libyan situation, and the Japanese nuclear meltdown situation, are just a few examples of his slow, indecisive style.

Not since Jimmy Carter, have we had a president that appears weak , and indecisive here in

Some of the foreign press are commenting that Obama has been sensible in not taking a leadership position with regard to pushing for action against Libya, since the US appearing to be leading the charge might weaken resolve among some other countries.

Don't know how much there is to that, but it's being said.

Who gives a flying *** what a few envious journalist say.
They hate that it is America and not their country that is the superpower...I have NO doubt that Obama impressed them because he pandered to them.

There are some people on this board that do actually pay attention to what is reported about America in the foreign press, though clearly if you don't give a flying fuck you're not one of them.

It may well be bullshit (I was providing the information, not endorsing it), but journalistic envy probably misses the mark.

BTW, it was the BBC I heard it on and I'm fairly sure Obama hasn't been pandering to Britain. Though you may be right - maybe all foreign journalists do wish they were American.
Again, understand Obama's core values. Then his actions make perfect sense.

His entire life, he's despised American superpower status and American wealth. His upbringing, his college associations, his adult friendships....all point to wanting to weaken America.

Now, he has direct control of weakening the office of the POTUS if he so desires. Why would he change his world view after gaining that power? He won't. He'll do just enough to get re-elected. And if he gets a 2nd term...God help us. Who knows how radical he'll go to cripple that office as much as possible.

So in essence, what you are saying is that , he never intended for us all to "Hope"
and expect some real "Change" in America.? It is all a "Hoax" and he spent all
the spare " Change"!?

(c) By 52nd Street 2/20/2011

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