President-elect Trump On The Right Path!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President-elect Trump deserves a positive evaluation for his performance since winning this year's election for he has been trying to unify the country and he has been focusing on trying to move the nation forward and not refight old battles. In his Nov. 21 video to the American people I though it was good his plan to on his first day in office file the appropriate notifications with the respective countries that America is withdrawing from the TPP for it sends the message to the entire world that America sees a problem with the current globalization model too many ordinary workers are being left behind the system has to be changed! Bad idea his first day plan to issue an executive order that will require federal agencies to withdrawal two old regulations for every one new regulation; its gimmicky it will lead to a lot of unnecessary burden for government regulators who will have to struggle to find two regulations they can revoke for every new regulation they issue. It will probably lead to a lot of manipulations where regulators withdrawal two old regulation but incorporate the mandate in the old regulations in one new regulation which will just add add a burden to those American entities regulated that have to figure out what the new regulatory scheme is. Why doesn't President Trump on day one just issue an executive order directing all Secretaries to conduct a nine month review of all regulations issued by their department and direct them to revoke and /or rework the ones that are unnecessary, unwise and don't deserve to be on the books. Bad idea his first day plan to issue an executive order making a life-time ban on Executive Officials in the Executive Branch of government from being able to lobby for foreign governments it unnecessarily hurts these good Americans that patriotically served their country by shutting off this lobbying business opportunity for these individuals it's unnecessary a five-year ban is sufficient the evil one should be concerned about here is these individuals doing something for these foreign countries while they hold their jobs as executive officials in the U.S. Government that sells out the interests of America in hope or with an arrangement to later get lobbying business over this sell out, a five-year lobbying relationship restriction should be enough to essentially eliminate any incentive to do such wrongdoing for one would have to wait five years for a payoff a long time and having to wait such a length of time one couldn't be sure the people prepared to reward such a sell out would be in power to deliver on the reward!

The rumor mill is saying that President-elect Trump is poised to give the Secretary of State job to Mitt Romney. Although that is not a bad choice he is missing an opportunity to do himself and the country a much better move by giving the job to Rudy Giuliani. The reason being that these are a the facts President elect Trump is dealing with countries throughout the world are really troubled by his election masses of people in these countries and high numbers of leaders in these countries think Donald Trump is a terrible person because of the out-of-the-norm and depraved rhetoric that came out of his mouth multiple times during the presidential campaign. What President-elect Trump needs to salvage his reputation in the international arena is a person with credibility in both character and knowledge of Donald Trump to say to these world leaders as he or she establishes contact with them that President Trump is a good man, on the major issues that you are concerned about he holds the right viewpoint and President Trump will do right by you. Mr. Giuliani has credibility from being the Mayor of New York City when 9-11 occurred and handling the whole ordeal in a virtuous and responsible manner plus Mr. Giuliani has known President-elect Trump for many years and knows him extremely well for he is an off-the charts loyal friend to him having been duly tested during the past year's utmost trying election. Also, President elect Trump would be prudent to select Mr. Giuliani over Mr. Romney because the world and America is facing alarming problems with China, Russia, Iranian Shiite and Radical Islamic aggression President elect Trump is going to need a Secretary of State to talk and if need be yell sense to him on these issues Mr. Giuliani has the relationship with Mr. Trump where he can readily do this Mr. Romney probably cannot considering he took a baseball bat to Donald Trump's reputation during this past campaign season and the wound produced is and probably will be for a while pretty raw. Mr. Romney would make a great Secretary of the Treasury because a major task for such a Secretary is to overhaul Dodd-Frank which has much good in it but was an overkill those Republicans are right that believe a major part of the solution to the Great Recession was just to have the banks increase their capital reserves so they can weather a recession and/or downturn in their industry Mr. Romney with his experience in the financial industry would know how to accurately rate various bank assets to insure the banks have such adequate reserves. Media reports have indicated that the right wing radio talk show host Laura Ingram is being considered for the White House Press Secretary Job. Terrible idea Ms. Ingram is a brilliant person and a great right wing radio talk show host but would make a lousy Press Secretary she has a habit of destroying Democrats and those that hold opposing political views to her which turns these groups supporters off. This scortched earth advocacy trait of hers in the White House Press Room would turn a lot of Americans off against her and correspondingly to the President. America is a divided nation a President Trump is going to need every drop of public support he can garnish to get some of the major legislation through Congress the nation needs the right Press Secretary could provide valuable help in this regard!

The media is really stuck on this President-elect Trump and conflict of interest issue over his multi-billion dollar company and knowing the media unless President-elect Trump does something profound to douse that fire it is going to burn bright all during his presidency and not help but significantly seer him. A blind trust is not an option because his children will still be in charge of the Trump organization and he will be in regular contact with his children so that the trust wall blocking a conflict of interest it is not credible because the President will be helping his children and since he will still have an ownership interest in the Trump organization benefiting from that Presidential help. I wonder if the following type of trust would not solve this problem. I call it the "mute the conflict of interest" trust which would essentially involve Mr. Trump turning over all his authority related to the Trump organization to the top executives of the Trump organization and a group of people and/or a trustee, the group of people could be Mr. Trump's three oldest children and the trustee could be a lawyer or other highly competent business person Mr. Trump's trust. The terms of the trust would be just to manage the business don't sell any part of it unless there is a compelling business reason to do so and the majority of three adult children including Ivanka find that such a reason lies and the trustee finds that this is not an abuse of discretion. Now this would take a President Trump out of any operational involvement in the Trump organization now how do we deal with the economic benefit to a President Trump and his children from this conflict of interest. I have no specific knowledge about the Trump organization but treating it like any corporation it generates salary income and dividend income. Since he would no longer be a CEO or Chairman he would forgo salary income and his yearly dividend income would not increase per year higher than the industry average; so that there wouldn't be a pile of cash or of new assets waiting for him in the Trump organization after his presidency whatever rate of cash and asset build-up the Trump organization had prior to Mr. Trump becoming president would be maintained on a yearly basis and any cash and assets acquired in excess of that would be donated to charity at the end of each year.
For Mr. Trump's children their salary and compensation would be what the industry average is for the jobs they do or their 2016 compensation levels plus the nation's wage inflation rate for that year. After Donald Trump's presidency is over the trust agreement expires and he gets all the power back he had before the Trust agreement was entered into. This should quash most of the criticism of President Trump's conflict of interest because Mr. Trump and his family would not be gaining a monetary benefit from his Presidency in fact he would be losing money because he foregoes the CEO compensation and the Chairman of the Board compensation.

President-elect Trump has really struck the right note about all the Clinton investigations in indicating he wishes to not pursue it. This is the right thing to do because the American people want the government in Washington to solve the nation's problems improve our standard of living moreover the American people do not want to start a precedent where if a political party wins big in the Congressional and President election they go on a political witch hunt against the losing party. Lastly, let me tell you Republicans in Washington especially those in the House inclined to pursue investigations against the Clintons what good Americans should think about your investigations. On the Benghazi investigation, Ms. Clinton made an error in judgment putting the optics that Libya was a success story above security protections for the embassy personnel in Benghazi resulting in three Americans losing their life for which she will have the significant burden of living with this until her dying day any talk that Secretary Clinton had the power to save Ambassador Stevens life once she received the call the consulate was under attack is utter foolishness there was no time. How about you Republicans criminally investigating Secretary Rumsfeld for bungling the invasion of Iraq going in with too few troops which resulted in thousands of Americans losing their life! As for the e-mail matter Secretary Clinton and her staff made a good faith effort not to email classified information, retroactively classifying some of these emails as classified is unfair and reprehensible if a few classified documents got through since it was de minimis amount and there was no actual harm incurred it should be dropped because American law enforcement should be fair which would call for all Secretaries of all Department in the U.S. government over the last twenty years should have all their e-mail scrutinized to determine if classified information was emailed which law enforcement never did. As for the Clintons using the Clinton foundation to sell out Hillary Clinton's office as Secretary of State it is garbage. If Hillary was never Secretary of State the Clinton Foundation would still have gotten an abundance of foreign contributions for Bill Clinton was a popular ex-U.S. president and Hillary Clinton just doesn't fit the bill of a politician that would sell her office she is in the mold of a Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin people like that are in public office to help people and make America a better place. In my humble opinion those Republicans that pursue investigating the Clintons on these matters are making a truly big mistake!

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