President Assad: Escalation of war by terrorists will not undermine the Syrians’ steadfastness


Nov 14, 2012
Iran will continue to support the Syrian people. The country about which is reported that it is coddled by Obama is directly involved in fighting his terrorists in Iraq and supports Syria in numerous ways.

"Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday received Chairman of the Iranian Shura Council’s Committee for Foreign Policy and National Security Alaeddin Boroujerdi and the accompanying delegation.

Talks during the meeting dealt with the fraternal relations between Syria and Iran and the mutual commitment of both countries’ leaderships to continue bolstering cooperation and coordination on all levels and in all fields.

They also discussed the regional developments and the continuing support provided by some states and regional forces for terrorists whom they use as a pawn to pursue these states’ interests at the expense of the region’s people and to undermine stability and spread chaos.

Boroujerdi stressed that the determination and steadfastness of the Syrian people and the strength of their army and leadership are capable of defeating terrorism and its supporters, asserting that Iran is committed to continuing its support and will spare no effort to help Syrians until victory is achieved.

He affirmed that no force in the world can affect the unique relationship between the Syrians and the Iranians and their commitment to realizing their mutual interests and restoring stability in the region.

For his part, President al-Assad thanked the Iranian government and people for their support to Syria in the face of terrorism, asserting that the escalation of the war against Syrians by terrorists and their supporters and the use of lies and propaganda to achieve what they couldn’t achieve on the ground has failed and will always fail to undermine the Syrians’ steadfastness and determination to eliminate terrorism with the help of friendly states like Iran.

The President congratulated Iran for the achievements that have been made regarding the Iranian nuclear issue, saying that the Syrian people, like all other peoples who are committed to their sovereignty and independent decision-making, view these achievements as a victory for all those who believe in their just rights and causes.

The meeting was attended by Director of the National Security Bureau Gen. Ali Mamlouk and Iranian Ambassador in Damascus Mohammad Reza Raouf Sheibani.

On February 26th, President al-Assad discussed with Boroujerdi bilateral relations between the two countries, with Boroujerdi affirming his country’s support to Syria against terrorism."

President al-Assad to Boroujerdi Escalation of war by terrorists will not undermine the Syrians steadfastness
Wow. Surprised they don't come right out and claim Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the US, Israel, and NATO are the ones funding the Terrorists.

Nice piece of honest journalism. Nice find. Wow, it's a great resource with investigative journalists on the ground. I liked all the battle maps on that site.

I appreciate Non CFR media. Not this BS shill shit telling Americans what to think. I want facts, not rhetoric. Thanks for the source.

Here is a source that is linked to multiple independent sources.

CONFIRMED: US “Operation Rooms” Backing Al Qaeda in Syria
First appeared: CONFIRMED US Operation Rooms Backing Al Qaeda in Syria New Eastern Outlook

The continuation, even expansion of the US-backed conflict in Syria is the most telling evidence of all regarding the disingenuous nature of America’s rapprochement with Iran. The entire goal of destabilizing and potentially overthrowing the government in Syria is to weaken Iran ahead of a similar campaign of encirclement, destabilization, and destruction within Iran itself.

The fact that events in Syria are being accelerated, with Brookings itself admitting that “international and ideological differences,” have been “pushed to the side,” illustrates a palpable desperation among the West to finish the conflict in Syria in hopes of moving forward toward Iran before regional dynamics and Iran’s own defensive posture renders moot the West’s entire regional agenda, jeopardizing its long-standing hegemony across North Africa and the Middle East.

Similarly rushed operations appear to be underway in Yemen. With Western-backed conflicts embroiling virtually every nation surrounding Iran, the idea that the US seeks anything but Iran’s eventual destruction, let alone “rapprochement” must surely have no one fooled in Tehran.

While Brookings enthusiastically reports on the continued destruction in Syria it itself played a part in engineering and promoting, it still admits that overthrowing Syria’s legitimate government is not inevitable. While it attempts to portray Syria’s allies as withdrawing support for Damascus, the reality is that if and when Syria falls, Syria’s allies are indisputably next in line.

Iran will face an entire nation handed over to Al Qaeda and other heavily armed and well-backed sectarian extremists dreaming of a cataclysmic confrontation with Tehran, fueled by a global network of US-Saudi backed madrases turning out legions of ideologically poisoned zealots. And beyond Iran, Russia faces the prospect of its Caucasus region being turned into a corridor of terror aimed straight at the heart of Russia itself.

The conflict in Syria is but a single battle among a much larger war a global war constituting what is basically a third World War, fought not upon vast but clearly defined fronts, but rather through the use of fourth generation warfare, proxies, mercenaries, economics, and information. For those that fail to see how Syria is linked to the survival of many nations beyond its borders and the very concept of a multi-polar world built upon the concept of national sovereignty, they invite not just Damascus’ defeat, but that of the world as we know it.

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