Pres.Obama Looks Real Good although not perfect after 8 years of BUSHCO Wreckanomics


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
Pres. Obama Looks Real Good although not perfect after 8 years of BUSHCO Wreckanomics and no jobs for about 19 million unemployed:

WE must all consider what republicans leave behind consistently for democratic administrations to clean up which BTW is no mean feat. Multiple offenses have made it difficult for America to catch up.

The magnitude of these events which is significant have cost millions upon millions their jobs,retirement programs and medical insurance!

In fact it appears to be established policy of republican administrations.

AND they are still trying to steal OUR Social Security Insurance dollars and give it to greedy Wall Street investors. This is simply unacceptable.

It's YOUR money, YOUR jobs. YOUR retirement plan and YOUR medical insurance

1. The Reagan/Bush Savings and Loan Heist(Cost taxpayers $1.4 trillion)
The Bush family and the S&L (Savings and Loan) Scandal

2. Wall Street Bank Fraud on Consumers
What is the difference between a Ponzi scheme and a housing bubble? | Dollars & Sense

3. Bush and Henry Paulson claimed many financial institutions were on the verge of collapse when in fact it was only three?
"Good Billions After Bad"

4. Plus BUSHCO lied and took the nation into a multi trillion dollar war = monster money hole and thousands of dead people!!
LOL, he is robbing you taxpayers blind and giving it to his favorite pet projects, Unions, etc etc, and we STILL have almost 9% unemployment...

but hey, he is looking REAL good..

LOL, he is robbing you taxpayers blind and giving it to his favorite pet projects, Unions, etc etc, and we STILL have almost 9% unemployment...

but hey, he is looking REAL good..


Show us what Obama is doing for Unions? Please.

The unemployment came from where? BUSHCO and corporate USA who fled the country leaving behind the very Americans who made them wealthy and arrogant.
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LOL, he is robbing you taxpayers blind and giving it to his favorite pet projects, Unions, etc etc, and we STILL have almost 9% unemployment...

but hey, he is looking REAL good..


Show us what Obama is doing for Unions? Please.

The unemployment came from where? BUSHCO and corporate USA who fled the country leaving behind the very Americans who made them wealthy and arrogant.

General Motors ring a bell?
and you all can keep blaming Bush till you're blue in the face...Remember that 800billion stimulus that was going to SAVE us all and give all them shovel ready jobs?

but hey, as long as he's looking real good..
LOL, he is robbing you taxpayers blind and giving it to his favorite pet projects, Unions, etc etc, and we STILL have almost 9% unemployment...but hey, he is looking REAL good...suckers.

Show us what Obama is doing for Unions? Please.

The unemployment came from where? BUSHCO and corporate USA who fled the country leaving behind the very Americans who made them wealthy and arrogant.

Doing for unions? about stopping Boeing from opening a brand new plant in SC?

How about new union voting rules?
NLRB Passes Revised Rules to Speed Union-Organizing Votes -

How about public unions scamming taxpayers?
Public unions force taxpayers to fund Democrats | Washington Examiner
Pres. Obama Looks Real Good although not perfect after 8 years of BUSHCO Wreckanomics and no jobs for about 19 million unemployed:

WE must all consider what republicans leave behind consistently for democratic administrations to clean up which BTW is no mean feat. Multiple offenses have made it difficult for America to catch up.

The magnitude of these events which is significant have cost millions upon millions their jobs,retirement programs and medical insurance!

In fact it appears to be established policy of republican administrations.

AND they are still trying to steal OUR Social Security Insurance dollars and give it to greedy Wall Street investors. This is simply unacceptable.

It's YOUR money, YOUR jobs. YOUR retirement plan and YOUR medical insurance

1. The Reagan/Bush Savings and Loan Heist(Cost taxpayers $1.4 trillion)
The Bush family and the S&L (Savings and Loan) Scandal

2. Wall Street Bank Fraud on Consumers
What is the difference between a Ponzi scheme and a housing bubble? | Dollars & Sense

3. Bush and Henry Paulson claimed many financial institutions were on the verge of collapse when in fact it was only three?
"Good Billions After Bad"

4. Plus BUSHCO lied and took the nation into a multi trillion dollar war = monster money hole and thousands of dead people!!

Merrill? Remember the last time I asked you to ask your therapist to up the voltage?

You didn't do that did you? It's showing.:lol:
Obama inherited (just as every incoming POTUS does) the net result of all the policies and laws that existed before he took office.

He got handed faltering economy and basically followed though with many of the same policies that were already in place to stabilize the crashing BANKING system.

He did make some efforts to mitigate the pain that many Americans went though as a result of the economy DESPITE the "let em bleed" mentality most obviously evident from the GOP.

He's far from my ideal POTUS, but he'll likely get my vote given the alternative will be people who want to give still more to the rich and pad the bill to hand to my children.
Pres. Obama Looks Real Good although not perfect after 8 years of BUSHCO Wreckanomics and no jobs for about 19 million unemployed:

WE must all consider what republicans leave behind consistently for democratic administrations to clean up which BTW is no mean feat. Multiple offenses have made it difficult for America to catch up.

The magnitude of these events which is significant have cost millions upon millions their jobs,retirement programs and medical insurance!

In fact it appears to be established policy of republican administrations.

AND they are still trying to steal OUR Social Security Insurance dollars and give it to greedy Wall Street investors. This is simply unacceptable.

It's YOUR money, YOUR jobs. YOUR retirement plan and YOUR medical insurance

1. The Reagan/Bush Savings and Loan Heist(Cost taxpayers $1.4 trillion)
The Bush family and the S&L (Savings and Loan) Scandal

2. Wall Street Bank Fraud on Consumers
What is the difference between a Ponzi scheme and a housing bubble? | Dollars & Sense

3. Bush and Henry Paulson claimed many financial institutions were on the verge of collapse when in fact it was only three?
"Good Billions After Bad"

4. Plus BUSHCO lied and took the nation into a multi trillion dollar war = monster money hole and thousands of dead people!!

For an alleged repub you sure kiss a lot of Obama ass. Continuing to remain confused of events is very telling
Obama inherited (just as every incoming POTUS does) the net result of all the policies and laws that existed before he took office.

He got handed faltering economy and basically followed though with many of the same policies that were already in place to stabilize the crashing BANKING system.

He did make some efforts to mitigate the pain that many Americans went though as a result of the economy DESPITE the "let em bleed" mentality most obviously evident from the GOP.

He's far from my ideal POTUS, but he'll likely get my vote given the alternative will be people who want to give still more to the rich and pad the bill to hand to my children.

He didn't "inherit" jack shit. He campaigned for the job he WANTED and WON. Time for him, and you, to take some Goddamned responsibility already.
Obama inherited (just as every incoming POTUS does) the net result of all the policies and laws that existed before he took office.

He got handed faltering economy and basically followed though with many of the same policies that were already in place to stabilize the crashing BANKING system.

He did make some efforts to mitigate the pain that many Americans went though as a result of the economy DESPITE the "let em bleed" mentality most obviously evident from the GOP.

He's far from my ideal POTUS, but he'll likely get my vote given the alternative will be people who want to give still more to the rich and pad the bill to hand to my children.

He didn't "inherit" jack shit. He campaigned for the job he WANTED and WON. Time for him, and you, to take some Goddamned responsibility already.

I agree and when is it OBAMA fault. We are in year 3 and even his own words if the economy is not better in 3 years he deserves to be a one term president. Let us give him what he asked for
Pres. Obama Looks Real Good although not perfect after 8 years of BUSHCO Wreckanomics and no jobs for about 19 million unemployed:
Let’s just say Obama inherited a mess, whatever the cause. We can also say the seeds of the December 2007 recession were planted before GWB became president.

But whatever the cause or whomever’s to blame, it’s ignorant partisan idiocy to blame Obama for not ‘fixing’ the mess in just three years, as it took many, many years to create the mess.

And yes, we’re making good progress toward recovery, even with republican obstructionism.
Save The Unions as they keep waged and benefits up.

The Bush/Cheney fraudulent home loan fiasco wiped out 11 million jobs many of which went abroad. And the Nations economy went straight to hell!

Considering the impact politicians,Koch Industries and Wal-Mart family money have on salary packages and hourly wage levels should college grads be expected to pay back college loans?

The repub party and all of the above are waging war on salaries for white and blue collar workers. IF they are successful in doing away with unions, workers in the USA will see a dramatic reduction in wages across the board for blue and white collar workers. Reduction in wages across the board is the primary objective.

Do you want to work for less? Unions are responsible for good wages in the USA and:

1. over time pay
2. 40 hour work weeks as opposed to 80
3. Vacation with pay
4. Sick leave with pay
5. Medical insurance coverage
6. Pay Increases
7. Job protection based on legitimate concerns
8. Protection against race and gender discrimination
9. Disability Pay

Who wants to work for less?

How can lower wages pay back college loans?

How can lower wages buy homes and allow families to be self sustaining?
Democrats set the stage for the disaster when they decided that everyone should realize the American dream of owning a home without having the ability to pay for it. The scam lasted about ten years where Fannie Mae would sell bad loans to lending institutions while crooks like Frank Raines raked in the dough. Enron flourished under Clinton. The dot-com bubble inflated under Clinton. Our enemies flourished (and went to flight school) under Clinton. The most notorious financial scam artist at the time was pardoned by Clinton for a couple of bucks donation to his library and the current A.G. set it up. Democrats held the majority in both houses of congress when Fannie Mae finally went bust. The house banking committee had oversight responsibility and the chairman Barney Frank was too busy planning his wedding to his boyfriend to pay attention. Frank told America that Fannie was doing fine when it was in desperate trouble.

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