Pregnancy-A Question For Men

Depends on the circumstances, always. But it sounds like this lady didn't 'ask' for it.

No one asks to be shot either. Somehow though we all seem to curtail our freedom and we don't walk through a drug-infested ghetto at 2 am counting a big wad of cash though we have every damn right to do so. Most of us sacrifice our liberty in order to lower risk to ourselves.

Women seem to believe that getting drunk in public, going home with strangers, etc doesn't pose a risk because "women shouldn't be raped and can never be blamed."

I know a few women who have been raped and we've actually talked about this very point - if they could go back in time they would gladly sacrifice some of their freedom and exercise more caution in their social lives in order to avoid the rapes they endured. They put themselves into vulnerable positions and they were raped. The choice to commit the rape was entirely with the man, just like the choice to commit armed robbery is with the robber, not the victim, but when the victim puts himself in the ghetto at 2 am counting a big wad of cash, he does bear some responsibility for putting himself at risk.

I have never been drunk in public. I haven't been out to a "party" since 2012. I stopped all my almost-reckless behavior a little bit before I found out I was pregnant with my son. I was fed up with that lifestyle and I don't intend to return to it. least now you are aware of just how nasty some folks can be. Kinda like a heads up sorta thing.

I've been dealing with assholes my whole life, so its nothing I'm not used to. I have thick skin. I did mean to put some details in this post, and I realize that I shouldn't have made my original question sooo vague, but what's done is done. I've seen many responses to this thread and I appreciate all of them. Lets me get an idea about society, even when something happens that they don't agree with. I take the criticism in stride. Those who are more.... I guess accepting, are the kinder, more gentle people who really make the difference. Thanks everyone for showing your true colors. :D
I've been dealing with assholes my whole life, so its nothing I'm not used to.

Not being Oprah Winfry ≠ asshole. Blowing sunshine up everyone's skirt and affirming everyone's ego is Oprah's job, not the job of everyone in society.
I'm glad that you could piggyback on her emotions. You will be good for her.

If showing support and kindness is being good for her...I am glad to oblige. Now...go fuck yourself.

:eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh: The fetus might be listening.

Then I'm sure it was bored and fell asleep about 3 pages ago over this drama llama's thread.

The men have spoken: All are thrilled never to have known Darlene, and are happy to be free of her.

I've been dealing with assholes my whole life, so its nothing I'm not used to.

Not being Oprah Winfry ≠ asshole. Blowing sunshine up everyone's skirt and affirming everyone's ego is Oprah's job, not the job of everyone in society.

Where in this post do you get that I'm egocentric?

My guess is that you want to know how men feel about single expectant mothers and you just happen to be one. So the whole thread is about people like you. Just a wild guess tho.
I've been dealing with assholes my whole life, so its nothing I'm not used to.

Not being Oprah Winfry ≠ asshole. Blowing sunshine up everyone's skirt and affirming everyone's ego is Oprah's job, not the job of everyone in society.

Where in this post do you get that I'm egocentric?

I've read this thread, just like you and Grace have read this thread. You're personally involved because this is your life that's serving as the topic of discussion, but the way I've read this thread the critics have been speaking in general terms, just as you asked in the OP, rather than ABOUT YOU.

Some of the critics, me included, do not approve of single motherhood and we've cited the reasons for our position. You disagree. Being a critic doesn't make one an asshole. Grace has been very supportive of your personally. That's a different debate style than what the critics are using. We're talking in the general and the analytic, she's talking about YOU and being supportive.

You brought up people being assholes, so when I see that I assume that you have a basis for making the accusation. I didn't see anything that qualified as an asshole comment but I did see comments which were critical. If you're taking criticism of the general as criticism directed SPECIFICALLY at you, then doesn't that qualify you as being ego-centric?

I'm directing no ill-tidings towards you as a person, but you did ask what men think of single-mothers and I'm telling you that this phenomenon is bad news for us all. Oprah's schtick is to be life-affirming of everyone's choices in life. That personality type makes me throw up in my mouth.

Look, you set the tone for this thread with your OP. I'd have taken a different tack if you began with a story of trauma and it was clear that you were seeking comfort from people. I'd be the asshole if I ignored your pain and went all sperg on you with abstract arguments. There are times for handholding and comforting hugs and there are times for honest dialogue. When you ask an open ended question of what men think about single-mothers that doesn't look like a call for sympathy.
Women can become single mothers, not just because they had sex while not being married, but through divorce, death and other reasons, so everyone that is dissing single mothers is just plain ignorant.

What I have to say to you Darlene, is that if you are able to afford it on your own, more power to you. I don't know how old your other child is, but there is a long road ahead and bringing up children by yourself as a woman can be very tough. You say you can handle it, but right now, if they are little, yes, it may not be so hard. The tough part comes when they become teens and start to assert themselves, a father figure can be very helpful then.

And, it doesn't matter what some men think of single mothers, there are many women who have found love and married even though they had children from a previous marriage/relationship. I think it takes two people to raise children, one can do it, but it is not easy.

Wish you the best.
Be sensitive to those who are expecting, please and thank you.

What do you men think of the single expectant moms?

I think it is a hard job and that they need all the help they can get. I honestly don't know how single parents do it.
Be sensitive to those who are expecting, please and thank you.

What do you men think of the single expectant moms?

My opinion is that some men are too immature to share in the wonders of childbirth and raising children, thus they run from the responsibility.

I agree. I posted this thread because I'm single and expecting my second child now. I was curious what men thought.

It comes down to whether or not this is your choice.

Some women choose to have kids on their own. Others are left with no choice because a dead beat dad left their own children and refuse to support them.

My own opinion is that such men should be put into work camps and forced to support the children they caused.

Instead, we live in a society that actually blames women 100% for pregnancies.
Be sensitive to those who are expecting, please and thank you.

What do you men think of the single expectant moms?

Depends on their circumstances. If it is their first child, I wish them the best and hope they will still pursue an education and not let having a child prevent them from bettering themselves. If they are on welfare with five other kids from five other guys, then I just wish they would get sterilized.
Be sensitive to those who are expecting, please and thank you.

What do you men think of the single expectant moms?

What do you men AND women think of expectant moms, single or otherwise?
Since you are referring to them as "moms", that either means they already have a child, and are pregnant again, or you are acknowledging that the fetus they are carrying is a human being and not a blob of tissue. Which is it?

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