Pregnancy-A Question For Men

Be sensitive to those who are expecting, please and thank you.

What do you men think of the single expectant moms?

they should THINK it's none of their business


How very convenient. None of my business but you have full rights to pickpocket me without limit.

Look, can't you liberals gets it through your skulls that when you're sending me the bill then I get a say in the topic. If you want guys like me to shut up then shut down all of school lunch programs, the food stamps, the Medicaid, etc. I'm happy to let people live their own lives so long as they accept the consequences which come with their lifestyle choices.
I wonder where all the anti abortionists are? Here is a great example of a lady raising a child of rape...all by herself. Will they put their money where their mouths are and help her? Or bitch about the taxes going towards her to raise, feed and clothe this child?
I wonder where all the anti abortionists are? Here is a great example of a lady raising a child of rape...all by herself. Will they put their money where their mouths are and help her? Or bitch about the taxes going towards her to raise, feed and clothe this child?

This is tough territory because the OP is using her own personal life as a subject of political debate but this question of rape isn't settled. She claims rape. Obviously the man rejects the claim. The police apparently side with the man. We can accurately declare that there does exist ambiguity.

I don't need the OP to explain herself and her situation. It would be better if we actually didn't focus this on her situation but on the general instead.

So two scenarios - an unwanted pregnancy and a pregnancy arising from rape. In all but stranger rape situations, the woman has allowed the man into her life. Almost all pro-life advocates recognize the legitimacy of abortion in the case of rape or incest - the woman has had the pregnancy forced upon her against her will in very traumatic circumstances, so I'm not really seeing the legitimacy of your slam at pro-life people here.

Where matters get more complicated for the pro-life people is in situations where women are irresponsible and want a do-over. Why should the baby pay the ultimate price?

As has been suggested by another poster, putting the baby up for adoption is the usual route taken by women who are victims of rape who don't want to abort the child. This is imminently sensible because these women realize that the trauma of the rape will be front and center, dominating their lives, every single day as they raise that child, the child of the man who raped them. The mental trauma of just imagining that, not even having to live it, is enough to convince them of the wisdom of putting the child up for adoption.

As for the remainder of your questions, it's not up to pro-life people to support these children. These children are not their responsibility to raise, they're working to prevent the murder of innocent children via abortion. A baby always has a mother and a father and they're responsible for providing the care needed to raise the baby. If the mother is the victim of rape, she can pass the child off to adoptive parents who VOLUNTARILY step forward and desire to care for the child. The father should be forced to pay support if he is convicted of rape. The mother shouldn't because the pregnancy was forced upon her. Absent conviction for rape, the man shouldn't be punished if the child is put up for adoption - his parental rights are terminated. If the child is NOT put up for adoption, well he is on the hook for child support because it is his child.

Frankly, I don't see any role for pro-life people in these types of scenarios.

Your attempt to smear them fails.
lol. And your droning fails.
You sure do ASSume a lot about something you are not privy to actually know.

This is tough territory because the OP is using her own personal life as a subject of political debate but this question of rape isn't settled. She claims rape. Obviously the man rejects the claim. The police apparently side with the man. We can accurately declare that there does exist ambiguity. are still an idiot.
I guess I should have worded my question better. Do men find pregnant women attractive? Would you want nothing to do with that woman because its not your child?

to find a new impregnater already? I'm sorry, I don't get the purpose of this thread. But I guess by asking you've given us the right to be curious. No birth control? Did you want the children out of wedlock? If the guy was such an asshole why did you pick him? Did the fathers not care about birth control either? How old is the first child, did you mention that already? Why do you care what men think anyway?
I should probably just stick to having a big bowl of icecream to make me feel better rather than coming onto a message board.

posts now that I know the situation. This definitely isn't the forum to share this story though, like Gracie said. Sounds to me like you need real help, not real or fake sympathy from us USMB louts.
Some of the men here must think that a woman chooses to be raped, even. Probably because she was wearing clothes that were too tight. Or some stupid thing like that.
I am glad you caught up on the thread, Smedley, and know the situation now. And I agree....this is not the place she needs to be talking about this. I get why she asked. being preggers...emotions run every which way. She has a child already that is less than a year old...and now is carrying another one. Will she ever find someone interested in her, have a life, be loved, her children be loved, is she pretty, is she fat, up, down, up, down, stress this, stress that. And it's just going to get more intense as her pregnancy moves forward. So she reaches out to strangers on a message board to find answers that aren't really answers...but at least she is not alone in her thoughts and worries.

She said she might close this thread. I said she should leave it open. I now think she does indeed need to ask staff to make it disappear. Too much info, too much strain, not the right people to help her during this time and the potential to cause her more angst during this time in her life. She is new, plus saying too much at the get-go....not a good idea.

Darlene...I think you really should close the thread. Talk to sponsors, your parents, real life friends, counselors. This board and the people in it might be able to help you but it won't be enough..and some can't or won't help you because it is beyond them to do so.
Some of the men here must think that a woman chooses to be raped, even. Probably because she was wearing clothes that were too tight. Or some stupid thing like that.

There are too many women who seem to believe the "women can never be blamed for their own rape" mantra and use that as a force field in life. That force field is pretty weak.

It's like people who think "I can never be blamed for being shot" and then using this as a force field to walk through a drug-invested ghetto at 2 am counting a big wad of bills.

Yeah, women shouldn't be raped and people shouldn't be shot but just reciting these mantras does nothing to protect people.
Why are they in such circumstances?

Why are you judgmental? It isn't any of your business why. Do you ask that of non-single women who are pregnant? Two people have sex, the woman gets pregnant and it's all her responsibility an fault? I would never think the question you asked or say anything that would suggest such a question.
Some of the men here must think that a woman chooses to be raped, even. Probably because she was wearing clothes that were too tight. Or some stupid thing like that.

There are too many women who seem to believe the "women can never be blamed for their own rape" mantra and use that as a force field in life. That force field is pretty weak.

It's like people who think "I can never be blamed for being shot" and then using this as a force field to walk through a drug-invested ghetto at 2 am counting a big wad of bills.

Yeah, women shouldn't be raped and people shouldn't be shot but just reciting these mantras does nothing to protect people.

Depends on the circumstances, always. But it sounds like this lady didn't 'ask' for it.
I just find it extemely it pisses me off no end...that most of the "men" automatically assumed the worst against HER.

Sickening. And I hope like hell she has thick skin and this doesn't run her off because some will use it as a weapon, what she shared here in her naivity, if she ever posts anything they deem worthy of such a verbal weapon. And we ALL know it will happen because this is what some here tend to do.

Meh. Blech. And oy.
Depends on the circumstances, always. But it sounds like this lady didn't 'ask' for it.

No one asks to be shot either. Somehow though we all seem to curtail our freedom and we don't walk through a drug-infested ghetto at 2 am counting a big wad of cash though we have every damn right to do so. Most of us sacrifice our liberty in order to lower risk to ourselves.

Women seem to believe that getting drunk in public, going home with strangers, etc doesn't pose a risk because "women shouldn't be raped and can never be blamed."

I know a few women who have been raped and we've actually talked about this very point - if they could go back in time they would gladly sacrifice some of their freedom and exercise more caution in their social lives in order to avoid the rapes they endured. They put themselves into vulnerable positions and they were raped. The choice to commit the rape was entirely with the man, just like the choice to commit armed robbery is with the robber, not the victim, but when the victim puts himself in the ghetto at 2 am counting a big wad of cash, he does bear some responsibility for putting himself at risk.

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