Predictions for tonight

Looks like Joe Biden hit it out of the park yesterday

No Pete B and Amy K did that for him, if they would have stayed in then last night Bernie would have easily won Texas, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Maine. Creepy Joe is an old man who is ONLY running on Anti-Trump he has NO policies except the Gun Grabbing one. At least Bernie stands for things, even though they are Socialist things he IS running on something other than Anti-Trump.

With elections and this is ANY election candidates win in a General Election when they run FOR something, they lose if they are ONLY running AGAINST something eg. vote for me because I'm NOT the other candidate, that is not a winning strategy eg. vote for me because the Economy is a mess and here's my plan to fix it, that IS a winning strategy.

Vote for me because I'm NOT Donald Trump is NOT a winning strategy and that is ALL Joe Biden has to run on, that and he was Obama's Vice-President and the latter is NOT a winner either eg. Hubert Humphrey as a VP and he lost to Nixon, Nixon was a VP and he lost to JFK, Mondale was a VP and he lost to Reagan, Gore was a VP and he lost to GWB.
Sanders only path to victory was to have Biden, Butengeig, Klobuchar, Warren and Bloomberg split votes while he maintains his loyal base. That is how Trump got the nomination.

Bernie can’t beat Biden one on one.
I missed on a few. I think I hit like 11/14.

The Dimm strategy of people dropping out and backing Biden and Bloomy attacking Bernie seems to have worked.

Bernie HAS to win the New York one and see if he can win the New Jersey one also, but winning New York I would say is now CRITICAL for him. I think Florida and Illinois will go to Biden.
Looks like Joe Biden hit it out of the park yesterday

No Pete B and Amy K did that for him, if they would have stayed in then last night Bernie would have easily won Texas, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Maine. Creepy Joe is an old man who is ONLY running on Anti-Trump he has NO policies except the Gun Grabbing one. At least Bernie stands for things, even though they are Socialist things he IS running on something other than Anti-Trump.

With elections and this is ANY election candidates win in a General Election when they run FOR something, they lose if they are ONLY running AGAINST something eg. vote for me because I'm NOT the other candidate, that is not a winning strategy eg. vote for me because the Economy is a mess and here's my plan to fix it, that IS a winning strategy.

Vote for me because I'm NOT Donald Trump is NOT a winning strategy and that is ALL Joe Biden has to run on, that and he was Obama's Vice-President and the latter is NOT a winner either eg. Hubert Humphrey as a VP and he lost to Nixon, Nixon was a VP and he lost to JFK, Mondale was a VP and he lost to Reagan, Gore was a VP and he lost to GWB.
Sanders only path to victory was to have Biden, Butengeig, Klobuchar, Warren and Bloomberg split votes while he maintains his loyal base. That is how Trump got the nomination.

Bernie can’t beat Biden one on one.

Bernie has raised more money than Biden but now I'm not sure because I read that Bloomberg said a few weeks ago that he would give money to whichever candidate and Bernie rejected his money but Biden won't. Bernie's not a desperate whore like Biden is.

I think Bernie is more popular with the Left like he was in 2016 and it's very seedy and disgusting the way the DNC are getting ready to fuck him over again like they did in 2016.
I missed on a few. I think I hit like 11/14.

The Dimm strategy of people dropping out and backing Biden and Bloomy attacking Bernie seems to have worked.

Bernie HAS to win the New York one and see if he can win the New Jersey one also, but winning New York I would say is now CRITICAL for him. I think Florida and Illinois will go to Biden.

I am pretty sure it’s all over for Bernie. He needed to win delegates convincingly to have a shot.
Sanders wins:


Biden wins:


The nation loses.

Did I miss any states?

Wow you were soooo wrong.

Which doesn't surprise me.

The only states Sanders got were VT, CA, UT and CO.

Biden got the rest.

Do you ever get tired of being so very wrong?

Here's a tip. First of all get over yourself. You're not a badass. Second. Predictions are for fools.

Mature adults wait until the votes are cast and counted.
I missed on a few. I think I hit like 11/14.

The Dimm strategy of people dropping out and backing Biden and Bloomy attacking Bernie seems to have worked.

Bernie HAS to win the New York one and see if he can win the New Jersey one also, but winning New York I would say is now CRITICAL for him. I think Florida and Illinois will go to Biden.

I am pretty sure it’s all over for Bernie. He needed to win delegates convincingly to have a shot.

Yes but Bernie will stay in until the end, that's my opinion of this.

Below is the next round of things March 10-March 14, I have no immediate thoughts on any of the below States except that Biden will win Mississippi, North Dakota and possibly Missouri, no idea about Idaho or Wyoming, I would think Bernie might win Washington:

Looks like Joe Biden hit it out of the park yesterday

No Pete B and Amy K did that for him, if they would have stayed in then last night Bernie would have easily won Texas, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Maine. Creepy Joe is an old man who is ONLY running on Anti-Trump he has NO policies except the Gun Grabbing one. At least Bernie stands for things, even though they are Socialist things he IS running on something other than Anti-Trump.

With elections and this is ANY election candidates win in a General Election when they run FOR something, they lose if they are ONLY running AGAINST something eg. vote for me because I'm NOT the other candidate, that is not a winning strategy eg. vote for me because the Economy is a mess and here's my plan to fix it, that IS a winning strategy.

Vote for me because I'm NOT Donald Trump is NOT a winning strategy and that is ALL Joe Biden has to run on, that and he was Obama's Vice-President and the latter is NOT a winner either eg. Hubert Humphrey as a VP and he lost to Nixon, Nixon was a VP and he lost to JFK, Mondale was a VP and he lost to Reagan, Gore was a VP and he lost to GWB.
Sanders only path to victory was to have Biden, Butengeig, Klobuchar, Warren and Bloomberg split votes while he maintains his loyal base. That is how Trump got the nomination.

Bernie can’t beat Biden one on one.

Bernie has raised more money than Biden but now I'm not sure because I read that Bloomberg said a few weeks ago that he would give money to whichever candidate and Bernie rejected his money but Biden won't. Bernie's not a desperate whore like Biden is.

I think Bernie is more popular with the Left like he was in 2016 and it's very seedy and disgusting the way the DNC are getting ready to fuck him over again like they did in 2016.
Bernie was not fucked over in 2016 and is not getting fucked now
It all comes down to votes and delegates

Bernie has his loyal base but it won’t bring him a one on one victory
I missed on a few. I think I hit like 11/14.

The Dimm strategy of people dropping out and backing Biden and Bloomy attacking Bernie seems to have worked.

Bernie HAS to win the New York one and see if he can win the New Jersey one also, but winning New York I would say is now CRITICAL for him. I think Florida and Illinois will go to Biden.

I am pretty sure it’s all over for Bernie. He needed to win delegates convincingly to have a shot.

Yes but Bernie will stay in until the end, that's my opinion of this.

Below is the next round of things March 10-March 14, I have no immediate thoughts on any of the below States except that Biden will win Mississippi, North Dakota and possibly Missouri, no idea about Idaho or Wyoming, I would think Bernie might win Washington:

View attachment 310358
Bernie refused to concede to Hillary, I doubt if he will concede to Biden.

I look at Biden picking up loose voters from conceded candidates
His strongest base is those who want Trump to lose at any cost

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