Prediction: The Biggest Emily Litella Evah


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Here is my prediction:

When the Mueller probe unintentionally results in the inevitable "revelation" that the real Russian Collusion was on the part of the Obama Admin, the hiLIARy campaign and the DNC, we will hear the biggest "Nevermind" in history.

That is my prediction, it is mine and belongs to me, and I own it and what it is, too.
Here is my prediction:

When the Mueller probe unintentionally results in the inevitable "revelation" that the real Russian Collusion was on the part of the Obama Admin, the hiLIARy campaign and the DNC, we will hear the biggest "Nevermind" in history.

That is my prediction, it is mine and belongs to me, and I own it and what it is, too.

Notice two things:

1. Hillary's campaign paid Ruskies (not a crime) through intermediaries (fed campaign law violation for not disclosing it) to get dirt on Trump. Media silent.

2. Trump Jr. meets with Russian (arranged by FBI/Fusion GPS) to get dirt on Hillary, no money exchanged. Media pushes impeachment.

Anyone wonders why media is accused of bias?
Notice two things:

1. Hillary's campaign paid Ruskies (not a crime) through intermediaries (fed campaign law violation for not disclosing it) to get dirt on Trump. Media silent.

2. Trump Jr. meets with Russian (arranged by FBI/Fusion GPS) to get dirt on Hillary, no money exchanged. Media pushes impeachment.

Anyone wonders why media is accused of bias?

It's entirely consistent with their ends justify the means Progview.

1. Bubba gets away with raping women and sexually exploiting subordinate employees.

2. Trump says "pussy".

#2 is a Cardinal Sin, #1 is le droit du seigneur.
Here is my prediction:

When the Mueller probe unintentionally results in the inevitable "revelation" that the real Russian Collusion was on the part of the Obama Admin, the hiLIARy campaign and the DNC, we will hear the biggest "Nevermind" in history.

That is my prediction, it is mine and belongs to me, and I own it and what it is, too.

Not going to happen

The case against Trump is tightening
Here is my prediction:

When the Mueller probe unintentionally results in the inevitable "revelation" that the real Russian Collusion was on the part of the Obama Admin, the hiLIARy campaign and the DNC, we will hear the biggest "Nevermind" in history.

That is my prediction, it is mine and belongs to me, and I own it and what it is, too.

Not going to happen

The case against Trump is tightening

It must be a great comfort to you to have such an active fantasy life.
Trump has been right about this like he has been right about everything else. The real collusion with the Russians has always been with Crooked Hillary and the with the DNC.

The filthy dishonest Moon Bats will shut up real fast when the emphasis shifts to the real culprits.
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Here is my prediction:

When the Mueller probe unintentionally results in the inevitable "revelation" that the real Russian Collusion was on the part of the Obama Admin, the hiLIARy campaign and the DNC, we will hear the biggest "Nevermind" in history.

That is my prediction, it is mine and belongs to me, and I own it and what it is, too.

Now you done shifted from Emily Litella to Anne Elk.

I have another theory by the way. My theory number two which is the second theory that I have which belongs to me....
Here is my prediction:

When the Mueller probe unintentionally results in the inevitable "revelation" that the real Russian Collusion was on the part of the Obama Admin, the hiLIARy campaign and the DNC, we will hear the biggest "Nevermind" in history.

That is my prediction, it is mine and belongs to me, and I own it and what it is, too.

Now you done shifted from Emily Litella to Anne Elk.

I have another theory by the way. My theory number two which is the second theory that I have which belongs to me....

They are two of the best female characters in late 20th century comedy, imo.

Here is my prediction:

When the Mueller probe unintentionally results in the inevitable "revelation" that the real Russian Collusion was on the part of the Obama Admin, the hiLIARy campaign and the DNC, we will hear the biggest "Nevermind" in history.

That is my prediction, it is mine and belongs to me, and I own it and what it is, too.

Not going to happen

The case against Trump is tightening

It must be a great comfort to you to have such an active fantasy life.

Yup it sure makes her/him happy. Of course Obama the Great is her hero and that explains it all. LOL
Mueller most likely is buying time until after the elections to see if dems can take over the house and or senate. He knows if they don't his investigation will be brought to an end. He has stopped investigating anything that can be traced back to the Page FISA warrant which started the Russia investigation and now appears to be going after obstruction. I suspect he knows he would loss on an obstruction case as well since firing someone over corruption isn't obstruction, nor is not cooperating with someone who has been corrupted. Mueller knew the Page FISA warrant was corrupt when he quietly fired Strozk.

I do suppose if Republicans win big in November there is a chance both Mueller and Rosenstein flip in order to try and save themselves, but most likely Mueller would end the investigation in the same manor as Comey did in July 2016 with the Hillary email investigation.
Oh. Nevermind....


An attorney for Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former lawyer, is backing away from confident assertions he made that Cohen has information to share with investigators that shows Trump knew in 2016 of Russian efforts to undermine Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Lanny Davis, a spokesman and attorney for Cohen, said in an interview this weekend that he is no longer certain about claims he made to reporters on background and on the record in recent weeks about what Cohen knows about Trump’s awareness of the Russian efforts.

Davis did not rule out that his claims were correct but expressed regret that he did not explain that he could not independently corroborate them, saying that he now believes he “should have been more clear.”...

Attorney for Michael Cohen backs away from confidence that Cohen has information about Trump’s knowledge on Russian efforts

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