Powerglide: Red Tower (Italy) Security [Terrorism]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA-politics representative themed global commerce/consumerism vignette (dramatized) in honor of 9/11, inspired by the film Die Hard.

Since it's politics-toned, I didn't post it in the Writing section, but what do you think?

Cheers (signing off),


An Italian toy-maker named Emilio Rivaldi was designing a new airplane robot toy-model for the Transformers (Hasbro) A.I. fantasy-adventure market. Emilio wanted a robot-toy that would represent both futuristic design and modern military vehicle/plane bravado. The robot he created was named Powerglide, a heroic warrior-robot of the patriotic Autobot army of robots who defended democracy on Earth as visitors from the war-ravaged planet of Cybertron. Powerglide was going to be the 'marketing mascot' for a new hotel-tower and casino in Italy called Red Riviera (placed in various TV ads).


Red Riviera towered above the city in Italy, and shined like a ruby-gem in the night-sky. Powerglide was going to be for this casino-hotel's ads the way Michael Jordan was a 'mascot' for Wheaties breakfast cereal in the USA. The Powerglide-angle of capitalism/hospitality marketing for new age TV ads reflected an Italian social investment in aesthetics-driven consumerism, since Italy wanted to compete with the flowery commerce-imagination of TrumpUSA. President Trump was going to fly to the opening of Red Riviera with First Lady Melania Trump.


Well, at the opening of the red-lit hotel-casino in Italy, Emilio showed up with not only a model-toy of his invented/designed Powerglide robot but also a replica of the miniature Transformers (Hasbro) compact-cassette transforming espionage-geared warrior-robot named Frenzy, an evil spy in the terrorist robot army called Decepticons. When President Trump and the First Lady noticed Emilio's hospitality-booth/commerce-stand at the Riviera opening in Italy with his nifty Powerglide/Frenzy toys, they remarked on the colorfulness of Italian consumerism/mercantilism, and Emilio smiled and said, "You just might find such dazzling robots at an Olive Garden restaurant near you...in America, madam/sir!"


President Trump and the First Lady were giddy about attending the consumerism-marketed opening of the Red Riviera hotel-casino tower in Italy that day and conversing with Emilio Rivaldi who was the 'Geppetto' of his time/place. However, not all was well in capitalism-paradise, because a group of red ski-mask wearing terrorists from Australia calling themselves the Red Devils stormed into the hotel-casino tower and declared their intention to blow it up. They informed the crowd (including Mr. and Mrs. Trump) that if they were not paid $35 million and a chance to transmit a national-radio broadcast (from the Red Riviera) about 9/11, they'd kidnap/kill the ingenious inventor/designer Emilio Rivaldi.


Fortunately, a witch who also attended the opening of the Red Riviera named Scarlet Witch came with a strange sedative oil which she kept in her purse which she took in tea to help her sleep at night. Scarlet Witch put a hearty dose of her sedative oil in some tea which she served members of the Red Devils when they noticed her attractive appearance and demanded she serve the terrorist-group some tea in cups. When the Red Devils fell unconscious from the heavily laced tea, authorities took over and everyone was safe. The Italian press hailed Scarlet Witch as a modern-day/real-life Aruna Asaf Ali(!).


TRUMP: That was a close-call, Carter!
CARTER: Yes, Scarlet Witch saved everyone, Mr. President.
TRUMP: The Italians are a funny and quaint people...
CARTER: Ever since WWII, they've been trying to outgrow their disrepute.
TRUMP: Well, they've done well with capitalism (Olive Garden, Ferrari, Giorgio Armani).
CARTER: Are you a fan of Italian film-makers (Coppola, Scorsese, Fellini)?
TRUMP: I personally prefer Swedish film-makers (Bergman, Hallstrom, Nilsson).
CARTER: Have you seen the American film The Towering Inferno?
TRUMP: Sure. That film speaks volumes about Red Riviera and the World Trade Center.
CARTER: Fortunately, Red Riviera was not obliterated like the World Trade Center.
TRUMP: Yes, 9/11 changed the way the world conceived of traffic-security/peace.
CARTER: This is the age of 'gambling-persecution.'
TRUMP: I wonder what archaeologists in the future will say about Trump Taj Mahal!
CARTER: They might note, "Atlantic City was a 'beacon' for hospitality-aesthetics."
TRUMP: We have to make sure terrorism does not destroy hospitality...
CARTER: Everything depends on responsible journalism!
TRUMP: May commerce promote 'Powerglide-blush.'
CARTER: Here's to Emilio Rivaldi...and television.



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