Powder Keg Watch: Harvard names a Jew to replace outgoing President Claudine Gay

Blacks are much more likely to be on welfare than whites. They make up 40% of welfare recipients when they are only 13% of the population.

Instead of focusing on getting more handouts for blacks, why not focus on becoming self-sufficient?
That is easier said than done.


Where the differences in basic characteristics are not conspicuous, as in the case of [East] Asians and whites, and when persons can fit in and do the same kinds of jobs and do them as well as anyone else, it may work. See, there are blacks who fit in this way too — who do all right.

But the black population in this country is in a sense burdened by the large number of persons who are at a level of g that is no longer very relevant to a highly industrialized, technological society. Once you get below IQs of 80 or 75, which is the cut-off for mental retardation in the California School System, children are put into special classes. These persons are not really educable up to a level for which there’s any economic demand. The question is, what do you do about them? They have higher birth-rates than the other end of the distribution.

People are shocked and disbelieving when you tell them that about one in four blacks in our population are in that category — below 75.

- Professor Arthur Jensen, of Berkeley

Because the Jews do not depend on handouts. I have a better question for you.
That's easy to say after you have received them.
The Jews recovered from the Holocaust to become the most accomplished 0.2% of the human population.
With help from everyone in the Western world.
What have Negroes achieved since the civil rights legislation was passed and the War on Poverty was declared during the 1960's?
What did black folks receive after slavery? Jim Crow. What did black folks receive after Jim Crow? Jim Crow 2.0.
Expect the sparks to fly now that they're replacing her with a Jew. Wikipedia has already been edited to hide the fact that he IS a Jew. Too late though.


Diversity, equity and inclusion never improve anything. They are just a liberal's excuse to be racists. I want to know what are the odds that this new President will do anything about the plagiarizing anti Semite, ClaudineGay, still having her 900K job at Harvard.
Reparations? How about 4 Generations of WELFARE? Is that not enough?

We haven't had four generations of welfare.

In fact, blacks were excluded from the first welfare programs. They were excluded from Veteran's programs after WWII.

Even today, most people getting "welfare" are white, and we spend three times as much on "Middle Class Entitlements" than we do on "Welfare".

I hope you're right. Right now the dangerous, evil man is ahead of Biden in the polls.

Thanks to racists like you.

Take out his appeals to racism, he just has a bunch of bad economic ideas no one would vote for.

Because the Jews do not depend on handouts. I have a better question for you.

The Jews recovered from the Holocaust to become the most accomplished 0.2% of the human population. What have Negroes achieved since the civil rights legislation was passed and the War on Poverty was declared during the 1960's?

The Jews have been living off our dime since the end of WWII, such as all the money we've poured into the Zionist Entity.
Which means there are more whites on welfare than black folks.
First, there are more whites, period.

Second, blacks are 3x as likely as whites to be on welfare. It’s time to stop screaming for more money and become self-sufficient.
Why is that when Jews were given money for the Holocaust it was called reparations, but when black folks demand restitution for slavery and Jim Crow that lasted hundreds of years longer than the Holocaust you call it Handouts.
Jews who suffered through and survived the Holocaust, with lifelong injuries and the murder of their families got reparations - and a token amount at that. No way should blacks living today, after two generations of Affirmative Action, and 150 years removed from slavery, get a penny.

Stop groveling for more money. Take advantage of Pell Grants to learn a trade or start a small business. Don‘t have babies out of wedlock - the 72% OOW rate is positively shameful. Focus your efforts on supporting the black community by patronizing their businesses. Open your own day care centers to single mothers can get jobs. There is LOTS you can do to help blacks beside demand payments for something that happened long ago, and expect white people who are not at fault for it to bear the burden.
How many billions has America given Israel since the Holocaust?
How many billions has America given Arab and African countries since the Holocaust? How come it’s only a problem for you when Jews - who lost their families and homes due to a massive extermination scheme - get money?
Blacks are much more likely to be on welfare than whites. They make up 40% of welfare recipients when they are only 13% of the population.

Instead of focusing on getting more handouts for blacks, why not focus on becoming self-sufficient?

That's only if you count poverty relief as welfare, and not middle class entitlements.

What we spend on poverty relief (SNAP, TANF, Section 8) is a pittance compared to what we spend on Middle Class Entitlements (Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance.)

We spend far more keeping white people from becoming poor (which they would without these programs) than we spend keeping poor black people from starving and rioting.
How many billions has America given Israel since the Holocaust?

In fact, Israel was under US arms embargo until 1967 and Americans were sent to prison for facilitating even the sale of small arms to Israel (unlike The Arab States) because the US government never believe the nascent Jewish State would survive until they won a tremendous victory against vastly superior Arab forces using weapons purchased from France or made in Israel. Until then, Israel received the lowest amount in foreign aid of all US allies.

Since then, the US supplies arms to Israel for precisely the same reason that Nike gives free shoes to Michael Jordan ... because if you want to sell arms (or shoes) you have to show potential buyers that they are effective against the enemy. Israel is the single best American ally at proving just that. After the Six Day War in 1967, the French company Dassault profited from a huge upsurge in orders for their fighter jets because of how effectively Israel used them against the Russian MiG.

Arms sales to Israel are in no way reparations for The Holocaust (or even from America's refusal to accept Jewish refugees fleeing The Holocaust). They are a government handout to Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and Grumman Northrop, that employs thousands to Americans and brings in Billions of dollars in overseas arms sales every year.
In fact, Israel was under US arms embargo until 1967 and Americans were sent to prison for facilitating even the sale of small arms to Israel (unlike The Arab States) because the US government never believe the nascent Jewish State would survive until they won a tremendous victory against vastly superior Arab forces using weapons purchased from France or made in Israel. Until then, Israel received the lowest amount in foreign aid of all US allies.

Since then, the US supplies arms to Israel for precisely the same reason that Nike gives free shoes to Michael Jordan ... because if you want to sell arms (or shoes) you have to show potential buyers that they are effective against the enemy. Israel is the single best American ally at proving just that. After the Six Day War in 1967, the French company Dassault profited from a huge upsurge in orders for their fighter jets because of how effectively Israel used them against the Russian MiG.

Arms sales to Israel are in no way reparations for The Holocaust (or even from America's refusal to accept Jewish refugees fleeing The Holocaust). They are a government handout to Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and Grumman Northrop, that employs thousands to Americans and brings in Billions of dollars in overseas arms sales every year.

Except since 1967, we've had to keep bailing the Zionist Entity out when they've gotten in over their heads in 1973, 1979, 1982, etc.
Thanks to racists like you.

Take out his appeals to racism, he just has a bunch of bad economic ideas no one would vote for.
Why do you think so many whites, Hispanics, and Hispanics feel hostile toward blacks? Is it irrational color prejudice? Or is it facts like this:


National Review, November 23, 2023

A 2021 study by the Federal Bureau of Justice Statistics found that although blacks are arrested for serious nonfatal violent crimes at much higher rate than people in general, this mostly reflected underlying crime rates: “white and black people were arrested proportionate to their involvement in serious nonfatal violent crime overall and proportionate to their involvement in serious nonfatal violent crime reported to police.”

Why do you think so many whites, Hispanics, and Hispanics feel hostile toward blacks? Is it irrational color prejudice? Or is it facts like this:
400 years of institutionalized racism.

Shit, we tell immigrants the minute they get off the boat they are better than black people. this is messed up, yo. Nobody likes a line-jumper.

And, yes, it is irrational.
First, there are more whites, period.
Which means there are more whites on it, duh.
Second, blacks are 3x as likely as whites to be on welfare. It’s time to stop screaming for more money and become self-sufficient.
Based on what, your opinion. This coming from the woman who keeps screaming for more money for Israel. We are screaming for restitution.
Jews who suffered through and survived the Holocaust, with lifelong injuries and the murder of their families got reparations - and a token amount at that. No way should blacks living today, after two generations of Affirmative Action, and 150 years removed from slavery, get a penny.
How many black folks suffered through Jim Crow? How many black folks had their homes destroyed? How many had family members beaten, raped, murdered and lynched? How many were denied basic human rights? What % of black folks in this country have benefitted from AA? What restitution did black folks receive after slavery?
Stop groveling for more money. Take advantage of Pell Grants to learn a trade or start a small business. Don‘t have babies out of wedlock - the 72% OOW rate is positively shameful. Focus your efforts on supporting the black community by patronizing their businesses. Open your own day care centers to single mothers can get jobs. There is LOTS you can do to help blacks beside demand payments for something that happened long ago, and expect white people who are not at fault for it to bear the burden.
A prime example of the same old racist babble, I have learned that when fools like you make statements like this you are just regurgitating what you have heard another racist say. For the simple it shows you don't know any black folks. Here let me educate your racist ass a little bit, do you know that many of these so called single mothers are not actually single. The mother and father live in the same household raising the kid, but they still call her a single mother or household because the father and mother are not married. Many black businesses closed down because we wanted to spend our money in the white businesses and then everyone else moved to our communities and set up shop. I can give you a list of black communities across this country that were thriving until they were wiped out by white racist and there has never been any restitution for those crimes. Racist like you are a joke, you have thrived off of what you call handouts and then try and tell someone else to pull themselves up by their bootstraps when in fact you denied them the boots in the first place.
The Jews have been living off our dime since the end of WWII, such as all the money we've poured into the Zionist Entity.
Foreign aid for Israel is money well invested. In the United States Jews pay their own way.


"Jewish Genius," By Charles Murray, Commentary, April 02, 2007​

As soon as Jewish children born under legal emancipation had time to grow to adulthood, they started appearing in the first ranks of the arts and sciences. During the four decades from 1830 to 1870, when the first Jews to live under emancipation reached their forties, 16 significant Jewish figures appear.

In the next four decades, from 1870 to 1910, the number jumps to 40. During the next four decades, 1910–1950, despite the contemporaneous devastation of European Jewry, the number of significant figures almost triples, to 114.

To get a sense of the density of accomplishment these numbers represent, I will focus on 1870 onward, after legal emancipation had been achieved throughout Central and Western Europe. How does the actual number of significant figures compare to what would be expected given the Jewish proportion of the European and North American population?

From 1870 to 1950, Jewish representation in literature was four times the number one would expect. In music, five times. In the visual arts, five times. In biology, eight times. In chemistry, six times. In physics, nine times. In mathematics, twelve times. In philosophy, fourteen times.

Disproportionate Jewish accomplishment in the arts and sciences continues to this day. My inventories end with 1950, but many other measures are available, of which the best known is the Nobel Prize. In the first half of the 20th century, despite pervasive and continuing social discrimination against

Jews throughout the Western world, despite the retraction of legal rights, and despite the Holocaust, Jews won 14 percent of Nobel Prizes in literature, chemistry, physics, and medicine/physiology. In the second half of the 20th century, when Nobel Prizes began to be awarded to people from all over the world, that figure rose to 29 percent. So far, in the 21st century, it has been 32 percent. Jews constitute about two-tenths of one percent of the world’s population. You do the math.


JoeB131, I know you are going to say that Charles Murray has been "debunked." How has he been debunked? What did he say that is not true?

The superior average intelligence of God's Chosen People is so well attested that even Adolf Hitler acknowledged it in Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter XI, "Nation and Race,"

"The intellectual abilities were schooled in the course of centuries. Today the Jew is looked upon as 'clever," and in a certain sense he has been so at all times."
Foreign aid for Israel is money well invested. In the United States Jews pay their own way.
They've been dragging us into their wars since 1982. I'm not seeing a good investment making enemies of people who have nothing to do with us otherwise.

JoeB131, I know you are going to say that Charles Murray has been "debunked." How has he been debunked? What did he say that is not true?
Everything, he falsified data and lied to the people he collected it from. They fired Claudine Gay for a lot less.

The superior average intelligence of God's Chosen People is so well attested that even Adolf Hitler acknowledged it in Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter XI, "Nation and Race,"
If God gave a fuck about the Jews, he wouldn't have let Hitler turn half of them into lampshades.

There is no God, and the sooner we disabuse ourselves of the notion, the better off we'll all be.

Why did black rates of crime and illegitimacy rise after 1963, when the civil rights legislation was passed, and the war on Poverty was Declared.?
Same reason illegitimacy went up for white people...

People no longer felt an obligation to marry a woman if she could have used birth control or had an abortion.
And that means all the Jews in the DC area vote Democrat? You’d be wrong, many times over.
This person is a white supremacist bigot, that's why they are clueless about how Jews operate in the real world.
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People no longer felt an obligation to marry a woman if she could have used birth control or had an abortion.
Having an illegitimate child is more than a life style choice. Most illegitimate children are raised on welfare. Why should responsible married couples pay to support the illegitimate children of irresponsible parents.?

Also, children raised to adulthood by both biological parents living together in matrimony tend to have many fewer problems in life than other children.

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