Powder Keg Watch: Harvard names a Jew to replace outgoing President Claudine Gay

Many white women have the good sense to hate to see standards lowered so that black can attend colleges where they lack the intelligence to perform adequately. Look at the fool Claudine Gay made of herself.
Is that so, white women benefit more from AA more than anyone in this country. Which means white men benefit from AA as well. What I find amazing is that the white men who brag the most about being so intelligent are some of the dumbest cocksuckas on the planet. I have learned that white men like you who love to brag about the accomplishments of other white men haven't done a damn thing. I bet Claudine would run circles around your pasty white ass when it comes to intelligence.
What’s so surprising? Blacks realize that their lives are worse under Biden than they were under Trump. Why would blacks vote for someone who is bringing in millions of migrants to compete for jobs and housing, driving wages down and costs up?
What jobs are migrants competing for that black folks do that white folks don't do?

Tell me 3 bills that republicans have passed in the last 50yrs that have helped black folks or anyone for that matter.
What jobs are migrants competing for that black folks do that white folks don't do?
Blacks and whites both. There millions more here that should not be here, not only competing for jobs, but competing for housing.
Tell me 3 bills that republicans have passed in the last 50yrs that have helped black folks or anyone for that matter.
I’ve got to do research to answer that, but in the meantime, what bills have Democrats passed to help blacks that do not involve 1) direct handouts, or 2) reduce opportunities for whites.

The Dems’ bills have made blacks more dependent on other people’s money, destroyed intact families, and moved them further away from self-sufficiency.
Blacks and whites both. There millions more here that should not be here, not only competing for jobs, but competing for housing.
Be specific, what jobs and housing?
I’ve got to do research to answer that, but in the meantime, what bills have Democrats passed to help blacks that do not involve 1) direct handouts, or 2) reduce opportunities for whites.
Tell me the bills Democrats have passed that are solely for black folks

Tell me the direct handouts that black folks have rec'd that white folks haven't.

Since you benefit more from AA than any black person ever has, tell me what reduced opportunities you are speaking of.
The Dems’ bills have made blacks more dependent on other people’s money, destroyed intact families, and moved them further away from self-sufficiency.
Please list those bills for me.
Be specific, what jobs and housing?

Tell me the bills Democrats have passed that are solely for black folks

Tell me the direct handouts that black folks have rec'd that white folks haven't.

Since you benefit more from AA than any black person ever has, tell me what reduced opportunities you are speaking of.

Please list those bills for me.
Stop giving me homework assignments. Your post is full of lies, and I’m not going to play. If you can’t figure out what Dems have done to make blacks more dependent on govt assistance, you’re hopeless.

And blacks are much more likely to have benefited from AA than whites. Learn the concept of per-capita.
Stop giving me homework assignments. Your post is full of lies, and I’m not going to play.
The only person telling lies is you, that is why you can't answer the questions. All you do is spew lies about black folks and when put on the carpet to prove those lies you run with your tail between your legs.
If you can’t figure out what Dems have done to make blacks more dependent on govt assistance, you’re hopeless.
That's all we hear from Trump Humpers is what Democrats have or haven't done for black folks, but you lying cocksuckas can never tell us what Republicans have done for anyone. You claim immigrants are taking all the jobs from black folks, then when asked what jobs all you do is coming back with the same weak bullshit.
And blacks are much more likely to have benefited from AA than whites. Learn the concept of per-capita.
Well since there are more white women in this country than anyone else it's a pretty easy concept that per-capita, raw numbers or any other dumbass equation you want to use, AA has benefitted white women more than anyone. Now that is FACT.
The only person telling lies is you, that is why you can't answer the questions. All you do is spew lies about black folks and when put on the carpet to prove those lies you run with your tail between your legs.

That's all we hear from Trump Humpers is what Democrats have or haven't done for black folks, but you lying cocksuckas can never tell us what Republicans have done for anyone. You claim immigrants are taking all the jobs from black folks, then when asked what jobs all you do is coming back with the same weak bullshit.

Well since there are more white women in this country than anyone else it's a pretty easy concept that per-capita, raw numbers or any other dumbass equation you want to use, AA has benefitted white women more than anyone. Now that is FACT.
And you are very good at moving goal post and yabbuttism
I attended a segregated elementary school in the South during the closing days of Jim Crow. I told my class mates, and even a teacher that I thought the school should be integrated.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
So why is it that you can ask questions, but you can't accept the answer and then when asked for proof of your assertions all we hear are crickets.

Lol .. that's because you don't answer. I said to you last time that black smash and grabbers are doing harm to blacks who rely on these jobs pay their bills. Your response was what about others such as whites and Asians.
Only 63% of blacks support Biden. They’re waking up to the lip service and tired of being used as pawns.

In a Pew Research Center survey in October, only 4% of Black registered voters said they would vote for the Republican candidate for the U.S. House seat in their district, while 69% said they would back the Democratic candidate
Lol .. that's because you don't answer. I said to you last time that black smash and grabbers are doing harm to blacks who rely on these jobs pay their bills. Your response was what about others such as whites and Asians.
So across America as a whole, how many smash and grabs would you say there have been? Be specific because you only see this happen every Blue Moon across America.
So across America as a whole, how many smash and grabs would you say there have been? Be specific because you only see this happen every Blue Moon across America.
Lol...deflection again. Search businesses closure in just San Francisco slone. Better yet, just search Walgreens stores closing in San Francisco.
Is that so, white women benefit more from AA more than anyone in this country. Which means white men benefit from AA as well. What I find amazing is that the white men who brag the most about being so intelligent are some of the dumbest cocksuckas on the planet. I have learned that white men like you who love to brag about the accomplishments of other white men haven't done a damn thing. I bet Claudine would run circles around your pasty white ass when it comes to intelligence.
I am a retired computer programmer. As a programmer I coded the most complex application anyone in my department coded. It was probably one of the first robo call applications.

When my boss hired a black programmer I mentored him, although I had not been asked to. He told our boss I was helping him. Our boss told me, "It is my job to train the people I hire, but I do not always have the time. You are making my job a lot easier." In a job review he told me that I finished my assignments faster than his other programmers with fewer errors, and that the design engineers always asked that I would code their applications..

To get that job I had to pass a mental aptitude test and a test of my computer knowledge.
And you notice in order to convince himself I’m a racist, he attributes an attitude to me that I don’t have? To him, unless you are for admitting blacks with poorer grades and scores and instead rejecting whites with better grades and scores, you don’t want them to attend college?
I believe that the only people who should go to college have IQs of 110 or above. The following chart demonstrates why lowering standards for blacks with affirmative action programs is a bad idea.


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