POTUS Trump Now Turns To D.C. Swamp And Says, “MY TURN.”


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
POTUS Trump Now Turns To D.C. Swamp And Says, “MY TURN.”

POTUS Trump Now Turns To D.C. Swamp And Says, "MY TURN." - DCWhispers.com
03/24/19 ~~ Lots of whispers circulating in and around Washington D.C. regarding a Trump White House that is set to unleash an investigative push back against all those false accusors that have been peddling the dangerous and divisive Trump-Russia hoax for the last two years.
Word is members of both the Clinton and Obama gang are bracing for impact.

First step - release all those classified documents, like the phony FISA applications, which The Donald’s lawyers told him he couldn’t release because it would be considered obstruction of justice while Mueller was still investigating........
Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats unleashed the dogs of war when the attacked the 2016 Election and Donald J Trump. Payback is a real bitch. Gotta NUKE the Dems with mass arrests making sure they can’t get up again. We need to destroy this party for decades!!! Get ahold of our education systems, courts, borders, in order to do this we need them neutered for a couple of decades! Drain the Swamp!

POTUS Trump Now Turns To D.C. Swamp And Says, “MY TURN.”

POTUS Trump Now Turns To D.C. Swamp And Says, "MY TURN." - DCWhispers.com
03/24/19 ~~ Lots of whispers circulating in and around Washington D.C. regarding a Trump White House that is set to unleash an investigative push back against all those false accusors that have been peddling the dangerous and divisive Trump-Russia hoax for the last two years.
Word is members of both the Clinton and Obama gang are bracing for impact.

First step - release all those classified documents, like the phony FISA applications, which The Donald’s lawyers told him he couldn’t release because it would be considered obstruction of justice while Mueller was still investigating........
Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats unleashed the dogs of war when the attacked the 2016 Election and Donald J Trump. Payback is a real bitch. Gotta NUKE the Dems with mass arrests making sure they can’t get up again. We need to destroy this party for decades!!! Get ahold of our education systems, courts, borders, in order to do this we need them neutered for a couple of decades! Drain the Swamp!


Trump isn't going to jail.

Fox just says a lot of his friends are.

Who's been charged by Mueller in the Russia probe so far?
What needs to be released is the full Mueller Report.

NOT what Trump's hand picked AG says about it
What needs to be released is the full Mueller Report.

NOT what Trump's hand picked AG says about it

The LAW says that they get a summary from the AG. That's all the dems should get. Trump's AG is not the issue, its the Mueller Report findings, and there is only a nothingberder for the dems. Now its Trump's turn at bat to see how many dems he can send to prison.
He should ask the AG to appoint another special prosecutor to investigate everything.

Heaven knows what that SP would find.
Yea...maybe those find those "30,000 e-mails". But he'd have to ask the Kremlin for that
POTUS Trump Now Turns To D.C. Swamp And Says, “MY TURN.”

POTUS Trump Now Turns To D.C. Swamp And Says, "MY TURN." - DCWhispers.com
03/24/19 ~~ Lots of whispers circulating in and around Washington D.C. regarding a Trump White House that is set to unleash an investigative push back against all those false accusors that have been peddling the dangerous and divisive Trump-Russia hoax for the last two years.
Word is members of both the Clinton and Obama gang are bracing for impact.

First step - release all those classified documents, like the phony FISA applications, which The Donald’s lawyers told him he couldn’t release because it would be considered obstruction of justice while Mueller was still investigating........
Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats unleashed the dogs of war when the attacked the 2016 Election and Donald J Trump. Payback is a real bitch. Gotta NUKE the Dems with mass arrests making sure they can’t get up again. We need to destroy this party for decades!!! Get ahold of our education systems, courts, borders, in order to do this we need them neutered for a couple of decades! Drain the Swamp!


You willing to wager on if any dominos fall or not?

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What needs to be released is the full Mueller Report.

NOT what Trump's hand picked AG says about it

The LAW says that they get a summary from the AG. That's all the dems should get. Trump's AG is not the issue, its the Mueller Report findings, and there is only a nothingberder for the dems. Now its Trump's turn at bat to see how many dems he can send to prison.
Post that law. Let's see what it actually says
We know that our media will try to keep Trump under the microscope but I think their original plans for impeaching Trump is about to backfire on them. The Ds and the MSM are almost as surprised that Trump survived their assault as they were that he won the election. It's about time our corrupt establishment realizes that we have a great President that would be a lot better if they gave him some support.
What needs to be released is the full Mueller Report.

NOT what Trump's hand picked AG says about it

The LAW says that they get a summary from the AG. That's all the dems should get. Trump's AG is not the issue, its the Mueller Report findings, and there is only a nothingberder for the dems. Now its Trump's turn at bat to see how many dems he can send to prison.
Post that law. Let's see what it actually says

The additional DOJ "privacy concerns" elsewhere are that if a person is not charged they can't have derogatory info published.
So Comey was wrong outlining Hillary's mishandling of classified data "crime" if he wasn't going to charge her.

eCFR — Code of Federal Regulations
What needs to be released is the full Mueller Report.

NOT what Trump's hand picked AG says about it

The LAW says that they get a summary from the AG. That's all the dems should get. Trump's AG is not the issue, its the Mueller Report findings, and there is only a nothingberder for the dems. Now its Trump's turn at bat to see how many dems he can send to prison.

I must say Sessions leave was perfectly timed. Gonna be hard for democrats to push Barr politicized the Mueller report when Rosenstein was allowed to stay on being involved in writing the summary. Democrats went to great lengths to protect not only Mueller but also Rosenstein, TRUMP knew what they were doing and waited till the end to screw up their plans. :auiqs.jpg:
this one isn't as easy as you would think.

in a hollywood scenario, we do have a president who, like a super hero taking enough shots already, says MY TURN and unleashes back at the "enemy".

my neighbors are not my enemy. people who don't feel like i do are not and never have been my enemy regardless of THEIR stance on it. while i would like to see those who pushed this so hard pay - what is the overall cost in the end? anyone who doesn't get what they thought they would out of an investigation is now a criminal?

trump didn't do it. in fact, he told the russians "NO" when they offered. YES in my view it was bullshit from the start and a cover for a loss. was it more? was it a cover for a "deep state" or is that how we justified our own hate? no i don't have an answer to that but it's a question that needs to be asked. it's time to stop and think. not react. no revenge minded actions.

yes are media is a circus. stop watching. stop re-tweeting the fascination of their stupidity. stop telling them they're stupid. they then go away. we're to blame in as much as anyone for how our media got here. it was a perfect storm of events that we are going to have to navigate through. to get there we first need to ask where we want to go.

who are we today? is that better than yesterday? where do we want to be tomorrow?

no one has ever bothered to ask that lately and we need to.

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