posting from NoCal


Wood Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 17, 2014
Wow, I got banned from another political forum after 2 days. I made no ad hominem attacks, and used no profanity. I made no virtual altar to Satan. No hate speech. My best guess is that I included a link on one post to my personal blog, which was relevant to the discussion. They must have chalked me up to a spammer. Or, they just didn't like what I had to say.
Welcome aboard! Hopefully you find a good home here at USMB. We have some awesome members and there's something for everyone here. Take your time, look around and get familiar.

Enjoy the forums and thanks for dropping in!
Maybe that was the problem. The Ebola! I was a new member and they quarantined the forum.

Glad to find out that US Messageboard is not so paranoid about Ebola. *cough, cough*
Hey there Treeshepard...


Welcome to the USMB...glad to have you. :)
I think you can post just about anything here except photos of professional hockey players after they've been hit in the cake hole with a 110 mph frozen puck. USMB will censor those photos. Goodbye playoffs, hello serious reconstructive facial surgery. Detroit Red Wings forward Mitch Callahan after he blocked a slap shot with his face. He lost 10 teeth, his upper lip was split, and his jaw was shattered so badly they had to install an artificial unit.
Google "Mitch Callahan + injury"
Welcome to the madhouse! Please be informed we don't bite.....well not hard......well Coyote does but she's...well you know, she's a coyote.... Oh well never mind!
Welcome to the madhouse! Please be informed we don't bite.....well not hard......well Coyote does but she's...well you know, she's a coyote.... Oh well never mind!

Love the Feynman quote. Also love his quote, " I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics."

This place is pretty loose, but you should read the rules and be aware of what zone you are posting in. We have the usual number of trolls, and we feed them occasionally because they are so entertaining. Every now and then we send one of them to the abyss, so please enjoy your stay, get to know people and pet the trolls, their bark is nastier than their bite...:)

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