Possum May Be Extinct Due to Global Warming

And in that same time period, the total irradiance of the sun has not increased, in fact it has decreased an insignificant amount.

This is unsettled due in part to different methods of measuring, leading to inconsistent data. There is some argument over this in the primary literature, with some scientists maintaining an increase in total irradiance over about a 10 year period from 1986 to 1996, and then the beginnings of a decrease. Others disagree. The variation seems to be around 11 years, which is half of the sun's magnetic cycle.
Well yes, without the sun, the Earth would be a much colder place. However, over the last 50 years we have seen a rapid increase in temperatures worldwide. And in that same time period, the total irradiance of the sun has not increased, in fact it has decreased an insignificant amount. In fact, the only significant change that we have seen that can account for the increase in the global temperature is the increase in GHGs in our atmosphere. CO2 by 39%, CH4 by 250%.

Yeah, OK,

Brightening Sun is Warming Earth
Baliunas and Soon base their ideas about the cause of global warming on irrefutable evidence that sunlight is getting stronger. Since the late 1970s, three Sun-watching satellites recorded surprising changes in heat, ultraviolet radiation, and solar wind. The radiation alters the paths of winter storms; solar winds affect cloudiness and rainfall.

The increased activity, everyone agrees, is tied to a cycle that sees the Sun dimming, then brightening, every 11 years or so. From the late 1970s to mid-1980s, activity on Earth's star declined. Since then it has risen, declined, then risen again. The satellites measured an increase in brightness of as much as 0.14 percent on the latest rise.

The Inconstant Sun

Very interesting. Especially considering the fact that at present we have very few sunspots showing. There is still much to learn concerning the solar irradiance and climate connection. However, there is no way that we cannot fail to affect our climate by adding more GHGs to the atmosphere than the earth has seen in over a million years. And there are some feedback effects that we do not want to see started. A 39% increase in CO2, and a 250% increase in CH4 is significant. Even more significant is the fact that the last two years increase in CH4 seems to come from a source other than man's activities. In other words, a feedback is already kicking in.
OK, namecalling is fun. Willful ignorance is even more fun. Come on, give me some evidence that global warming is not occuring, or that the GHGs are not the primary cause of it.

Is namecalling and/or willful ignorance more fun that intellectual dishonesty? The article says MAN-MADE global warming, not global warming. While I'll give you that global warming appears to be occurring, there is no factual evidence to support that it is man-made.

And the way that this works is, you are stating something exists, so prove it. I don't have to prove it doesn't exist.
But even these scientists are listing greenhouse emissions as a cause as well, although a secondary cause. It goes to underscore the fact that we're not sure.

The data is also 11 years old.
Yet even without surety, we are supposed to make drastic changes?
Nobody is sure what those changes will cause either.

Seems we aren't the only planet experiencing global temperature changes, Global Warming on Mars & Cosmic Ray Research Are Shattering Media Driven "Consensus" , and man isn't even on Mars.
Is namecalling and/or willful ignorance more fun that intellectual dishonesty? The article says MAN-MADE global warming, not global warming. While I'll give you that global warming appears to be occurring, there is no factual evidence to support that it is man-made.

And the way that this works is, you are stating something exists, so prove it. I don't have to prove it doesn't exist.

OK, here is a history of the scientific investigation of the effects of the GHGs.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
Special note: Investigation is NOT proof, it is the act of seeking proof. If there was proof the investigations would have found it by now.
Gunny, there are multiple links to most of the research that has been done on GHGs in the last 200 years. Willfull ignorance is ugly at the best of times.

There's no willful ignorance on my part. There's only you trying to present imperfect data as actual fact. I'm from Missouri on this one -- Show me. So far, I have seen nothing but a bunch of crap fabricated to support an alarmist theory.

Is global warming real? Sure. So is global cooling. Is it just as possible this is due to a natural cycle in the Earth's climate? Very.

Is it possible man may be exacerbating the effect to a certain percent? Very.

But when alarmists come on here and start decrying "man-made global warming" I'm throwing up the bullshit flag. There is NO evidence to support the claim that global warming is man-made.

Further, advocates of man-made global warming hop in and out of the topics of global warming and man-made global warming as it suits their argument. Intellectually dishonest.
There's no willful ignorance on my part. There's only you trying to present imperfect data as actual fact. I'm from Missouri on this one -- Show me. So far, I have seen nothing but a bunch of crap fabricated to support an alarmist theory.

Is global warming real? Sure. So is global cooling. Is it just as possible this is due to a natural cycle in the Earth's climate? Very.

Is it possible man may be exacerbating the effect to a certain percent? Very.

But when alarmists come on here and start decrying "man-made global warming" I'm throwing up the bullshit flag. There is NO evidence to support the claim that global warming is man-made.

Further, advocates of man-made global warming hop in and out of the topics of global warming and man-made global warming as it suits their argument. Intellectually dishonest.
From what I understand, cow made warming, (methane) is a part of it too. :lol:
There's no willful ignorance on my part. There's only you trying to present imperfect data as actual fact. I'm from Missouri on this one -- Show me. So far, I have seen nothing but a bunch of crap fabricated to support an alarmist theory.

Is global warming real? Sure. So is global cooling. Is it just as possible this is due to a natural cycle in the Earth's climate? Very.

Is it possible man may be exacerbating the effect to a certain percent? Very.

But when alarmists come on here and start decrying "man-made global warming" I'm throwing up the bullshit flag. There is NO evidence to support the claim that global warming is man-made.

Further, advocates of man-made global warming hop in and out of the topics of global warming and man-made global warming as it suits their argument. Intellectually dishonest.

The great majority of people that study this subject, indeed, have spent their whole lives studying subjects linked to this subject, say, in an overwhelming consensus, that the present warming of the atmosphere is caused by the increase in GHGs in the atmosphere. Those GHGs were put there by man's activities. That has been established since 1957. It was proven by Dr. Suess of the Scripps Oceanagraphic Institute. The science is clearly there for anyone that takes the time to look at it.
The great majority of people that study this subject, indeed, have spent their whole lives studying subjects linked to this subject, say, in an overwhelming consensus, that the present warming of the atmosphere is caused by the increase in GHGs in the atmosphere. Those GHGs were put there by man's activities. That has been established since 1957. It was proven by Dr. Suess of the Scripps Oceanagraphic Institute. The science is clearly there for anyone that takes the time to look at it.

Bullshit. You're talking theories.

Is this the same Dr. Seuss who wrote Horton the Elephant...........which was a greater contribution to the overall well being of the planet than the garbage quoted above. Horton had a theory that there was a world on a speck.

In his case, the theory turned out to be correct. Not in this case, however.

(I know of course it isn't, but couldn't resist).
Has anyone ever seen a living possum? The only ones I have ever seen are dead ones along the road.

If you liberals would stop driving you could save the planet and the possums altogether!
Has anyone ever seen a living possum? The only ones I have ever seen are dead ones along the road.

If you liberals would stop driving you could save the planet and the possums altogether!

I've seen lots of possums, but none of them looked like this one:


The ones I've seen look more like this (not nearly as cute, and certainly not endangered)


But, even if liberals quit driving, conservatives would still run over possums. Libertarians might take out a few, too, but not on purpose. We believe in live and let live, after all.
Has anyone ever seen a living possum? The only ones I have ever seen are dead ones along the road.

If you liberals would stop driving you could save the planet and the possums altogether!

I thought squirrels were nature's speed bumps. :lol:

Yes, we get a lot of possums in our area. I even had to save one from our dogs, although it go chewed-up pretty bad. (Most aren't so lucky.) I wanted to keep it as a pet, but my wife refused. It eventually got better and we let it go.
I thought squirrels were nature's speed bumps. :lol:

Yes, we get a lot of possums in our area. I even had to save one from our dogs, although it go chewed-up pretty bad. (Most aren't so lucky.) I wanted to keep it as a pet, but my wife refused. It eventually got better and we let it go.

I like coons!

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