Positive to counter the negative.


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013

Games in FZ in who can do the best dissing and insults. Fun fun fun. Um. Ok. THIS thread is positive. Gotta balance the scales, ya know. They are all tilted lately, one way. Time to make those scales even out a smidge. So..with that in mind....

Which 3 to 5 posters here at USMB has your respect and WHY? You might not agree with these people in all topics, but you still enjoy their presence. And yes, you may add more in another post. This thread can be non stop. There is no end, really. Everyone enjoys reading something that someone else thinks about them that is pleasant.

Remember, this is in the Lounge. Positve. Good vibes. Compliments instead of insults.

For me.....

Foxfyre because she is a strong woman, firm, and kind all at the same time.

Pogo because he takes time to explain things to me in a kindly manner, which in turn makes me muse on whatever we are disagreeing about on any subject.

Jeremiah because of her love of God and her very kind heart.

westwall because he, too, treats me like a valued poster and always has an answer if I need one.

AngelsNDemons because she is kind, a soul sister, and understands me in all my quirks and likes me anyway.

gallantwarrior because he IS gallant, which is rare these days.

I know I will think of others...and will add them later.

And you?
I just counted 6 in mine. Oops. So...no limit in who you respect. Name 'em...and say why.
I've got more than five but will do five more tomorrow, Gracie.

Beginning with:

Sally - for being consistent in posting articles from around the world that educate and inform others about important news around the world. For being concerned about people she has never met and being willing to speak up for those who may not be able to do it. For being fearless and vigilant and passionate for Israel.

Rosie- for being so open and unafraid to speak her mind and for her knowledge about Israel and Judaism. I continue to learn new things from her and admire her for her boldness, her vigilance and determination, her love for Israel and for defending what she believes passionately. For being one of a kind - totally unique. There is no one like her.

Gracie - for her resilience, her fearlessness to share what's on her heart and the way she comes up with new ideas / discussions that have continued to be original, fun and helpful to others here. For her love of beauty and her gift to bring it out wherever it is. She is strong, unique and a woman who is unafraid to be herself.

Luddly Neddite - for always - always - setting every difference aside - no matter how great - in order to help someone assist an animal in distress. It's very remarkable and an admirable quality that sets a great example of what unconditional means.

The Irish Ram - for her faithfulness to stand by the truth and defend it. For the way she encourages others with her gentleness. I admire her love for the LORD, her spiritual discernment, her unique way of edifying others who need encouragement and a kind word.

Five more tomorrow! I have a long list, Gracie!
Sherry...for creating a color thread. When I contribute to it...always brightens my day.

Jeremiah...for always staying true to Biblical truth. and for bieng kind to everyone.

Delta...for keeping it weird. :laugh: sometimes too weird

Esmeralda...for being honest open and intelligent.

anyone ( theres a few) who can explain the law and how it works in detail.
whether its gay rights, the Duggar situation... anything really.

Gracie...for starting this.

theres many more also
We come here for a reason. Those reasons are to interact with others. Some more than others. So who is it that makes you WANT to stay here? No harm in telling them, since some might not even know what impact they have on you. THAT was and is my goal. To let them know.

I will be in later with more to name and tell them WHY I stick around. Because if there were none here to make me want to stay, I wouldn't be here.

Games in FZ in who can do the best dissing and insults. Fun fun fun. Um. Ok. THIS thread is positive. Gotta balance the scales, ya know. They are all tilted lately, one way. Time to make those scales even out a smidge. So..with that in mind....

Which 3 to 5 posters here at USMB has your respect and WHY? You might not agree with these people in all topics, but you still enjoy their presence. And yes, you may add more in another post. This thread can be non stop. There is no end, really. Everyone enjoys reading something that someone else thinks about them that is pleasant.

Remember, this is in the Lounge. Positve. Good vibes. Compliments instead of insults.

For me.....

Foxfyre because she is a strong woman, firm, and kind all at the same time.

Pogo because he takes time to explain things to me in a kindly manner, which in turn makes me muse on whatever we are disagreeing about on any subject.

Jeremiah because of her love of God and her very kind heart.

westwall because he, too, treats me like a valued poster and always has an answer if I need one.

AngelsNDemons because she is kind, a soul sister, and understands me in all my quirks and likes me anyway.

gallantwarrior because he IS gallant, which is rare these days.

I know I will think of others...and will add them later.

And you?

Aw shuckin's Gracie... :redface: ::snif::

Well if I were able to come up with such a list, you'd be right at the top, but to articulate why, well Jeremiah already nailed it, word for word. I don't think there's ever a time I see a Gracie thread and don't click in, regardless what topic, just to see what yer thinkin'. :smiliehug:

But also for starting this thread.

Not good at picking superlatives ... as PredFan noted, as soon as you do that you start inadvertently leaving somebody out. I suspect such a list, for me at least, would tend to reflect recent interactions, and not necessarily the very most valuable ones.

But in that vein, off the top of the head, two posters I interact with on issues, usually on the opposite side thereof, whose presence I always appreciate are FA_Q2 and Kondor3 --- whatever the subject I know I'm going to see thoughtful, reasoned logic delivered with manners. Again, just recent activity, there are myriad others, for similar and for different reasons.

Foxfyre for being such a kind and caring heart. At the risk of stating the obvious. :)
Ringel05 for his generosity of spirit in all things technical, on which he is a deep font of, for lack of a better term, fuckinawesome wisdom --- as well as for not just talking the talk but actually walking the walk of nonpartisanship...

Others to add later --- no rush I guess...
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Games in FZ in who can do the best dissing and insults. Fun fun fun. Um. Ok. THIS thread is positive. Gotta balance the scales, ya know. They are all tilted lately, one way. Time to make those scales even out a smidge. So..with that in mind....

Which 3 to 5 posters here at USMB has your respect and WHY? You might not agree with these people in all topics, but you still enjoy their presence. And yes, you may add more in another post. This thread can be non stop. There is no end, really. Everyone enjoys reading something that someone else thinks about them that is pleasant.

Remember, this is in the Lounge. Positve. Good vibes. Compliments instead of insults.

For me.....

Foxfyre because she is a strong woman, firm, and kind all at the same time.

Pogo because he takes time to explain things to me in a kindly manner, which in turn makes me muse on whatever we are disagreeing about on any subject.

Jeremiah because of her love of God and her very kind heart.

westwall because he, too, treats me like a valued poster and always has an answer if I need one.

AngelsNDemons because she is kind, a soul sister, and understands me in all my quirks and likes me anyway.

gallantwarrior because he IS gallant, which is rare these days.

I know I will think of others...and will add them later.

And you?

Aw shuckin's Gracie... :redface: ::snif::

Well if I were able to come up with such a list, you'd be right at the top, but to articulate why, well Jeremiah already nailed it, word for word. I don't think there's ever a time I see a Gracie thread, regardless what topic, just to see what yer thinkin'. :smiliehug:

But also for starting this thread.

Not good at picking superlatives ... as PredFan noted, as soon as you do that you start inadvertently leaving somebody out. I suspect such a list, for me at least, would tend to reflect recent interactions, and not necessarily the very most valuable ones.

But in that vein, off the top of the head, two posters I interact with on issues, usually on the opposite side thereof, whose presence I always appreciate are FA_Q2 and Kondor3 --- whatever the subject I know I'm going to see thoughtful, reasoned logic delivered with manners. Again, just recent activity, there are myriad others, for similar and for different reasons.

Foxfyre for being such a kind and caring heart. At the risk of stating the obvious. :)
Ringel05 for his generosity of spirit in all things technical, on which he is a deep font of, for lack of a better term, fuckinawesome wisdom --- as well as for not just talking the talk but actually walking the walk of nonpartisanship...

Others to add later --- no rush I guess...
Hey, if I can't dazzle em with brilliance I can always baffle em with bull sh............ :eusa_whistle:

Nope. No rush. The scales just need tipping. Especially bad here today. Some are kinda..well.."upset" about a game.


The Irish Ram because oh boy. She and I have had some major battles. Bad ones. Eye gouging, hair pulling, name calling, insults galore for years. Yes. Years. But we pulled through it all and found common ground thru all the blood and sweat and tears. So..I brought her here because she knows me in all my bad and all my good...and vice versa. I love her.

Mr. H. Because he makes me laugh and he has a really good heart.

Avatar4321 because he says so many things that make me THINK. Some I take. Some I push away. But I always want to see what he is saying.

mudwhistle because this guy is solid as a rock and keeps his armor so shiney and rust free, nothing can penetrate it. It helps he has much intelligence. And is good looking. lol

@Statistikhengst because although we are not as close as we used to be due to outside interferences, I respect him for his love of his music, his love for his little darling girl, his determination that she gets the best in life whatever it takes.
I like Mr. H. too. Because one, he clued me from the first that his flaming was not to be taken too seriously, and that small gesture made everything after that become fun. A little thing that went a long way.

And two, because he has awesome taste in British 1970s progressive rock bands.
I like Mr. H. too. Because one, he clued me from the first that his flaming was not to be taken too seriously, and that small gesture made everything after that become fun. A little thing that went a long way.

And two, because he has awesome taste in British 1970s progressive rock bands.
And I thought these burning ears were from the whiskey. :beer: :)
I like Mr. H. too. Because one, he clued me from the first that his flaming was not to be taken too seriously, and that small gesture made everything after that become fun. A little thing that went a long way.

And two, because he has awesome taste in British 1970s progressive rock bands.
And I thought these burning ears were from the whiskey. :beer: :)
Your ears have VD...
Oh wow, I like most people here for varied reasons

Those who make me laugh: Mr H, MadCabbie, Norwegen, Turtledude, Moonglow, Pop23, Shart_attack

Those I'd like over for a crawfish boil because I know we'd become friends: CandyCorn, Rozman, LiberalMedia TinyDancer, Ernie_S, Foxfyre, Pogo, Mudwhistle, Grandma, Waltky, Esmerelda, Mertex, Chris, WelfareQueen, Gracie, Huggy, Dsir, Ringel, Ollie, Sgt ... I know I've missed some and some are no longer here

I think that would be an awesome get-together!
Oh wow, I like most people here for varied reasons

Those who make me laugh: Mr H, MadCabbie, Norwegen, Turtledude, Moonglow, Pop23, Shart_attack

Those I'd like over for a crawfish boil because I know we'd become friends: CandyCorn, Rozman, LiberalMedia TinyDancer, Ernie_S, Foxfyre, Pogo, Mudwhistle, Grandma, Waltky, Esmerelda, Mertex, Chris, WelfareQueen, Gracie, Huggy, Dsir, Ringel, Ollie, Sgt ... I know I've missed some and some are no longer here

I think that would be an awesome get-together!
The only good part is the tail....
Oh wow, I like most people here for varied reasons

Those who make me laugh: Mr H, MadCabbie, Norwegen, Turtledude, Moonglow, Pop23, Shart_attack

Those I'd like over for a crawfish boil because I know we'd become friends: CandyCorn, Rozman, LiberalMedia TinyDancer, Ernie_S, Foxfyre, Pogo, Mudwhistle, Grandma, Waltky, Esmerelda, Mertex, Chris, WelfareQueen, Gracie, Huggy, Dsir, Ringel, Ollie, Sgt ... I know I've missed some and some are no longer here

I think that would be an awesome get-together!
The only good part is the tail....

Man up and suck the head. I'm going to need them for the bisque and don't wanna clean them all myself.
Oh wow, I like most people here for varied reasons

Those who make me laugh: Mr H, MadCabbie, Norwegen, Turtledude, Moonglow, Pop23, Shart_attack

Those I'd like over for a crawfish boil because I know we'd become friends: CandyCorn, Rozman, LiberalMedia TinyDancer, Ernie_S, Foxfyre, Pogo, Mudwhistle, Grandma, Waltky, Esmerelda, Mertex, Chris, WelfareQueen, Gracie, Huggy, Dsir, Ringel, Ollie, Sgt ... I know I've missed some and some are no longer here

I think that would be an awesome get-together!
The only good part is the tail....

Man up and suck the head. I'm going to need them for the bisque and don't wanna clean them all myself.
No whey, I don't do organs either, except for sex...
Ernie S. cuz even though we bumped heads for a short time, he still claimed me to be usmb property and therefore to be protected. Plus, he has a killer beard.:lol:

kiwiman127 cuz he is a sweetheart.

drifter because she gets along with everyone, makes some great posts, see all sides and takes none.

pillars cuz she and I also bumped heads when she first arrived but then she spoke to me about it and we realized that we liked each other.

longknife because he posts so many cool pics and starts some really neat threads.

WinterBorn cuz he is smart. Nuff said.

The CoffeeShop and all it's denizens. Nice bunch of people who know to check their weapons at the door and just BE, while chatting with people who they let BE.
Thanks, I like most of the people here. Some a little more than others :)

The people I know a little more deeper are

Ropey who has always been a comfort to me when my life was the most devastated.

emilynghiem who also comforted me and who is fun to laugh with on the phone.

Some of the people I enjoy posting with outside flame zone are

Gracie Eye candy, uplifting threads, honesty.

AngelsNDemons beautiful, funny and decent, music threads, photo threads

skye Alex black n white photos thread and music thread.

Cassy Mo Mertex Esmeralda cat thread

Statistikhengst Luddly Neddite Derideo_Te
Cappuccino Thread

I am sure there are plenty more, because most of the people here are really nice and kind, enjoyable.

I am grateful for those people who give me a smile or comfort thank you :)

Forum List
