Apr 6, 2009
The "sovereign debt" HOAX
The illuminati (1) in overtime must resort to robbing Greek and Portuguese (as at this time in a smaller scale Italian, Spanish, Irish & Co) assets while they have the illuminati agents "ruling" those "countries" call it "sovereign debt".

Germany v Portugal
Germany has no oil. It once had coal, now it has sinkholes.
The climate does not allow for anything to grow, even in heated greenhouses, four months a year.
Germany maritime zone is 54,000 km2, emptied of fish and so polluted that the general surgeon warns against eating german fish more than once a week.
The portuguese maritime zone is 994,000 km2.
Portugal has the mildest climate of Europe. For a start, 3 out of 5 households in Portugal need neither heating nor air conditioned.
The largest winter area in the EU for producing vegetables is no more the 200 km2 plastic greenhouses of Almeria, Spain, a semiarid area where the ground water is coming to man end, but Odemira in Portugal.
Since 2011 Portugal is the top producer of renewable energies in the EU.

Germany v Greece
Let's start by this: Greece has 32,000 km coast, prime oceanfront real estate.
Germany has a few hundred kilometers rapidly eroding coast (Sylt & Co), a coast with a climate without summer (July mean temperature below 20 C).

Germany - the dying industry
As for industry, let us first remember LAST PROPHET's words from 2009: "Germany produces essentially what was first affected by systemic crash, that took already place in 2007, as oil peaked at $150". (2)

Most of the previously mentioned facts are easily verifiable, a few although more difficult are also verifiable.
Yet in the mass media, totally controlled by the illuminati, you did not hear anything about it, like you did not hear anything about any of 911 5 basic facts. (3)

(1) who are the illuminati blogspot
http://www.google.com/search?sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&q=who+are+the+illuminati+blogspot http://who-are-the-illuminati.blogspot.com/2004/05/who-are-illuminati.html

(2) Published when the "interest" tax was 9%... now upscaled to "borrowing" at 15% to "pay" the "debt" issued at 13%, while "selling" in the "markets" the main source of taxes of any country, the basic services (water, gas, electricity, communications):
How the illuminati stole Portugal: transfer of gold reserves and assets under the cover of paying interest; destruction of the productive system

ILLUMINATI AGENTS of Ireland / Portugal / Greece "government" : main role was to transfer Ireland / Portugal / Greece assets to the illuminati accounts used to pay pensions in the UK, Holland, France and above all in Germany
In 1974 Portugal had the largest gold reserves in the world.Alone between 2002 and 2005 the illuminati "sold" IN THE "markets" 12 billion euro in gold bars (priced as of today) that they stole from the safe of the Bank of Portugal.
In the last years the main trick to transfer the assets of Portugal to the illuminati safe was to have Moody degrade ratings, so justifying the "loans" in the "markets" (to be afterwards replaced by IMF/World Bank), at 5%, 6%, 7%, 8% and now 9% interest taxes.
Every TV channel / newspaper in Ireland / Portugal / Greece /Spain / Italy repeats the broken record of how great is the economy in France and above all in the "motor of Europe", Germany.
In fact, Germany produces essentially what was first affected by systemic crash, that took already place in 2007, as oil peaked at $150.
If it was not for the assets that the illuminati transfered from Ireland / Portugal / Greece /Spain / Italy, ... German cities like Berlin, Dortmund or Stuttgart would already be wasteland like Detroit & Co.
google any of these
illuminati overtime
financial armageddon last prophet

(3) google
911 for dummies basic facts
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One of the End time features is the Illuminati (the BEAST) reducing humans to beasts who accept their mark. (1)
These beasts now represent more than 99% of the adult population of the EU / U.S..
-> Beasts incapable of understanding the simplest of things.
Example: in National Accounts the definitions of Deficit, Balance of trade (imports v exports) and GDP requires BORDER's CONTROL of the territory for which it is calculated (National Accounts course 101).
-> This beyond the fact that already before the illuminati formally destroyed national independence (currency - constitution - control of borders) published data was COMPLETELY manufactured.
-> Only BEASTS are unable to see how the traitors transfer wealth from countries they "rule" to the safes of their sect.

(1) Last Prophet's words are "coincidentally" #1 and #2 of this interesting google search
basic facts about God - Google Search
"Coincidentally" not only the two most importatnt pages written in the short story of the web but one also the most horrible page ever written...
Who God is: 10 KEY facts about God, known ever since Day 1
Mark of the Beast - Most Horrible Decision ever
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Portugal chaffin' at the austerity bit...
Portuguese Protest Austerity Measures
October 15, 2012 - Protest against the government's 2013 budget, outside the Portuguese parliament in Lisbon
Demonstrators started a fire outside the Portuguese parliament in Lisbon Monday night, protesting government plans to increase austerity measures. The government led by Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho announced a budget plan for next year that includes sharp tax increases, pension cuts and other saving measures.

Protesters gathered outside the National Assembly lit a huge model of a data stick, representing all the new budget data. The draft budget for 2013 is one of the harshest in Portugal's recent history and could take away the equivalent of a month's wages for many workers.

The government says the measures are needed to cut the national debt as Portugal strives to restore its financial health. Critics say the measures will choke the economy.

Last year, Portugal received more than $100 billion in a rescue package from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund to avert bankruptcy. Portugal's largest union - the General Confederation of Portuguese Workers - has announced a general strike against austerity for November 14.

Simply Stupid. Who the hell comes up with things like because Germany has less coastline than Greece it is wealthier. By rights then, Indonesia should be the richest country in the world and Greece should be Europe's.
The "sovereign debt" HOAX
The illuminati (1) in overtime must resort to robbing Greek and Portuguese (as at this time in a smaller scale Italian, Spanish, Irish & Co) assets while they have the illuminati agents "ruling" those "countries" call it "sovereign debt".

Germany v Portugal
Germany has no oil. It once had coal, now it has sinkholes.
The climate does not allow for anything to grow, even in heated greenhouses, four months a year.
Germany maritime zone is 54,000 km2, emptied of fish and so polluted that the general surgeon warns against eating german fish more than once a week.
The portuguese maritime zone is 994,000 km2.
Portugal has the mildest climate of Europe. For a start, 3 out of 5 households in Portugal need neither heating nor air conditioned.
The largest winter area in the EU for producing vegetables is no more the 200 km2 plastic greenhouses of Almeria, Spain, a semiarid area where the ground water is coming to man end, but Odemira in Portugal.
Since 2011 Portugal is the top producer of renewable energies in the EU.

Germany v Greece
Let's start by this: Greece has 32,000 km coast, prime oceanfront real estate.
Germany has a few hundred kilometers rapidly eroding coast (Sylt & Co), a coast with a climate without summer (July mean temperature below 20 C).

Germany - the dying industry
As for industry, let us first remember LAST PROPHET's words from 2009: "Germany produces essentially what was first affected by systemic crash, that took already place in 2007, as oil peaked at $150". (2)

Most of the previously mentioned facts are easily verifiable, a few although more difficult are also verifiable.
Yet in the mass media, totally controlled by the illuminati, you did not hear anything about it, like you did not hear anything about any of 911 5 basic facts. (3)

(1) who are the illuminati blogspot
http://www.google.com/search?sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&q=who+are+the+illuminati+blogspot Who Are the Illuminati?

(2) Published when the "interest" tax was 9%... now upscaled to "borrowing" at 15% to "pay" the "debt" issued at 13%, while "selling" in the "markets" the main source of taxes of any country, the basic services (water, gas, electricity, communications):
How the illuminati stole Portugal: transfer of gold reserves and assets under the cover of paying interest; destruction of the productive system

ILLUMINATI AGENTS of Ireland / Portugal / Greece "government" : main role was to transfer Ireland / Portugal / Greece assets to the illuminati accounts used to pay pensions in the UK, Holland, France and above all in Germany
In 1974 Portugal had the largest gold reserves in the world.Alone between 2002 and 2005 the illuminati "sold" IN THE "markets" 12 billion euro in gold bars (priced as of today) that they stole from the safe of the Bank of Portugal.
In the last years the main trick to transfer the assets of Portugal to the illuminati safe was to have Moody degrade ratings, so justifying the "loans" in the "markets" (to be afterwards replaced by IMF/World Bank), at 5%, 6%, 7%, 8% and now 9% interest taxes.
Every TV channel / newspaper in Ireland / Portugal / Greece /Spain / Italy repeats the broken record of how great is the economy in France and above all in the "motor of Europe", Germany.
In fact, Germany produces essentially what was first affected by systemic crash, that took already place in 2007, as oil peaked at $150.
If it was not for the assets that the illuminati transfered from Ireland / Portugal / Greece /Spain / Italy, ... German cities like Berlin, Dortmund or Stuttgart would already be wasteland like Detroit & Co.
google any of these
illuminati overtime
financial armageddon last prophet
Financial Armageddon attackers running out of ammo, Illuminati MUST now launch either ethnic civil war or nuclear Armageddon

(3) google
911 for dummies basic facts
9/11 for dummies - The Five Basic Facts, by Matt M

Germany has hard working diligent people working. Spain, Portugal and Greece have seen their best leave because there aren't jobs. I've lived in Spain and Germany, and you see the difference easily.

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