Varoufakis resigns for dummies: greeks stripped of deposits before the rest of the PIGS


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Varoufakis resigns for dummies: greeks stripped of deposits before the rest of the PIGS.
Reminder: the rest of the human cattle will be also stripped immediately after the BIG BANG, that starts in Jerusalem with the resurection of Osama Bin Laden crucified to the missing Boeing 777 and Obama's staged arrest one or a few days later.

GREECE: REFERENDUM RIGGED Tsipras AND / OR Varoufakis resign
Greeks stripped of their deposits before portuguese, spanish and italian because illuminati forced to go for OR instead of AND.

the difference in A and B plans: totally or just partly RIGGED referendum
40 times more people demonstrating for NO
Syntagma square: more than 200, 000 people at NO rally.
Old Olympic Stadium: less than 5,000 people at YES rally.
Despite this illuminati media continues to sell the head-to-head race.

Why Nazi agent Tsipras states that a NO would still mean that Greece would stay in the euro and in the EU.
Because there are two alternative plans: Tsipras AND / OR Varoufakis resign:
A plan alias Tsipras goverment resigns: rigging pushed to the limits, YES wins although it has only 20% support.
B plan alias Varoufakis resigns: "only" numbers rigged (60% instead of the real number of 80%) for NO but not the result: Greeks immediately after stripped from part of their bank deposits.

Greeks democratically accept to be robbed - Explanation for dummies:
Tsipras does nothing but to execute orders from the Illuminati Grand Master, Alexander Adolf Hitler.

Tsipras and Varoufakis in their suicide bomber role
1. Setting the stage
- A plan: to explain the impossible result in the referendum.
- B plan: to strip greeks from part of their deposits immediately after the referendum.
Tsipras announces the referendum and immediately after imposes a daily 60 euro limit on cash withdrawals.
This also illustrates the humiliation of greeks pushed to new limits.

2. Admiting "defeat"
A-plan: Tsipras will be the first to admit "defeat", thus fulfilling the black is white script:
Tsipras was elected only to immediately after betray his promises to not accept more "austerity",
But Tsipras's successor is not someone who finally fulfills the promise with the only possible solution, that starts by exposing the debt as a total hoax.
It's the previous openly pro-troika traitors, who in reality only got 15% of the votes in the last rigged election.
B-plan: "Varoufakis confesses failure to protect deposits of greeks" immediately after the referendum.

3. Tsipras: "I will resign if the yes wins" (A plan) and Varoufakis resigns as Greeks striped of deposits (B-plan), same as these coming staged acts:
- arrested FIFA president Blatter confessing the most sophisticated conspiracy in the History of football.
- fake Putin flees to Beijing to let openly nazi Navalny become president, repeating Ukraine's Maidan script.
- arrested "Obama" confessing to Oprah Winfrey the most sophisticated conspiracy in the History of Politics.
- arrested Hollywood actor Jonathan Pryce who after playing Peron went on to play Pope Francis, to confess the most sophisticated conspiracy in the History of Religion.
- arrested fake jews of the Federal Reserve (Ben Shalom Bernanke, Janet Yellen, Stan Fischer) confess the most sophisticated conspiracy in the History of Finance.

What the only solution is: Reminder:
- get Greece out of the EU and of the euro, restore the national currency;
- regain control of national assets previously transferred to the illuminati, starting with the infrastructure (energy, water, telecommunications, ports, transportation)

Greece Rigged referendum: Why illuminati didn't push it as far as a YES victory:
As Tsipras announces the referendum support for NO is 80%.
With the method that illuminati use to rig paper ballots elections, there are two types of constitituencies for which aggregated results are published:
- A - those where results can be rigged (dozens to thousands of ballot boxes);
- B - those where results can't be rigged (those with just a few ballot boxes).
The terror series of psy-ops in the 5 days until the referendum, starting with capital controls, didn't work as much as required.
Rigging the A type to the lengths of a YES victory would lead to a disparity between A and B too large to explain.

Greece: Debt is MORE than a TOTAL HOAX:
It's illuminati fulfilling their religion's commandment of BLACK is WHITE.
In other words: Greece is in fact one of the states financing germans, from holidays in the 32,000 km of greek coasts to fresh vegetables in winter.
Fake Putin's treasonous gov supplies gas and oil BELOW production costs to their illuminazi masters while it drastically reduces pensions of russians.
That's the main reason why germans can heat houses 7 months a year and fill their cars's fuel tanks.
But germans drive them in toll free highways thanks to what the treasonous governments of EU states transfer to illuminati central safes.
Black Is White - have the human cattle robotically repeat it Illuminati s third commandment Greece Debt MORE than TOTAL HOAX

Why aren't greeks able to see the SIMPLE TRUTH?
Because they were reduced to beasts:
Who is more of a beast: EVERY engineer, EVERY economist or YOU?
Humans reduced to beasts fattenable for slaughter Human cattle Who is more of a beast EVERY engineer EVERY economist or YOU

How illuminati also rig paper ballot votes:
For illuminati eyes only How paper ballot elections are rigged from Portugal to Bulgaria as well as in Germany
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Varoufakis alias Var-you-fak-us resigns for dummies:
This psy-op sets the stage for these two acts:
1. to push the humiliation and robbery of greeks to new limits, by having nazi agent Tsipras, reverse the result of the referendum (added July 11: within less than a week ).
2. confiscation, the final stage of robbery of greeks, stripped of deposits before the rest of the PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Spain).
The rest of the human cattle will be also stripped immediately after the BIG BANG, that starts in Jerusalem with the resurection of Osama Bin Laden crucified to the missing Boeing 777 and Obama's staged arrest one or a few days later.

today, July 11, staged as usual in similar acts of illuminati theater, in this case "Tsipras vs dissenters", as "finally reaching a result on a Friday after hours", in this case, Saturday 3 A.M. ;
The "troika's austerity plan" pushing robbery and humiliation of greeks to new limits, from more cuts in pensions to increase in retirement age to 67 in VAT to 23% for about everything, is repackaged as "proposal by the greek government approved by 251 out o 300 votes".

The austerity measures Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' government is proposing are so far from his radical left Syriza party's policies that he suffered severe dissent in a late-night parliamentary debate that culminated in a 3:30 a.m. (0730 GMT) vote Saturday.
It comes less than a week after 61 percent of voters opposed similar reforms, proposed by creditors, in a referendum. last Sunday.
Greeks in Brussels for crucial talks with creditors - Yahoo News

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