Portrait of a Palestinian Heroin


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
These are the animals that Israel has to deal with:

Palestinian Media Heroine - She Helped Kill 15 Israelis

Palestinian terrorist does not regret killing 15: I'd do it again said Ahlam Tamimi - YouTube

Excerpt of interview with Ahlam Tamimi on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas):

Tamimi: You make a big deal about the Sbarro restaurant (bombing) in which 15 Israelis were killed, but my first operation (i.e., terror attack) was at the King George supermarket (in central Jerusalem). I chose the Sbarro restaurant, but I didn't go in with him (i.e., the terrorist). A few days beforehand, I counted the number of people entering the restaurant, a large number of people would enter this restaurant.
Host: What did you talk about with the Martyrdom-seeker on the way (to the suicide attack)?

Tamimi: It's impossible to describe him with words. We met only on the day of the operation. The [Hamas] brothers changed his entire appearance. He wasn't bearded. He wore jeans and a hat. It's important to say that I was walking with a spiritual person. Next to him, I sensed a sort of divine aura surrounding us. We looked into each other's eyes. I said to him, "There is no God but Allah," and he said, "and Muhammad is Allah's messenger," and he smiled.
Host: We interviewed the parents of the heroic Martyrdom-seeker (i.e., the suicide bomber), Izz A-Din Al-Masri, who blew himself up in the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem.
Father of suicide bomber: We are proud of Ahlam Tamimi even before our son, by Allah. She fulfilled her obligation and made me proud. We thank Allah and Ahlam Tamimi, who brought him [my son] to this high level.
Mother of suicide bomber: My son chose his path and his fate, and we do not regret that. Praise Allah, that is an honor for him. What [higher] level could he have asked for? That is the best level in the eyes of his Lord.

Interviewer: Didn't you think about the people who were in the restaurant? The children? The families?
Tamimi: "No."
Tamimi: "I have no regrets, and no Palestinian prisoner regrets what he or she has done. We were defending ourselves. What are we supposed to regret? Should we regret defending ourselves? Should we regret that the Israelis killed one of us so we killed a different one of them? We have no regrets."
Interviewer: Do you know how many children were killed in the restaurant?
Tamimi: Three children were killed in the operation, I think. [Smiles.] Interviewer: Eight.
Tamimi: Eight?! [Smiles.] Eight.
Sounds like somebody douchebag eots would marry.
If you are a war criminal and a liar in Israel
They make you the prime minister.
If you are a war criminal and a liar in Israel
They make you the prime minister.
According to your Reps, your terrorist loving friends made you the Police Chief.You shooting for Buddha rank?

Speaking of police chiefs. After the liars said that Hamas ran Fatah out of Gaza the chief of police and 3000 officers were Fatah.

Just sayin'.
If you are a war criminal and a liar in Israel
They make you the prime minister.
If you are a mass murdering pedophile illiterate terrorist, they might call you prophet Mohammad, who's followers include Hamas the Terrorist organization as recognized by most of the world.
If you are a war criminal and a liar in Israel
They make you the prime minister.
If you are a mass murdering pedophile illiterate terrorist, they might call you prophet Mohammad, who's followers include Hamas the Terrorist organization as recognized by most of the world.

Look at which side has killed more civilians - I think that's a pretty good indicator.

Heres a look at the numbers, and these are Israel's own numbers so they are considered quite possibly conservative in regards to the number of Palestinians killed.

Israeli Children Killed: 124 Palest. Children Killed: 1,452
Israeli Civilians Killed: 731 Palest Civilians Killed: 3,535 to 4,226
I's Killed on their own land: 586 (54%) Palest Killed on their own land: 6,359 (99%)

ifamericansknew . org /stats/deaths (I guess I need 15 posts to post a link)

Coupled with the fact that Israel is the one displacing the Palestinian people from their home land, I think it's obvious that the Palestinians are not the only terrorists, not by a long shot. No, I do not support Hamas in the slightest and personally feel all terrorists should be imprisoned and/or executed.

A terrorist who has an education and wears nice clothes is no less a terrorist than a poor terrorist.
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If you are a war criminal and a liar in Israel
They make you the prime minister.
If you are a mass murdering pedophile illiterate terrorist, they might call you prophet Mohammad, who's followers include Hamas the Terrorist organization as recognized by most of the world.

Look at which side has killed more civilians - I think that's a pretty good indicator.

Heres a look at the numbers, and these are Israel's own numbers so they are considered quite possibly conservative in regards to the number of Palestinians killed.

Israeli Children Killed: 124 Palest. Children Killed: 1,452
Israeli Civilians Killed: 731 Palest Civilians Killed: 3,535 to 4,226
I's Killed on their own land: 586 (54%) Palest Killed on their own land: 6,359 (99%)

ifamericansknew . org /stats/deaths (I guess I need 15 posts to post a link)

Coupled with the fact that Israel is the one displacing the Palestinian people from their home land, I think it's obvious that the Palestinians are not the only terrorists, not by a long shot. No, I do not support Hamas in the slightest and personally feel all terrorists should be imprisoned and/or executed.

A terrorist who has an education and wears nice clothes is no less a terrorist than a poor terrorist.
World war II, the US lost 365,000 vs the Nazis 9 million. That doesn't make the Nazis right. You forgot to mention Black September, 3 days in September of 1971, when Arafat tried to pull a "Palestine" in Jordan. King Hussein (the current King's father) in response butchered over 25,000 Arab Palestinians in 3 days. That is more than Israel has killed in 60 years. Yet King Hussein dies an Arab hero and a "Man of Peace". And no mention of a Palestine in Jordan came across the Jordanian rulership ever again. Apparently the Arabs understand each other's language quite well. maybe Israel needs to be a little more like the Arabs / Muslims?

What do the clothes you wear, your education, or your wealth have anything to do with it? The definition of who is or isn't a terrorist is quite clear in my opinion. Bin Laden was one of the wealthiest most educated men in the ME, yet ended up becoming the most wanted terrorist. His second in command Zawahiri is also an educated man from a very wealthy family. Hamas and its leaders are by definition terrorist. They fit every single criteria of it and are no different than Al Queda.
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If you are a war criminal and a liar in Israel
They make you the prime minister.
If you are a mass murdering pedophile illiterate terrorist, they might call you prophet Mohammad, who's followers include Hamas the Terrorist organization as recognized by most of the world.

Look at which side has killed more civilians - I think that's a pretty good indicator.

Heres a look at the numbers, and these are Israel's own numbers so they are considered quite possibly conservative in regards to the number of Palestinians killed.

Israeli Children Killed: 124 Palest. Children Killed: 1,452
Israeli Civilians Killed: 731 Palest Civilians Killed: 3,535 to 4,226
I's Killed on their own land: 586 (54%) Palest Killed on their own land: 6,359 (99%)

ifamericansknew . org /stats/deaths (I guess I need 15 posts to post a link)

Coupled with the fact that Israel is the one displacing the Palestinian people from their home land, I think it's obvious that the Palestinians are not the only terrorists, not by a long shot. No, I do not support Hamas in the slightest and personally feel all terrorists should be imprisoned and/or executed.

A terrorist who has an education and wears nice clothes is no less a terrorist than a poor terrorist.

Israel calling the Palestinians terrorists is like the coal mine calling the kettle black.
If you are a war criminal and a liar in Israel
They make you the prime minister.
If you are a mass murdering pedophile illiterate terrorist, they might call you prophet Mohammad, who's followers include Hamas the Terrorist organization as recognized by most of the world.

Look at which side has killed more civilians - I think that's a pretty good indicator.

Heres a look at the numbers, and these are Israel's own numbers so they are considered quite possibly conservative in regards to the number of Palestinians killed.

Israeli Children Killed: 124 Palest. Children Killed: 1,452
Israeli Civilians Killed: 731 Palest Civilians Killed: 3,535 to 4,226
I's Killed on their own land: 586 (54%) Palest Killed on their own land: 6,359 (99%)

ifamericansknew . org /stats/deaths (I guess I need 15 posts to post a link)

Coupled with the fact that Israel is the one displacing the Palestinian people from their home land, I think it's obvious that the Palestinians are not the only terrorists, not by a long shot. No, I do not support Hamas in the slightest and personally feel all terrorists should be imprisoned and/or executed.

A terrorist who has an education and wears nice clothes is no less a terrorist than a poor terrorist.
Without the "Apartheid Fence", the numbers would shift the other way.Numbers don't always tell the whole story.
If you are a mass murdering pedophile illiterate terrorist, they might call you prophet Mohammad, who's followers include Hamas the Terrorist organization as recognized by most of the world.

Look at which side has killed more civilians - I think that's a pretty good indicator.

Heres a look at the numbers, and these are Israel's own numbers so they are considered quite possibly conservative in regards to the number of Palestinians killed.

Israeli Children Killed: 124 Palest. Children Killed: 1,452
Israeli Civilians Killed: 731 Palest Civilians Killed: 3,535 to 4,226
I's Killed on their own land: 586 (54%) Palest Killed on their own land: 6,359 (99%)

ifamericansknew . org /stats/deaths (I guess I need 15 posts to post a link)

Coupled with the fact that Israel is the one displacing the Palestinian people from their home land, I think it's obvious that the Palestinians are not the only terrorists, not by a long shot. No, I do not support Hamas in the slightest and personally feel all terrorists should be imprisoned and/or executed.

A terrorist who has an education and wears nice clothes is no less a terrorist than a poor terrorist.

Israel calling the Palestinians terrorists is like the coal mine calling the kettle black.
Israel calling Hamas terrorist is like US calling Al Queda terrorist.
If you are a mass murdering pedophile illiterate terrorist, they might call you prophet Mohammad, who's followers include Hamas the Terrorist organization as recognized by most of the world.

Look at which side has killed more civilians - I think that's a pretty good indicator.

Heres a look at the numbers, and these are Israel's own numbers so they are considered quite possibly conservative in regards to the number of Palestinians killed.

Israeli Children Killed: 124 Palest. Children Killed: 1,452
Israeli Civilians Killed: 731 Palest Civilians Killed: 3,535 to 4,226
I's Killed on their own land: 586 (54%) Palest Killed on their own land: 6,359 (99%)

ifamericansknew . org /stats/deaths (I guess I need 15 posts to post a link)

Coupled with the fact that Israel is the one displacing the Palestinian people from their home land, I think it's obvious that the Palestinians are not the only terrorists, not by a long shot. No, I do not support Hamas in the slightest and personally feel all terrorists should be imprisoned and/or executed.

A terrorist who has an education and wears nice clothes is no less a terrorist than a poor terrorist.
World war II, the US lost 365,000 vs the Nazis 9 million. That doesn't make the Nazis right. You forgot to mention Black September, 3 days in September of 1971, when Arafat tried to pull a "Palestine" in Jordan. King Hussein (the current King's father) in response butchered over 25,000 Arab Palestinians in 3 days. That is more than Israel has killed in 60 years. Yet King Hussein dies an Arab hero and a "Man of Peace". And no mention of a Palestine in Jordan came across the Jordanian rulership ever again. Apparently the Arabs understand each other's language quite well. maybe Israel needs to be a little more like the Arabs / Muslims?

What do the clothes you wear, your education, or your wealth have anything to do with it? The definition of who is or isn't a terrorist is quite clear in my opinion. Bin Laden was one of the wealthiest most educated men in the ME, yet ended up becoming the most wanted terrorist. His second in command Zawahiri is also an educated man from a very wealthy family. Hamas and its leaders are by definition terrorist. They fit every single criteria of it and are no different than Al Queda.

Mentioning that I "forgot to mention" Arafat slaughtering of people has no relevance on Israel's actions. Thats a red herring, like saying "The Darfur genocide isn't wrong because more people were slaughtered in a different invasion."

I think common sense prevails in the situation when seen objectively. Palestine has been inhabited by another country that has pushed their people out of their homes and primarily into crowded areas no different than internment camps. They have no power, their lives have been destroyed, and without the money or education some of their people have resorted to terrorism.

I do not think there is ever an excuse for terrorism, as I said before, and I also said I don't support hamas terrorism in any fashion. But Israel was the instigator. And of course power comes into play. Israel has money, has been given all the power, and Jewish people are extremely influential in the US media. No, I'm an anti-semite claiming "the jews are evil and controlling the media!", but a quick search will show all but one major television/film and print conglomeration in the US is presided over by a Jewish CEO and an overwhelmingly Jewish set of individuals in the highest positions (the exception being Rupert Murdoch, who is not Jewish (some dispute this) but is equally as Zionist as the others).

If the same was true of Palestinians, I'm pretty sure you'd think that would have some effect on the material they show. I don't think they aren supressing all media not in favor of their beliefs, but there is undoubtably a bias.
Israeli Children Killed: 124 Palest. Children Killed: 1,452 Israeli Civilians Killed: 731 Palest Civilians Killed: 3,535 to 4,226
I's Killed on their own land: 586 (54%) Palest Killed on their own land: 6,359 (99%)
I'm sure palistanian gunmen and gunwomen of all affiliations are frustrated they haven't succeeded in murdering more. But that's beside the point, which is, why do palistanians want to get killed?
Coupled with the fact that Israel is the one displacing the Palestinian people from their home land, ... .
Palistanians should've had some "home land", in the first place to cry displacement.
Bth., palistanian fems had the third highest obesity rate in the world in 2003. Recent figures seem to be unavailable. Politically incorrect, maybe, you know, folks, they have to maintain that poor 'n robbed starving palistanian hoax.
He is not a war criminal or a liar. What do you think? He would probably be a good PM for Israel.

Of course HE is not a war criminal or a liar. Are you trying to mock me?:doubt:

Why did you bring him up? What do you think of him?

Dude. Tamimi is a FEMALE.:cuckoo:

And what do I think? That's she's a sociopath. She knew that there were children and even though she was happy about knowing they're gonna die. Any woman who calls herself a WOMAN should feel disgusted in even THINKING about children being blown up, but SENDING someone to kill them? in name of GOD?

She makes me wish I believed in hell.

But she also put the truth out in the open, This is not about occupation, it's about Islam Vs. Judaism. She killed those people because they were Jews. Her devilish God supports her, I guess.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-WTx7k4baw]Ahlam Tamimi Chose Sbarro's 'Religious Jews' as Murder Target - YouTube[/ame]

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