Portland Antifa thug harrasses 9/11 widow


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Portland gets more embarrassing by the day.
I just want to choke this fucker, what a prick.

Anarchists, expletives, 9/11: Portland protest video ignites political firestorm


By Shane Dixon Kavanaugh

The Oregonian/OregonLive

A video showing a man launching into an expletive-filled rant at a Portland demonstration has ignited an online firestorm, not only for its viciousness but also for the politics involved: The man is wearing a sweatshirt with an anarchist label and the target of his invective is wearing a flag symbol and claims she's a 9/11 widow.

Conservative news sites, activist groups and social media users have all pounced on the video, hailing it as the latest example of thuggish behavior by leftist protesters.

Clips of the video taken Saturday night have now been viewed millions of times, often framed to leverage outrage that a foul-mouthed antifascist would excoriate a woman who lost a spouse in a national tragedy.


Anarchists, expletives, 9/11: Portland protest video ignites political firestorm

Ya have to wonder... do the democrat mongrels really think this behavior is winning anyone over to their side... REALLY?


I think the later.

Democrats are the party of trash, the angry democrat mobs. The democrat party is a sinking ship with no rudder. The modern day democrat party is known only for HATE.
By the way, "The Oregonian" is the Portland newspaper, and it's very liberal of course, so for them to put this on their headlines is pretty amazing in itself.
By the way, "The Oregonian" is the Portland newspaper, and it's very liberal of course, so for them to put this on their headlines is pretty amazing in itself.

Why? It happened. Good newspapers report what happens.

Of course, the inferences that morons like you make when you read something like this are all on morons like you.

Assholes like the guy in that video are not held up as heroes by democrats. They won’t be praised by our presidential candidates. They are to be ridiculed as the assholes that they are.
The dude is wacked...............offended just because of what she wears..........so full of hate he harasses someone he never knew until that day.

These people are unstable.........and they belong to the deranged left...............who have promoted this shit time and time again....

Put on a MAGA hat, some kind of patriotic shirt, walk around downtown Portland for a while, and keep the video rolling.

Some Regressive will apparently be more than willing to jump right in and help you make a point.

Pretty pathetic.
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Put on a MAGA hat, some kind of patriotic shirt, walk around downtown Portland for a while, and keep the video rolling.

Some Regressive will apparently be willing to help you make a point.

Pretty pathetic.
Pretty pathetic that wearing a patriotic attire makes unhinged people want to assault you.........Very telling......

That they can't just mind their own damned business and leave the other people alone........As I've already said......they are deranged....

It is no longer respectfully disagree.....it is an Or Else mental disorder.
Why? It happened. Good newspapers report what happens.

Of course, the inferences that morons like you make when you read something like this are all on morons like you.

Assholes like the guy in that video are not held up as heroes by democrats. They won’t be praised by our presidential candidates. They are to be ridiculed as the assholes that they are.
praised? no. but they are being encouraged by them and then they take the route you did and deny one by one they are not for that type of behavior...
...and as for "good newspapers" that is quickly falling into the category of oxymoron
...remember, when they go low you kick them, remember to get in their face...remember to confront them where ever you see them...that guy in the video was everything you said he was, but you left out product of the left....so yeah, you don't praise them, ya just produce them.
Why? It happened. Good newspapers report what happens.

Of course, the inferences that morons like you make when you read something like this are all on morons like you.

Assholes like the guy in that video are not held up as heroes by democrats. They won’t be praised by our presidential candidates. They are to be ridiculed as the assholes that they are.
praised? no. but they are being encouraged by them and then they take the route you did and deny one by one they are not for that type of behavior...
...and as for "good newspapers" that is quickly falling into the category of oxymoron
...remember, when they go low you kick them, remember to get in their face...remember to confront them where ever you see them...that guy in the video was everything you said he was, but you left out product of the left....so yeah, you don't praise them, ya just produce them.

Nobody is encouraging that kind of behavior. That is you playing the victim while your leader praises the body slamming of a journalist. You are a bad joke.

Who is that guy in the video? Is he anyone who has any influence over others? Do you even know his name?

Your leader is promoting mob mentality on a daily basis.

And....if you have to take words out of context (Holder) in order to make your point....you don’t have one.
Why? It happened. Good newspapers report what happens.

Of course, the inferences that morons like you make when you read something like this are all on morons like you.

Assholes like the guy in that video are not held up as heroes by democrats. They won’t be praised by our presidential candidates. They are to be ridiculed as the assholes that they are.
praised? no. but they are being encouraged by them and then they take the route you did and deny one by one they are not for that type of behavior...
...and as for "good newspapers" that is quickly falling into the category of oxymoron
...remember, when they go low you kick them, remember to get in their face...remember to confront them where ever you see them...that guy in the video was everything you said he was, but you left out product of the left....so yeah, you don't praise them, ya just produce them.

Nobody is encouraging that kind of behavior. That is you playing the victim while your leader praises the body slamming of a journalist. You are a bad joke.

Who is that guy in the video? Is he anyone who has any influence over others? Do you even know his name?

Your leader is promoting mob mentality on a daily basis.

And....if you have to take words out of context (Holder) in order to make your point....you don’t have one.
Perhaps the dumb ass clown upset over her patriotism should walk out in traffic......
By the way, "The Oregonian" is the Portland newspaper, and it's very liberal of course, so for them to put this on their headlines is pretty amazing in itself.

Why? It happened. Good newspapers report what happens.

Of course, the inferences that morons like you make when you read something like this are all on morons like you.

Assholes like the guy in that video are not held up as heroes by democrats. They won’t be praised by our presidential candidates. They are to be ridiculed as the assholes that they are.
Assholes like the guy in the video are the average mindset of the typical Leftist Democrat mob protester, that the media and Democrat party herald as "the resistance" who are "exercising free speech".
Nobody is encouraging that kind of behavior.
I'm going to assume you're not serious and cut and paste this with quotes elsewhere in this post

That is you playing the victim while your leader praises the body slamming of a journalist. You are a bad joke.
It's easier to just call me a liberal bro

Who is that guy in the video? Is he anyone who has any influence over others? Do you even know his name?
What does any of that have to do with the liberals encouraging his behavior?

Your leader is promoting mob mentality on a daily basis.
PARAPHRASING: "Nobody is promoting that kind of behavior."
And....if you have to take words out of context (Holder) in order to make your point....you don’t have one.
If I took him or anyone else out of context it was was unintentional, but you will need to point it out for me to be sure
Put on a MAGA hat, some kind of patriotic shirt, walk around downtown Portland for a while, and keep the video rolling.

Some Regressive will apparently be more than willing to jump right in and help you make a point.

Pretty pathetic.
Better yet, get about 500 good ole boys wearing MAGA hats and patriotic shirts, all armed with lead pipes and then walk around downtown Portland.

Kill a few of the fuckers and they'll either go more berserk or crawl off into their mommies basement.

But send them back very, very bloodied.
Like the majority of leftist twatwaffles a beat down would do them good.

Damn loons want to be uncivil and vicious then give them uncivil and vicious. They'll soon change their little minds

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