Pope Francis Declares War on Transgender People

The Great Goose

Gold Member
Sep 26, 2015
Why do left wingers hate transgenders?

The supposedly “moderate” Pope Francis was recently quoted in a meeting with Polish bishops as saying, “Today, in schools they are teaching this to children – to children! – that everyone can choose their gender… We are living a moment of annihilation of man as image of God.” He accused Western countries that tolerate transgender people of “ideological colonizing,” stating: “One such colonization, I'll say it clearly with its first and last name – is gender.”

He repeated these claims about “indoctrination” and “ideological colonization,” when speaking to reporters this week. He attacks schools which accept transgender youth describing the "'nasty' tendency of schools to 'indoctrinate' children with the idea that their gender is something that can be picked and chosen and changed."

Other high level Catholic officials have also made recent statements that leave no doubt that the Church has decided transgender people, and acceptance of them, are some of the most dangerous evils on the face of the Earth. Pope Francispreviously stated that transgender people are a “threat to the order of creation,” and compared danger of transgender people to nuclear weapons, stating: “Let’s think of the nuclear arms, of the possibility to annihilate in a few instants a very high number of human beings. Let’s think also of… of the gender theory, that does not recognize the order of creation.”

The abdicated Pope Benedict also has called being transgender one of the worst sins and threats to man and God alike, stating to Pope Francis, “‘Holiness, this is the epoch of sin against God the Creator, He’s intelligent! God created man and woman, God created the world this way, this way, this way, and we are doing the opposite.”

Other high level Catholic officials have also railed against the world tolerating the existence of transgender people. American Cardinal Raymond Burke recently said, “With gender theory, it is impossible to live in society. Already today, in certain places in the United States, anyone at all can change identity and say, ‘Today I am a man; tomorrow I will be a woman.’ That is truly madness. Some men insist on going into the women’s rest rooms. That is inhuman.”

At the 2016 National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, which was attended by Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Cardinal Robert Sarah also described tolerance of transgender people as a threat to life, the universe, and everything. “The death of God results in the burial of good, beauty, love and truth... Nowhere is this clearer than in the threat that societies are visiting on the family through a demonic “gender ideology,” a deadly impulse that is being experienced in a world increasingly cut off from God through ideological colonialism.”

It is not a far step from saying that transgender people will annihilate man and God, to saying that annihilating transgender people is an act of self-defense and a moral imperative. Indeed, the comparison to nuclear weapons is illustrative. TheCatholic Church’s position on nuclear weapons is that they should be banned, abolished, legislated out of existence, for the good of humanity. The implication here is that given the similarity of the threat, transgender people should be too.

The references to “colonialism” are another hint of their intent: they are nudging nations towards laws like the Ugandan “Kill the Gays,” legislation. The Catholic Church in Africa has been highly supportive of laws in Africa designed to kill, imprison, or otherwise drive lesbians and gays underground in an act of legislative cultural genocide. Bishop Wamika told parents of gay and lesbian children that they would be rewarded in heaven if they turned over their gay and lesbian children to the state for punishment. High level Catholic officials have turned a blind eye to what Cardinals and Bishops have done to encourage genocide and oppression of lesbians and gays.

This is terrifying for transgender people, and yet completely expected.

The Catholic Church has a long sordid history with standing idly by during genocide, or even encouraging it. A Catholic priest is on trial for crimes against humanity for his role in the Rwandan genocide, where Catholic Churches were used as extermination centers. During the Holocaust, Pope Pius XII is described by biographer John Cornwell’s book Hitler’s Pope as a “narcissistic, power-hungry manipulator who was prepared to lie, to appease, and to collaborate in order to accomplish his ecclesiastical purpose—which was not to save lives or even to protect the Catholic Church but, more narrowly, to protect and advance the power of the papacy.”

And this is just the modern history of the Church’s role in genocides and oppression, never mind the Inquisition, Crusades, wars against Protestants.

It’s not even as if the Catholic Church can pretend their position on transgender people is about the sanctity of people’s reproductive bits or protecting youth without descending into complete hypocrisy. For hundreds of years the Catholic Church castrated boys to keep their top talent in choirs, and didn’t ban the practice until the beginning of the 20th century. They castrated gay men to “cure” them well into the 1950’s. At the same time, the Church continues to try to cover up, hide, and otherwise dodge the consequences of Catholic Priests abusing children. Indeed, they have had the chutzpah to blame the children for being abused.

In the United States, the Catholic Church has now joined the largest Protestant denomination (the Southern Baptist Convention) in the demand to legislate transgender people out of existence. Their ability to do this will very much hinge on what the Supreme Court decides in the next few years when they inevitably hear a case which decides whether transgender people are protected by civil rights laws which include sex as a protected characteristic. However, the Church’s stance has two significant implications for people other than transgender people in the U.S.

First, it signals a death spiral into irrelevance of the teachings by top Catholic leaders among American Catholic congregations, particularly among predominantly white ones. Fifty-seven percent of U.S. Catholics support same sex marriage. Eighty percent of U.S. Catholics think birth control is morally acceptable, and 98% of U.S. Catholic women have used it. The majority of US Catholics also reject the Church’s teachings on co-habitation, divorce, and premarital sex according to Pew Research.

As such, it seems highly unlikely that American Catholics will buy into the narrative that transgender people are demons who should be eradicated to save humanity and all of creation. Where the real danger lies is in places that are already hostile to lesbians and gays, have large Catholic populations, and have weak human rights laws and or enforcement. This could include much of West Africa and the Philippines.

The rhetoric being used demonizes transgender people, while the repeated use of “colonizing” language is a dog whistle to politicians in nations where past colonialism is still a source of anger and resentment. The goal of the Catholic Church is to goad these countries into legislating their transgender populations out of existence, while not directly telling them to do so. Thus, in the aftermath of the human rights disaster, they will have some degree of culpable deniability because they never actually told them to do it, or suggested specific laws.

Now, who here still thinks Francis is a wonderful, progressive pope?
"'nasty' tendency of schools to 'indoctrinate' children with the idea that their gender is something that can be picked and chosen and changed."
On that, the Marxist was correct
"'nasty' tendency of schools to 'indoctrinate' children with the idea that their gender is something that can be picked and chosen and changed."
On that, the Marxist was correct
All marxists are like that. They are homosexual trans haters.
there is a HUGE difference between HATING TRANS----and teaching 10 year old kids that GENDER IS A MATTER OF CHOICE------sorry guys ----those kinds of discussions are TOO HEAVY FOR THE LITTLE ONES. At age ten the hormones are just pulling into gear------they do not NEED such a dilemma in their little confused minds
there is a HUGE difference between HATING TRANS----and teaching 10 year old kids that GENDER IS A MATTER OF CHOICE------sorry guys ----those kinds of discussions are TOO HEAVY FOR THE LITTLE ONES. At age ten the hormones are just pulling into gear------they do not NEED such a dilemma in their little confused minds

hey HOSSFLY----wattya think-----I AGREED WITH FRANCIS----
its a first for me
"Tessa Anne, an activist with the [lesbian led] radical feminist Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF), has lodged complaints with the state’s Attorney-General and Integrity Commission, alleging Ms Banks “bullied, belittled” and discriminated against her."

It's my victimhood I tells ya! mine mine!


A leading feminist has made official complaints of bullying and sex discrimination against Tasmania’s female Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Robin Banks, who dismisses the claims.

Tessa Anne, an activist with the radical feminist Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF), has lodged complaints with the state’s Attorney-General and Integrity Commission, alleging Ms Banks “bullied, belittled” and discriminated against her.

Ms Banks yesterday rejected the allegations, which relate to her conduct during a 2½-hour meeting between the two women, as well as one of Ms Banks’s staff members, on June 29. The meeting was held to discuss WoLF’s concerns about Ms Banks’s proposal — being considered by the Tasmanian government — to allow men who identify as women, but who have not had a sex change, to be legally registered as female.

Ms Anne and WoLF believe the legislative change, similar to a proposal in Victoria, would undermine protections for women and girls and could see men gaining access to domestic violence and rape shelters. The complaint by Ms Anne alleges “aggressive” and “insulting” conduct by Ms Banks, and in some cases by her staff member, Leica Wagner, and that this amounted to bullying and discrimination against her on the basis of her sex.

Ms Anne’s complaint says Ms Banks denied that violence against women was discrimination. “What transpired at this meeting shocked me and left me feeling bullied, harassed and disrespected,” Ms Anne alleges in the complaint. “Robin Banks conducted herself in a hostile, aggressive and combative manner … I felt threatened.

“As well as this substantive refusal to engage honestly with our concerns, I was also subjected to name-calling and derision … I believe the conduct of Banks and Wagner on this occasion amounts to discrimination against me because I am female, and I would like to pursue a formal complaint of discrimination.”

Ms Banks said she did not believe her conduct or that of Ms Wagner constituted bullying, harassment or discrimination. “I look forward to the opportunity to talk to the Attorney-General and the Integrity Commission if they consider that’s necessary,” she said.

She did not believe Ms Anne had any grounds for her claims. “No, I don’t,” Ms Banks said. “It was a discussion about an issue on which we disagreed. I guess it was just the way in which the disagreement was understood.”

Ms Banks made headlines earlier this year after deciding that Catholic bishops had a case to answer in relation to a discrimination complaint about a pamphlet outlining the church’s opposition to same-sex marriage.

Ms Anne’s complaint says during their discussion Ms Banks had mocked her group’s submission on the transgender legal change as being similar to that made by the Australian Christian Lobby.

“I could not believe what I was hearing — the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner ridiculing a religious organisation and mocking the WoLF submission by likening it to that of an organisation for which she clearly had nothing but contempt,” the complaint says.
Sorry Goose. The Pope is Catholic.
He's a progressive. This is just another proof.
Proof? Nope. I am Catholic. Surely you've noticed that I am not progressive.
I didn't say Catholics were progressive.
You said it was just another proof. What did you mean, then?

It's here.

Pope Francis Declares War on Transgender People
Sorry Goose. The Pope is Catholic.
He's a progressive. This is just another proof.

What got the Right calling the Pope a progressive/ Marxist was his remarks about helping the poor/weak/elderly/sick and his remarks about the environment.
The Pope's comments mirrored many verses within the Bible from Genisis to Revelations.
Who knew God is a progressive/Marxist?
Sorry Goose. The Pope is Catholic.
He's a progressive. This is just another proof.

What got the Right calling the Pope a progressive/ Marxist was his remarks about helping the poor/weak/elderly/sick and his remarks about the environment.
The Pope's comments mirrored many verses within the Bible from Genisis to Revelations.
Who knew God is a progressive/Marxist?
He's just faking all that. He's a Islamophilic and homosexual.
Sorry Goose. The Pope is Catholic.
He's a progressive. This is just another proof.

What got the Right calling the Pope a progressive/ Marxist was his remarks about helping the poor/weak/elderly/sick and his remarks about the environment.
The Pope's comments mirrored many verses within the Bible from Genisis to Revelations.
Who knew God is a progressive/Marxist?

What else is new?----the laws of the bible are VERY SOCIALISTIC---------tithing-----gleaners' rights----hereditary
lands------it is----actually kinda Marxist The people who fled
the cities of Judea to get away from the roman pigs----in the BC era------lived entirely a MARXIST LIFE----which is why some Christian theologians decided that Jesus was an
"ESSENE" << a totally Marxist group out in the desert

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