Pope Francis Canonizes California Missionary Junipero Serra


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Pope Francis canonized Father Junipero Serra on Wednesday, despite outrage from the Native American community

The 18th-century Spanish monk came to the New World to spread Catholicism and established nine of the 21 missions along California's coastline. Ceremonial bell-ringings will take place at Mission San Juan Capistrano to mark the occasion. Visitors will be invited to watch the canonization Mass in the Great Stone Church Ruins.

As a part of every fourth-grader's curriculum, Serra is considered a founding father of California. However, to the Native American community, Serra was a frontman of the enslavement and deaths of their ancestors and their culture in California.
Pope Francis Canonizes California Missionary Serra

Hey........this is longknife's guy.
Ironic, ain't it?...

Actor James Woods: 'His Holiness is Accepting Pro-Abortion Hospitality'
September 25, 2015 | In a tweet sent out September 23, actor James Woods made an observation about Pope Francis: "Intriguing that the Catholic Church makes no distinction between abortion and murder, yet His Holiness is accepting pro-abortion hospitality," Woods wrote.
Woods then followed with a second tweet: "For the record I am a practicing Roman Catholic. I share that to clarify my personal interest in my previous tweet." There has been no further elaboration from Woods on what or whom he meant by "pro-abortion hospitality." The actor, 68, has appeared in many popular films, including "Casino," "Ghosts of Mississippi," and "White House Down." He is also the plantiff in a current $10 million defamation lawsuit against a Twitter user who suggested that Woods is "a cocaine addict."


Since joining Twitter in 2009, Woods has often used the format to express political opinions. On September 23 he tweeted a pro-Second Amendment quote from George Washington: "A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government."


On September 21 Woods tweeted a picture of a group of people pushing a broken-down Hillary Clinton campaign bus up a hill. "You couldn't stage a better visual metaphor if you tried," Woods wrote.

Actor James Woods: 'His Holiness is Accepting Pro-Abortion Hospitality'

See also:

5 Judges: Forcing Contraception Reg on Nuns Like Providing 'Only Non-Kosher Food' to Jewish Prisoner
September 24, 2015 - Five appeals court judges have joined in a dissenting opinion stating that the type of argument being used to justify the government's efforts to force the Little Sisters of the Poor to comply with an Obamacare regulation that requires their health-care plan to cover sterilizations, contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs could also be used to force a Christian to work on Dec. 25 because the court had determined that “sources show that Jesus was actually born in March.”
Or, the judges said, the same type of reasoning could be used to justify providing a Jewish prisoner with “only non-Kosher food.” The judges were objecting to a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, on which they sit, which ruled that the Obama administration can force the nuns to comply with the regulation even though doing so compels the sisters to act against their Catholic faith. The Little Sisters have asked the Supreme Court to take up their case, and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has issued an amicus brief supporting the Little Sisters. So, too, has a group of Orthodox Jewish Rabbis.


Pope Francis meets with Little Sisters of the Poor at the Jeanne Jugan Residence, a home for the elderly poor, in Washington, D.C.

The mission of the Little Sisters is to maintain homes for the elderly poor, one of which--the Jeanne Jugan Residence--is located a few blocks from the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. Yesterday, Pope Francis visited the Little Sisters at this home after presiding over the canonization mass for St. Junipero Serra. The pope’s spokesman, Father Frederico Lombardi, said the pope made the visit to show his support for the Little Sisters in their lawsuit against the government.


Pope Francis and Cardinal Donald Wuerl are greeted by a Little Sister at the Jeanne Jugan Residence in Washington, D.C.

In the petition they filed asking the Supreme Court to take up the case, the lawyers for the Little Sisters summarized their argument in defense of the sisters' religious liberty. “The Little Sisters of the Poor are Catholic nuns who devote their lives to caring for the elderly poor,” said their petition. “The government has put them to the impossible choice of either violating the law or violating the faith upon which their lives and ministry are based.


Pope Francis prays with the Little Sisters of the Poor at the Jeanne Jugan Residence in Washington, D.C.

“HHS insists that the Little Sisters must comply with a mandate that their employee healthcare plans ‘provide coverage’ for free contraceptives,” says their petition. “Although there is no dispute that the Little Sisters sincerely believe that all the available compliance methods would make them morally complicit in grave sin, HHS refuses to give them the exemption it has given other religious employers, and instead requires them to comply, either directly or by executing documents that authorize and obligate others to use the Little Sisters’ healthcare plans to accomplish the ‘seamless’ provision of contraceptive coverage.

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