POLL: Trump supporters, let's just get this over with.

True or False: Trump supporters know they're being lied to, and just don't care. They're at war.

  • True: Whatever it takes to beat the American Left. I'll put up with pretty much anything.

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • False: Those examples you gave were fake news. The election was rigged, and I know it.

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • I don't want to answer. I just want to deflect and complain about Mac.

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters
At this point, with so much proven election fraud, machine vulnerabilty / malfunctions, and faith in US elections so low, I would almost seriously consider supporting the 'Iraqi 1st Election' format as the official US govt election process:


They traveled great distances from everywhere, they stood in long lines for hours if need be, they literally risked their lives to vote as Hussein supporters / terrorists attacked several polling locations kiling people - without discouraging the people.

They presented ID to prove they were citizens and could vote, voted, then dipped their fingers in ink that could not be washed off for days, proving they voted and preventing election fraud.

Then they took to the streets proudly showing they had voted.

They had no problem with showing an ID, the opposition of which in this country is stupid, especially considering we need IDs to buy cigarettes / alcohol, travel, or get library cards / a driver's license.

For all of our ridiculously complicated (on purpose) mandated methods of and electronic systems for voting there is still election fraud, which Iraq eliminated with a bottle of ink.

Vote in person. No 'mail in voting / fingers'. No 'proxy" voting, no dead people voting, no pets voting, no illegals voting, no out-dated voting rosters allowing people to vote more than once..

In a lot of ways, such a simplistic, basic way of voting by a newly liberated people voting in their very 1st election was / is better than the f*ed up, politicaly criminal way our elections have become.
They can’t help themselves. Next they'll say that’s not Bannon’s voice.

I’ll bet at least half of them know they’re being lied to and don’t care.

That's exactly it. A few of them are legitimately nuts, but most of them are just lying at this point. They got so invested in the bullshit that they won't back out of it now even though they know it's all bullshit.

Courts Finally Admit Election Irregularities …

At least four key battleground states—and one former red state flipped blue by egregious vote fraud—have delivered court rulings that vindicated former president Donald Trump’s complaints about widespread irregularities undermining the 2020 election outcome.

Just the News’s John Solomon reported that several state courts have now declared illegal the last-minute maneuvers by Democrat officials to circumvent state legislatures in mailing out unsolicited absentee ballots and lowering the statutory threshold for inclusion.

  • In Michigan, the state Court of Claims ruled that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson violated state law a month before the election by instructing that local election clerks to presume all signatures were valid and to reject only those with “multiple significant and obvious” irregularities. Benson had previously mailed absentee ballots to everyone on the state’s voting rolls under the pretense of coronavirus “emergency” orders.
  • In Wisconsin, the state Supreme Court ruled in December that election officials including Gov. Tony Evers lacked authority to let healthy voters ignore the state’s voter ID requirements by declaring themselves “indefinitely confined.”
  • In Virginia, a Circuit Court judge permanently banned the state Department of Elections’ recently implemented policy to allow ballots without postmarks after Election Day after the Public Interest Legal Foundation filed suit.
In Arizona and Georgia, as well, courts recently issued favorable verdicts allowing access to the voting data for two counties where widespread fraud is suspected.

  • Maricopa County, which encompasses the Phoenix area, must allow Arizona’s GOP-led legislature to conduct an independent audit of ballots and voting machines.
  • And Fulton County, overlapping much of the Atlanta metro area, may have to hand over its absentee ballots in a suit pressed by an election-integrity watchdog in Georgia after a judge signaled he was open to it. That came despite recent reports that the heavily blue county may have already begun shredding the evidence.
In addition to validating the concerns and frustrations of Trump supporters after endless denials by gaslighting media, the court rulings may also be significant in future elections.

With the exception of Virginia, all of the cases noted were from states Trump had won in 2016 that became the subject of intense scrutiny following the Nov. 3 election due to state officials’ brazen efforts to leverage their “emergency” pandemic powers for partisan political gain.

Virginia, a longtime bellwether state, likewise fell subject to systemic fraud after a questionable 2013 gubernatorial victory by longtime Clinton surrogate Terry McAuliffe, who began the process of dismantling election rules through executive order to flip the state solid blue.

Democrats, now entrenched in power at the federal level, are currently seeking to codify the corrupt and illegal voting practices in order to secure permanent majorities through controversial legislation such as the HR1 election overhaul.

As some state legislatures scramble to correct legal loopholes and reassert their authority in establishing election laws, a new deluge of court challenges from the “sue till blue” Left is, no doubt, inevitable.

Not bubble approved information.
I have to say, either possibly, the election was stolen, or it was not, would not surprise me in the least.

In a country where Bloggo sold Obama's seat to the highest bidder, something that democrats even admit having happened, or where democrats tried to buy the nomination for selected candidates within their own party in Pennsylvania and Colorado, which was admitted within their own party, fraud is more a way of life in politics than conspiracy.

And in a country where the populace seems to be getting more stupid by the minute with any ability to think critically, in a country where the media and academia is run by the DNC machine to churn out voters who will vote for the same people that just destroyed their economy and freedoms, to think the vote was legit is also a possibility.

Really, I grow tired of the whole thing.
I have to say, either possibly, the election was stolen, or it was not, would not surprise me in the least.

In a country where Bloggo sold Obama's seat to the highest bidder, something that democrats even admit having happened, or where democrats tried to buy the nomination for selected candidates within their own party in Pennsylvania and Colorado, which was admitted within their own party, fraud is more a way of life in politics than conspiracy.

And in a country where the populace seems to be getting more stupid by the minute with any ability to think critically, in a country where the media and academia is run by the DNC machine to churn out voters who will vote for the same people that just destroyed their economy and freedoms, to think the vote was legit is also a possibility.

Really, I grow tired of the whole thing.

I would agree, except that we witnessed states change the way mass mail in ballots were counted without legally changing the way mass mail in ballots were counted.
That tips the scale on which one it was.
We now know that, as we have been assuming, the crew at FOX has been lying to its viewers for years about the "rigged election". They knew the accusations were BS, but they promoted and advocated them anyway for ratings and stock prices. Literally.

We know that Steve Bannon is on tape, before the election, telling people that Trump was going to claim victory even if he lost and wasn't going to give an inch. Link below.

We know that MANY Republicans, from state election officials to governors to supreme courts to Trump-appointed judges to the freakin' "Cyber Ninjas", have tossed out the accusations.

Here's my guess, and you can tell me if (or actually, claim that) I'm wrong: I think you know you're being lied to, but you don't care. You're "at war" with the Left, so anything goes.

Please vote and comment.

It’s funny how they keep insisting they legitimately won, but mention voter ID or accurate voter database they act like Dracula meeting the sunrise
Odd..that's exactly how the Right acts when a National voting ID is proposed.
Why is that?
LOL..the question is rhetorical..the Republican party does not want every eligible voter to vote, as they are in the minority. The Dems don't want anything that might lead to controlling illegals, etc.
A national ID would make so much sense..both for voting, but also for controlling illegal immigration and illegal hiring...as well as gun sales. Could lead to a national drug database, taking a serious hit at prescription drug abuse.
Yet, the idea is seen as toxic...all Parties hate it, Republican, Democrat and Libertarian.
The perception is that of giving the Govt. too much power...an all-knowing eye, as it were. Never-mind that that ship has sailed.
The States hate it. A national ID could supplant state ID's...and end lucrative fees and jobs. Also, a National voting ID would end a lot of local power-brokering--everyone hates that idea, eh?

Democrats in Congress are considering a policy that was long unthinkable: a federal requirement that every American show identification before casting a ballot. But as the party tries to pass voting-rights legislation before the next election, it is ignoring a companion proposal that could ensure that a voter-ID law leaves no one behind—an idea that is as obvious as it is historically controversial. What if the government simply gave an ID card to every voting-age citizen in the country?
In the American psyche, however, a national ID card conjures images of an all-knowing government, its agents stopping people on the street and demanding to see their papers. Or at least that’s what leaders of both parties believe. The idea is presumed to be so toxic that not a single member of Congress is currently carrying its banner. Even those advocates who like the concept in theory will discuss its political prospects only with a knowing chuckle, the kind that signals that the questioner is a bit crazy. “There are only three problems with a national ID: Republicans hate it, Libertarians hate it, and Democrats hate it,” says Kathleen Unger, the founder of VoteRiders, an organization devoted to helping people obtain ID.

Admittedly, this is probably not the best time to propose a new national ID. A large minority of the country is rebelling against vaccine “passports” as a form of government coercion. Yet public opposition to a national ID has never been as strong as political leaders assume. The idea has won majority support in polls for much of the past 40 years and spiked to nearly 70 percent in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. In a nationwide survey conducted this summer by Leger for The Atlantic, 51 percent of respondents favored a national ID that could be used for voting, while 49 percent agreed with an opposing statement that a national ID would represent “an unnecessary expansion of government power and would be misused to infringe on Americans’ privacy and personal freedoms.” Support was far higher—63 percent—among respondents who said they had voted for Joe Biden in 2020 than it was among those who said they had voted for Donald Trump (39 percent).


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