Poll shows 20 per cent of Biden voters regret their vote


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I was doing my errands yesterday and one of the talk-show hosts was having Biden voters call in and voice their regret over voting for the current person occupying the White House.

Many of the were just plain sick about it.
They couldn't believe that they had been duped into voting for the obviously mentally challenged 'Walk-Away Joe' asshole.

Many of them felt they had been tricked into voting for this POS who....now that they've been able to witness what he's capable of..... deeply regret what they have done.
My question to them is.....how stupid do you feel today?

While noting that “he still has time to recover,” the analysis said that “what’s interesting is our poll was taken before the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan.”
Indeed, the poll of 2,173 registered U.S. voters who chose Mr. Biden was conducted Aug. 5-13.
A new Rasmussen Reports survey also uncovered some regret.
It found that if the “next presidential election” were held today, 37% of likely U.S. voters would choose Mr. Biden, 43% would pick former President Donald Trump, and 14% say they would vote for some other candidate.

Wouldn't surprise me. There was this black woman I ran into today at the gas station who was pissed as hell at the prices of everything, and particular that gas was costing us more today than it did earlier this year when Russians shut down the pipeline servicing my area.
I was doing my errands yesterday and one of the talk-show hosts was having Biden voters call in and voice their regret over voting for the current person occupying the White House.

Many of the were just plain sick about it.
They couldn't believe that they had been duped into voting for the obviously mentally challenged 'Walk-Away Joe' asshole.

Many of them felt they had been tricked into voting for this POS who....now that they've been able to witness what he's capable of..... deeply regret what they have done.
My question to them is.....how stupid do you feel today?

While noting that “he still has time to recover,” the analysis said that “what’s interesting is our poll was taken before the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan.”
Indeed, the poll of 2,173 registered U.S. voters who chose Mr. Biden was conducted Aug. 5-13.
A new Rasmussen Reports survey also uncovered some regret.
It found that if the “next presidential election” were held today, 37% of likely U.S. voters would choose Mr. Biden, 43% would pick former President Donald Trump, and 14% say they would vote for some other candidate.

That means that had the leftwing media not hidden the facts and slanted the news to help cheat the election for the democrats, Biddum really would have only gotten 64.8 million votes and Trump would have gotten 89.4 million.

Suddenly, Trump wins by almost 25 million people and all of a sudden, the numbers match reality.


Ah, a fine sore-loser weeping thread. The Calfornia recall thing hit them hard.
The problem with Californians is they are usually so high they don't recognize their surroundings half the time.
If you need an illegal substance, just ask your 8 year old neighborhood pusher down the street in San Diego or L.A.
I was doing my errands yesterday and one of the talk-show hosts was having Biden voters call in and voice their regret over voting for the current person occupying the White House.

Many of the were just plain sick about it.
They couldn't believe that they had been duped into voting for the obviously mentally challenged 'Walk-Away Joe' asshole.

Many of them felt they had been tricked into voting for this POS who....now that they've been able to witness what he's capable of..... deeply regret what they have done.
My question to them is.....how stupid do you feel today?

While noting that “he still has time to recover,” the analysis said that “what’s interesting is our poll was taken before the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan.”
Indeed, the poll of 2,173 registered U.S. voters who chose Mr. Biden was conducted Aug. 5-13.
A new Rasmussen Reports survey also uncovered some regret.
It found that if the “next presidential election” were held today, 37% of likely U.S. voters would choose Mr. Biden, 43% would pick former President Donald Trump, and 14% say they would vote for some other candidate.

I was doing my errands yesterday and one of the talk-show hosts was having Biden voters call in and voice their regret over voting for the current person occupying the White House.

Many of the were just plain sick about it.
They couldn't believe that they had been duped into voting for the obviously mentally challenged 'Walk-Away Joe' asshole.

Many of them felt they had been tricked into voting for this POS who....now that they've been able to witness what he's capable of..... deeply regret what they have done.
My question to them is.....how stupid do you feel today?

While noting that “he still has time to recover,” the analysis said that “what’s interesting is our poll was taken before the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan.”
Indeed, the poll of 2,173 registered U.S. voters who chose Mr. Biden was conducted Aug. 5-13.
A new Rasmussen Reports survey also uncovered some regret.
It found that if the “next presidential election” were held today, 37% of likely U.S. voters would choose Mr. Biden, 43% would pick former President Donald Trump, and 14% say they would vote for some other candidate.

Yep and the Dems know it too....they also know that Trump will win again if they can't pull off another theft. This is why you see all the legal activity continuing.

Wouldn't surprise me. There was this black woman I ran into today at the gas station who was pissed as hell at the prices of everything, and particular that gas was costing us more today than it did earlier this year when Russians shut down the pipeline servicing my area.
The problem is all the Democraps have to do is focus on another cop shooting close to the election and she'll still vote for the same ole Democrat Shitforbrains because she can't get over her racist tendencies to use a little common-sense.
Meanwhile back in reality, Florida was one of the few states where the blob got a higher % of vote in 2020 than he got in 2016. Few incumbents ever suffered such a devastating defeat.

Relaxed vote by mail stipulations was the only reason that mara-lard-ass got as many votes as he did.
And we know it's not possible that they just got a handful of people call in to just say they were Biden voters. I'm sure nothing like that could ever happen.
You are missing the point-
That means the other 80% of Biden voters are either lying to the pollsters, lying to themselves, oblivious, stupid, or flat out crazy.
Soooo you have no regrets?

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