Poll on "diversity" vs "security"

Do we want "high risk" immigrants in the US???

  • Yes, "diversity" trumps all

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Yes, we need to show muslims kindness so they eventually like us

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. Letting them in is not worth the risk to fellow citizens

    Votes: 9 90.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
IMHO the latest terror attack <attempt> was yet another warning that the US is in for a major terror attack. The FBI did a nice job of preventing the latest attack, but since the MSM has blabbed every detail of how they caught him, the next terrorists may not be as stupid. <how did that Somali clown get into Oregon State anyway?>

Any terrorist who is paying attention to the "profiling" that the TSA/FBI uses can probably avoid suspicion thanks to the MSM.

Here is a poll to see how many of us actually want these potential terrorists in the US.
Why are they here? <diversity??>
Who lets them in? <Dept of Jihad?>
Would we rather them be deported?

Please VOTE
Maybe I should have added another option, that they should take a hint when their mosques get burned down and leave?
No, you worded the "yes" differently than I'd answer. I'd say "yes," freedom trumps all.

If we always had this sort of befuddled attitude regarding who can and cannot immigrate here, we wouldn't be America.
No, you worded the "yes" differently than I'd answer. I'd say "yes," freedom trumps all.

If we always had this sort of befuddled attitude regarding who can and cannot immigrate here, we wouldn't be America.

What does "freedom" have to do with preventing Islamic Terrorism? That "freedom" wording translates to "terrorists have the right to commit terror attacks"
No, you worded the "yes" differently than I'd answer. I'd say "yes," freedom trumps all.

If we always had this sort of befuddled attitude regarding who can and cannot immigrate here, we wouldn't be America.

What does "freedom" have to do with preventing Islamic Terrorism? That "freedom" wording translates to "terrorists have the right to commit terror attacks"

You never heard the old saying about giving up freedom for security, is not freedom? Well, I think it applies here. That "freedom" wording does not translate to what you say that it does.

It didn't in this very case.
No, you worded the "yes" differently than I'd answer. I'd say "yes," freedom trumps all.

If we always had this sort of befuddled attitude regarding who can and cannot immigrate here, we wouldn't be America.

What does "freedom" have to do with preventing Islamic Terrorism? That "freedom" wording translates to "terrorists have the right to commit terror attacks"

You never heard the old saying about giving up freedom for security, is not freedom? Well, I think it applies here. That "freedom" wording does not translate to what you say that it does. It didn't in this very case.

Not allowing high-risk immigrants into the US does not reduce our freedoms. On the contrary, many of the terrorists neighbors have said that they will move. Further, having them here reduces our freedoms, such as freedom from fear when congregating or using public transportation.
Allowing the high-risk demographic into the US is giving up freedoms, as the TSA screenings have demonstrated. Your perspective is ass-backwards.
Freedom from fear?

No, your perspective on Freedom is ass backwards. You're stating that the actions of some should negatively effect all. That's not freedom.
It used to be that people with criminal pasts (or who were suspected of a criminal past) did not gain entry into the US or if they did, they were deported. Today? Not so much. We don't want to hurt anybody's feelings.

There is nothing I know of in the immigration laws of any country that says "send me your criminals, perverts and enemies." Why should American be any different? We need to crack down hard on our immigration laws and enforce them. Better yet, we should just put our immigration "quota" down to zero for all countries until we can straighten out the mess we already have.

I'm sorry - but part of the "enemy within" are those who want totally open borders and forgiveness for all. I'm afraid that this time - and it's coming - America is not going to be so lucky - the battle ground is going to be on our soil. And who is going to come to our aid as we have to so many other countries? No one.

All we have to do is look at history and look at today's world conflict to figure out that there will never be "one world governance with peace, love and prosperity for all." At least not in this lifetime.
Freedom from fear?

No, your perspective on Freedom is ass backwards. You're stating that the actions of some should negatively effect all. That's not freedom.

Your reply is totally abstract and makes no sense. You did not address the freedoms we lose when the high-risk demographic is here, and freedom from fear is a real consideration, otherwise we wouldn't notice unattended bags.
I gave you examples of the TSA screenings we need to put up with, that affects our freedom to travel.
Freedom from fear happens when we travel on public transportation, or gather to light a Christmas tree.
You on the other hand did not provide one example of what freedoms are gained by allowing them here.

Let me clue you in, the actions of "some" do in-fact negatively affect us all. IMHO we need to reduce that "some" demographic, because we can, and its the smart thing to do.
Freedom from fear?

No, your perspective on Freedom is ass backwards. You're stating that the actions of some should negatively effect all. That's not freedom.

Your reply is totally abstract and makes no sense. You did not address the freedoms we lose when the high-risk demographic is here, and freedom from fear is a real consideration, otherwise we wouldn't notice unattended bags.
I gave you examples of the TSA screenings we need to put up with, that affects our freedom to travel.
Freedom from fear happens when we travel on public transportation, or gather to light a Christmas tree.
You on the other hand did not provide one example of what freedoms are gained by allowing them here.

Let me clue you in, the actions of "some" do in-fact negatively affect us all. IMHO we need to reduce that "some" demographic, because we can, and its the smart thing to do.

What freedoms are gained by allowing "them" here, is "their" freedom to come here, and live in a "free" Country. The same as this Country's always been.

Traveling by plane is a luxury. Not a "Freedom." You pay for it, you pay a private company to fly on their plane. And despite what you say, "freedom from fear" is the actual abstract. It can never happen, ever. It doesn't matter who you profile. It doesn't matter how many white males you deport from our Country, the "fear" of Rape will always be there.
No, you worded the "yes" differently than I'd answer. I'd say "yes," freedom trumps all.

If we always had this sort of befuddled attitude regarding who can and cannot immigrate here, we wouldn't be America.

A good part of the rational behind immigration quotas is that small numbers of immigrants will assimilate quicker than large groups who will segregate themselves and not adapt to their new country.
Sure, at times, quotas were used to limit "undesirable" ethnic groups, but it just makes sense to limit the number of immigrants from countries where people want to kill us.
No, you worded the "yes" differently than I'd answer. I'd say "yes," freedom trumps all.

If we always had this sort of befuddled attitude regarding who can and cannot immigrate here, we wouldn't be America.

Times are changing. Nowadays "diversity" is code word for "invasion".
No, you worded the "yes" differently than I'd answer. I'd say "yes," freedom trumps all.

If we always had this sort of befuddled attitude regarding who can and cannot immigrate here, we wouldn't be America.

Times are changing. Nowadays "diversity" is code word for "invasion".

Yea, I guess if you're paranoid.

When the guy was caught this past week with the car bomb (fail), how many actual MURDERS, were there, that day, in the US?
No, you worded the "yes" differently than I'd answer. I'd say "yes," freedom trumps all.

If we always had this sort of befuddled attitude regarding who can and cannot immigrate here, we wouldn't be America.

Times are changing. Nowadays "diversity" is code word for "invasion".

Yea, I guess if you're paranoid.

When the guy was caught this past week with the car bomb (fail), how many actual MURDERS, were there, that day, in the US?

Apples and oranges.
Times are changing. Nowadays "diversity" is code word for "invasion".

Yea, I guess if you're paranoid.

When the guy was caught this past week with the car bomb (fail), how many actual MURDERS, were there, that day, in the US?

Apples and oranges.

No, it's apples to apples. Killers to killers.

Muslims have been in this Country for a looong looong time.

Profiling is the antithesis of freedom. Should all females (profile of the common rape victim) have restraining orders against all 25-40 year old white males (profile for common Rapist)?

Should all Catholic Priests be profiled as Child Molestors?

Should all inner-city kids be assumed gang-bangers?

Should Indian Buddhists be assumed Middle Eastern Radicals? How about Israelis? Should every Korean be assumed a pro North Korean freedom hating Commie?
"Ultimately, America's answer to the intolerant man is diversity, the very diversity which our heritage of religious freedom has inspired." Robert F. Kennedy

America has become the land of the scadycats, the land of religious freedom has become the land of the religious intolerant. There are plenty of bad people out there and all they need is help and a reason. Think McVeigh.

The FBI successfully thwarts its own Terrorist plot - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

"The FBI is obviously quite pleased with itself over its arrest of a 19-year-old Somali-American, Mohamed Osman Mohamud, who -- with months of encouragement, support and money from the FBI's own undercover agents -- allegedly attempted to detonate a bomb at a crowded Christmas event in Portland, Oregon. Media accounts are almost uniformly trumpeting this event exactly as the FBI describes it. Loyalists of both parties are doing the same, with Democratic Party commentators proclaiming that this proves how great and effective Democrats are at stopping The Evil Terrorists, while right-wing polemicists point to this arrest as yet more proof that those menacing Muslims sure are violent and dangerous."
Yea, I guess if you're paranoid.

When the guy was caught this past week with the car bomb (fail), how many actual MURDERS, were there, that day, in the US?

Apples and oranges.

No, it's apples to apples. Killers to killers.

Muslims have been in this Country for a looong looong time.

Profiling is the antithesis of freedom. Should all females (profile of the common rape victim) have restraining orders against all 25-40 year old white males (profile for common Rapist)?

Should all Catholic Priests be profiled as Child Molestors?

Should all inner-city kids be assumed gang-bangers?

Should Indian Buddhists be assumed Middle Eastern Radicals? How about Israelis? Should every Korean be assumed a pro North Korean freedom hating Commie?

Here is a partial list of terror attacks in the US. Just because the FBI prevented mass murder it doesn't mean the demographic won't keep trying. It actually sounds like you want the "terror invasion" to succeed...
Here is a partial list of terror attacks against Americans, it doesn't even list the one where Akbar killed his commanders with a grenade at the start of the Gulf War.
Terrorist Attacks in the U.S. or Against Americans &mdash; Infoplease.com

These are FACTS not red-herrings or straw-men. It is the job of congress and the president to protect us from terrorism. The simplest way is to keep the coxuckers OUT.
Apples and oranges.

No, it's apples to apples. Killers to killers.

Muslims have been in this Country for a looong looong time.

Profiling is the antithesis of freedom. Should all females (profile of the common rape victim) have restraining orders against all 25-40 year old white males (profile for common Rapist)?

Should all Catholic Priests be profiled as Child Molestors?

Should all inner-city kids be assumed gang-bangers?

Should Indian Buddhists be assumed Middle Eastern Radicals? How about Israelis? Should every Korean be assumed a pro North Korean freedom hating Commie?

Here is a partial list of terror attacks in the US. Just because the FBI prevented mass murder it doesn't mean the demographic won't keep trying. It actually sounds like you want the "terror invasion" to succeed...
Here is a partial list of terror attacks against Americans, it doesn't even list the one where Akbar killed his commanders with a grenade at the start of the Gulf War.
Terrorist Attacks in the U.S. or Against Americans &mdash; Infoplease.com

These are FACTS not red-herrings or straw-men. It is the job of congress and the president to protect us from terrorism. The simplest way is to keep the coxuckers OUT.

You and I simply disagree, simple as that. And no, it doesn't even ALMOST sound as though I want them to succeed.
Maybe I should have added another option, that they should take a hint when their mosques get burned down and leave?

when you start burning mosques then you become the terrorist

the fact that you state your desire to burn down mosques makes you no different than the muslim who plans to blow up vans
I seriously could care less about religions. They seem antiquated to me. But zeroing in on one over the others is both anti-United States Constitution..and anti-American.

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