Poll: just 7 percent of African Americans approve of Trump’s job. Whopping 89% disapprove


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
This cannot possibly.be true, because a reliable conservative nickname in a conservative political message board told me that blacks are "blexiting". And other conservative nicknames rated it "winner".

But Trump faces a steep challenge to make inroads of his own with black voters. A Washington Post-ABC News poll in late October found that just 7 percent of African Americans approve of Trump’s job performance, compared with 49 percent of whites and 38 percent of Americans overall. In all, 89 percent of black Americans disapprove of Trump, including 80 percent who “strongly” disapprove.
This cannot possibly.be true, because a reliable conservative nickname in a conservative political message board told me that blacks are "blexiting". And other conservative nicknames rated it "winner".

But Trump faces a steep challenge to make inroads of his own with black voters. A Washington Post-ABC News poll in late October found that just 7 percent of African Americans approve of Trump’s job performance, compared with 49 percent of whites and 38 percent of Americans overall. In all, 89 percent of black Americans disapprove of Trump, including 80 percent who “strongly” disapprove.

Remember the taco salad? Maybe he'll have a plate of chitlins on MLK Day.
This cannot possibly.be true, because a reliable conservative nickname in a conservative political message board told me that blacks are "blexiting". And other conservative nicknames rated it "winner".

But Trump faces a steep challenge to make inroads of his own with black voters. A Washington Post-ABC News poll in late October found that just 7 percent of African Americans approve of Trump’s job performance, compared with 49 percent of whites and 38 percent of Americans overall. In all, 89 percent of black Americans disapprove of Trump, including 80 percent who “strongly” disapprove.

Are these he same polls that said Hillary would win in a landslide? :lol:
People who claim to be conservatives/republicans do not seem to have any appreciation for the fact that voters judge them on their actions and policies. Nobody has a right to expect loyalty from any demographic group. As for me judging their policies and actions that involve the demographic groups that I'm in, they get zeros, so no vote from me.

The whole discussion about voting among demographic groups also leaves out questions about how these voters feel about other issues, like foreign policy, and the way that government is being run. Aside from one's race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, one can be pissed off about something like trump's abandonment of the climate treaty or his treatment of the Kurds or his family separations, the scandal involving his interactions with Ukrainian officials and with Russians, etc.
This cannot possibly.be true, because a reliable conservative nickname in a conservative political message board told me that blacks are "blexiting". And other conservative nicknames rated it "winner".

But Trump faces a steep challenge to make inroads of his own with black voters. A Washington Post-ABC News poll in late October found that just 7 percent of African Americans approve of Trump’s job performance, compared with 49 percent of whites and 38 percent of Americans overall. In all, 89 percent of black Americans disapprove of Trump, including 80 percent who “strongly” disapprove.
Seven is their average IQ. Coincidence?
This cannot possibly.be true, because a reliable conservative nickname in a conservative political message board told me that blacks are "blexiting". And other conservative nicknames rated it "winner".

But Trump faces a steep challenge to make inroads of his own with black voters. A Washington Post-ABC News poll in late October found that just 7 percent of African Americans approve of Trump’s job performance, compared with 49 percent of whites and 38 percent of Americans overall. In all, 89 percent of black Americans disapprove of Trump, including 80 percent who “strongly” disapprove.
Yeah from the "Trump has no path to the White House" polling company
People who claim to be conservatives/republicans do not seem to have any appreciation for the fact that voters judge them on their actions and policies. Nobody has a right to expect loyalty from any demographic group. As for me judging their policies and actions that involve the demographic groups that I'm in, they get zeros, so no vote from me.

The whole discussion about voting among demographic groups also leaves out questions about how these voters feel about other issues, like foreign policy, and the way that government is being run. Aside from one's race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, one can be pissed off about something like trump's abandonment of the climate treaty or his treatment of the Kurds or his family separations, the scandal involving his interactions with Ukrainian officials and with Russians, etc.
I thought all of the Kurds were killed
People who claim to be conservatives/republicans do not seem to have any appreciation for the fact that voters judge them on their actions and policies. Nobody has a right to expect loyalty from any demographic group. As for me judging their policies and actions that involve the demographic groups that I'm in, they get zeros, so no vote from me.

The whole discussion about voting among demographic groups also leaves out questions about how these voters feel about other issues, like foreign policy, and the way that government is being run. Aside from one's race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, one can be pissed off about something like trump's abandonment of the climate treaty or his treatment of the Kurds or his family separations, the scandal involving his interactions with Ukrainian officials and with Russians, etc.
I thought all of the Kurds were killed

The Kurds were forced to flee and some were killed. All so that trump could give his Russian lover a gift, while putting our own military in the middle. The orange whore sucks up to the Russians at every opportunity, so why is he POTUS?
People who claim to be conservatives/republicans do not seem to have any appreciation for the fact that voters judge them on their actions and policies. Nobody has a right to expect loyalty from any demographic group. As for me judging their policies and actions that involve the demographic groups that I'm in, they get zeros, so no vote from me.

The whole discussion about voting among demographic groups also leaves out questions about how these voters feel about other issues, like foreign policy, and the way that government is being run. Aside from one's race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, one can be pissed off about something like trump's abandonment of the climate treaty or his treatment of the Kurds or his family separations, the scandal involving his interactions with Ukrainian officials and with Russians, etc.
I thought all of the Kurds were killed

The Kurds were forced to flee and some were killed. All so that trump could give his Russian lover a gift, while putting our own military in the middle. The orange whore sucks up to the Russians at every opportunity, so why is he POTUS?


Alls quiet on the Kurdish front.

There's no Kurdish genocide just more Fake News
People who claim to be conservatives/republicans do not seem to have any appreciation for the fact that voters judge them on their actions and policies. Nobody has a right to expect loyalty from any demographic group. As for me judging their policies and actions that involve the demographic groups that I'm in, they get zeros, so no vote from me.

The whole discussion about voting among demographic groups also leaves out questions about how these voters feel about other issues, like foreign policy, and the way that government is being run. Aside from one's race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, one can be pissed off about something like trump's abandonment of the climate treaty or his treatment of the Kurds or his family separations, the scandal involving his interactions with Ukrainian officials and with Russians, etc.
I thought all of the Kurds were killed

The Kurds were forced to flee and some were killed. All so that trump could give his Russian lover a gift, while putting our own military in the middle. The orange whore sucks up to the Russians at every opportunity, so why is he POTUS?


Alls quiet on the Kurdish front.

There's no Kurdish genocide just more Fake News

This was the orange whore's gift to putin, and the hell with the Kurds on the ground, our military, and our international reputation.

But we digress from the topic. The voters from any demographic group may judge harshly on issues other than those social issues that directly involve their particular group(s). For example, I, as a female American, judge republicans harshly for their policies involving women, but I also judge them harshly for their failure to cooperate internationally, including in their dealings with the United Nations.
This cannot possibly.be true, because a reliable conservative nickname in a conservative political message board told me that blacks are "blexiting". And other conservative nicknames rated it "winner".

But Trump faces a steep challenge to make inroads of his own with black voters. A Washington Post-ABC News poll in late October found that just 7 percent of African Americans approve of Trump’s job performance, compared with 49 percent of whites and 38 percent of Americans overall. In all, 89 percent of black Americans disapprove of Trump, including 80 percent who “strongly” disapprove.
Washington post as usual polls a number out of their ass and goes with it.
The Trumpster responses so far are explaining the poll results, aren't they? They don't see it, of course, because the alternate universe doesn't have any light bulbs.
I work with many blue-collar blacks how about you?
Wow, congratulations.

I'm of mixed race, married into another mixed race family. Brown, black, yellow.

You know nothing.
This cannot possibly.be true, because a reliable conservative nickname in a conservative political message board told me that blacks are "blexiting". And other conservative nicknames rated it "winner".

But Trump faces a steep challenge to make inroads of his own with black voters. A Washington Post-ABC News poll in late October found that just 7 percent of African Americans approve of Trump’s job performance, compared with 49 percent of whites and 38 percent of Americans overall. In all, 89 percent of black Americans disapprove of Trump, including 80 percent who “strongly” disapprove.


Washington Post...Washington Post...that rings a bell.

Or...right weren't they the ones who ran this headline when President Donald Trump announced that the vile, barbaric terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed? Got it, they ran a poll! :D


Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages
Oct. 17, 2019, 8:59 AM

A tightening labor market with U.S. unemployment rate at a 50-year low is starting to result in higher wages for full-time workers, including younger people and minorities whose pay has lagged.

Median weekly earnings for Americans in the third quarter rose 3.6% to $919, outpacing inflation, the U.S. Labor Department reported Wednesday. Earnings for those aged 25 to 54, in their prime working years, rose by 5%, the fastest rate of growth in recent years.

Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages


Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists

Published 1 month ago on September 9, 2019


“Love him or hate him, this is an incredible economic accomplishment for the President and a tremendous benefit for American blacks,” said Project 21 member Derryck Green.

Along with a reported third straight month of 3.7 percent overall unemployment, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) August jobs report noted that the overall black unemployment rate fell half-a-percent to 5.5 percent. This is the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded. BLS began reporting employment statistics by race in 1972. And with overall white unemployment at 3.4 percent, it is also the smallest reported gap between the races ever in terms of joblessness. Until recently, the racial employment disparity between blacks and whites has generally held to a 2-1 margin.

Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists


Poll reveals surge of pro-Trump support among black males
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Michael F. Haverluck (OneNewsNow.com)
Even more shocking is the rise of black male support of Trump now (32%) compared to just a few years ago, when a 2016 CNN exit poll showed only 13 percent of black male voters would support him against a Democratic rival. Support for the president among black female voters is decidedly less, with only seven percent indicating in the Hill-HarrisX poll that they would choose Trump against a Democrat in 2020, compared to just four percent in the 2016 CNN poll.
Poll reveals surge of pro-Trump support among black males
Are these he same polls that said Hillary would win in a landslide? :lol:
There were polls that said Hillary would win in a landslide?
When you have a hard time remembering the recent past how do you expect to catch that pesky Trump in his fiendish plot to take over America?
There is a 95 percent chance Hillary Clinton wins the Electoral College by 118 votes: poll
The night they can't forget: Hillary Clinton supporters recall the election

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