POLL: Do you WANT to heal our divisions?

Do you WANT to see our divisions healed?

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Dblack actually seems to have conservative tendencies, would like minimal government.
Unfortunately he doesn't participate in the system.
(he will deny the 2nd part, he thinks that not participating is the highest form of participation)

Yes, he flies false flags, same as several of them do. The reality is he's a Democrat and voted for everything they do.

Some only want 'minimal govt' when it comes to resisting their deviant agendas, stuffing their own pockets, or a foreign policy that opposes Russian and Red Chinese interests.
Trump when he gets backed into a corner by the courts or losing a election will ask his haters to kill for him and they will. If we come out of this as a democracy, that's democrats winning, then we as a nation have to watch what they call MAGA for the rest of their lives because if they get the chance they will be attacking the capital again chanting to kill this person and that person putting as many cops as they can in the hospital, to take over this country to force another hater like trump in as a dictator. The right will except a dictator to stay in power. I won't.
Well, I don't think that the party can be a part of any healing process in its current condition.

I used to think that pretty much anyone had it in them to change from being part of the problem to being part of the solution, but I've changed my mind on that. The people in either party who truly feel that other Americans are their enemy can't be changed in the short term, so they need to be marginalized.

Right now, at this moment, the notion that other Americans are their enemy appears to be at the very core of the GQP.
I voted yes, then I clicked to see who voted which way, and as far as I can tell all the "no" votes are tRumplings.

Telling, IMHO
It's a foundational part of their ecosystem right now. That's the conditioning: Don't talk, don't think, don't wonder, don't ask questions, just fight.
I don’t think you’re right.

Here is why.

What do you think happened to all of the guys (yes they were mainly democrats) who practiced Jim Crow segregationist policies in the South? Did they just say, “Oh, there is a new amendment. We were wrong.” No. They faded away and with each passing generation, their stench becomes less and less noticeable.

There wasn’t this massive break that was a result of those being correct telling those who were not to fuck off.

MAGA is on the clock. The “movement” will either be dead in about 200 days or 1400 days--if the blob wins the election. Thats it. We don’t have to change the nation to accommodate these deplorables--to use Hillary’s correct assessment. We can still speak our truths and just ignore their juvenile snickering.

What do you think is going to happen once they are told, sooner or later, to fuck off?
Let's say you're right. His next four years wouldn't be much like his first four. There will be no one around him to provide any constraints in any way. Four years of pure retribution. Pure payback for all the suffering they've (been told they've) endured. There's a lot of damage that can be done.

I don't know what MAGA looks like when he's gone. The theory is that a string of losses would wear it down, but who knows. I've just never seen a rage like this, and I've never seen this ability of theirs to believe the most ridiculous things. So I'm not making any predictions, that's for sure.
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I've watched some "news" that shows your own college kids chanting "Death to America"....

I doubt they're "republicans", and I'm not sure how you meet that sort of person "half way" but it seems quite clear that you have a lot of powerful people that would gleefully murder half or more of your people just to rule over the remainder.

My impression of that sort IS NOT those people who oppose abortion because of religious beliefs, or desire a government that doesn't regulate the hell out of every endeavor to be prosperous. The people who seem inclined to gas and eradicate all those opposed to the "death to America" gang also desire to disarm the population, mail in enough ballots to elect incompetent geriatric trailer trash pedophiles for POTUS, and embrace all sorts of other freaky issues that NO ONE in any other country would tolerate.

So perhaps it's best if the nation is divided. Looks like the USSR actually won the long game from the grave.
I'm not interested in giving up.
After reading this thread, it just confirms what I already believed...our country is done. Put a fork in it. :(

And after reading some of the replies on this thread, I think we deserve it.
Our condition is a self-inflicted wound, no doubt about it. I do think we can recover, but the clock is definitely ticking.

I saw something three or four years ago that scared the living crap out of me. A person said that it had been so long that we communicated constructively that we had essentially lost the ability to do so. Like a muscle, "use it or lose it". If that's the case, yeah, this gets even tougher.

I guess we'll see.
Listen MAGA ,yup if trump wins it will not be a democracy it will be a dictatorship, and he will destroy anything that gets in his way , and the one thing that will get in his way the most is our Democracy,

Great, then we can get our revenge on Democrats.

And there it is. This is what it's all about. A dictatorship would be fine if we can get "revenge".

They've been told that they have been so victimized by other Americans that revenge is all that matters. Even at the cost of literally dismantling America.

They've been conditioned to blame all their frustrations, their discomforts, their failures on an American political party. And worse, they've self-isolated into an ecosystem that does nothing but support and amplify that belief.
too bad
we waited too long; the choices are extremely limited at this point.
luckily you're not in control.

cooler heads have prevailed.

Trump is a lock and he doesn't put up with cultural marxism.
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The right wing media is pushing the divide and has been since Reagan allowed the Fairness Doctrine to expire.

The amounts of money being wasted on American elections is mind boggling. I keep imagining how much better off your red states would be if those dollars were spent on education, infrastructure or health care in red states.

you people are the ones claiming civil rights have not improved since the fifties, an obviously retarded lie.

but it suits you.
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I guess what concerns me most, in this binary environment, is that either (a) they'll succeed and we'll end up with a true authoritarian state, or (b) they'll fuck this up so badly that the resulting pushback will send us careening to the Left. I don't want that either.

That was one of the first comments I made back in 2016 after the election, and it holds true today.

the divide and conquer cultural Marxist tactic is quite negative and harmful, but evil globalists don't care.
I can see that I confused you. Sorry. But believe what you will.
I think you don't fully understand things that are going on.

I can help you with this.

have you ever heard of divide and conquer, as a strategy?

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Someone gets it!
thx BC......

But it's not that easily understood , and so the best way to start is to ask who owns America?

American land
American wealth
American debt
American farms
American corporations

etc......after a while we start seeing where the real 'divide' exists .......

I've lived in blue cities my entire adult life. It's been great. Then again I'm not some sniveling whining idiot that has no grasp on reality.
I think they should be believed when they say they want to separate and have their own land. That way they can just be surrounded by people who are like them, and not have to deal with either (a) their inferiors or (b) people who might challenge their belief system.

So the term "separatist" seems both accurate and fair.
I think they should be believed when they say they want to separate and have their own land. That way they can just be surrounded by people who are like them, and not have to deal with either (a) their inferiors or (b) people who might challenge their belief system.

So the term "separatist" seems both accurate and fair.
You use the word "they" a LOT.......

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