Poll: Bush still blamed for economy

I was concerned that a far leaning candidate, be it left or right, would enhance an already growing divide in the country. I was correct with my assumption.

very true.....and the events of the last couple of months have definitely widened it...
Dont really care who to blame for it. I just dont like the fact that rather than promoting policies to fix it, the current administration is making things worse.

Unlike alot of people, blame games just really dont have a point to me.
What did the Dow Jones close at on January 19, 2009? What was the closing today?

Worse or better?

What was the unemployment rate? What was the Consumer Confidence index? What was the GDP?
sheesh, clinton DID NOT leave a horrible mess....gosh almighty.....

yes, we had a tiny, tiny, tiny recession that began in March of 2001 and ended in November of 2001 Dave, after Bush took office, but can be attributed to Clinton, but Clinton also left President Bush, with a project budget surplus as well...President Bush began on better footing financially than any president in our recent history.

Blinded, you are...

THERE WAS NO MOTHERFUCKING SURPLUS... that goddamn myth has been busted SO many times in this forum, it is not even funny any more
the reality is that the... motherfucking... project budget which the president and legislature based their spending commitments on wasnt exceeded by that administration in the years leading up to bush's seat. rather than rolling with that, the man cut the legislature loose on spending by not exercising the veto, hardly at all. even after circumventing the budget to spend a trillion extra at war, bush threw down an unprecedented debt expansion on the books, too ...with a relatively healthy economy in place.

it's your credibility ddave. swelling the hayfever-grade recession after the dot-com bust to compare with our current bout with cancer recession, and swelling clinton's non-surplus to compare with bush's deficit spending at the peak of an economic cycle make you out to be a hackjob.
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And when Obama is voted out in 12, they will still be blaming him.

Who did you predict to win the 08 election?

I didn't predict anything. I'm not a seer. If I were, I would be much richer. But if you're asking who I WANTED to win, then I was hoping for the lesser of two evils. I voted for McCain, strictly based on my desire to NOT vote for a guy with NO experience, with heaps of arrogance, an obvious pawn put in place by the democratic machine and a man who basically scared the shit out of me. There were many reasons, but to name a few, would be the Civilian National Security Force he talked about on his campaign trail, the massive healthcare reform and the dulling down of our military to make us a more "likeable" nation.

Excuse me, I don't give a damn if you like me or not...but if I have more power, you WILL respect me and in this day and age, that's all that needs to happen.

At least with McCain, I felt more secure and less threatened of my freedoms.
Even before President George W. Bush took office in January 2001, his surrogates began to suggest that the Bush administration was inheriting an economic recession from the Clinton administration. Over the last three and a half years, the media has been awash in false references to Bush "inheriting a recession" from Clinton. A recent Media Matters for America poll found that 62 percent of Americans hold the false belief that the recession began under Clinton.

In March 2001, the U.S. economy went into recession for the first time in ten years, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER.) NBER -- the private, nonpartisan organization whose business cycle announcements have long been considered the definitive word on the topic -- announced its determination on November 26, 2001:

Backdating the Recession: A Report by Media Matters for America ; Release date: May 3, 2004 | Media Matters for America

Is your radical left wing blog's opinion supposed to mean something?

I didn't think NBER was a radical left wing organization, you big dope!!! THEY did the research. Not Media Matters. :rolleyes:
I'm talking about the first paragraph douche bag.

Media matters is a radical left wing organization.
Bush is to Obama what "Not Me" is to Billy from Family Circus.
Seems liberals have a problem understanding that and ignore personal responsibility in any issue. Look at what happened when Bush tried to reform SS and the outrage on the left due to their potential loss of power?

Entitlements are the sacred cow and now liberals have just created another one.

For those that blame Bush for the deficit and debt, they seem to have no problem with Obama putting Bush spending on steroids and creating a larger govt. which of course means less debt to the American taxpayer, LOL.
Seems liberals have a problem understanding that and ignore personal responsibility in any issue. Look at what happened when Bush tried to reform SS and the outrage on the left due to their potential loss of power?

Entitlements are the sacred cow and now liberals have just created another one.

For those that blame Bush for the deficit and debt, they seem to have no problem with Obama putting Bush spending on steroids and creating a larger govt. which of course means less debt to the American taxpayer, LOL.

Did you miss the Stock Market crash?

Retirees under Bush's plan would have had their savings wiped out. What is needed by retirees is a balanced retirement without all their eggs in one basket. A steady income, like provided by Social Security is part of that balance
For those that blame Bush for the deficit and debt, they seem to have no problem with Obama putting Bush spending on steroids and creating a larger govt. which of course means less debt to the American taxpayer, LOL.

Its not just the debt....but what you get in return for that debt.

I can borrow $10,000 and use the money to replace my roof. My neighbor can borrow $10,000 and use the money on a weekend in Vegas. The debt is not the same.

Where did the $5 trillion in Bush debt go? What did we get in return? We paid for two wars, $2.5 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy and an unfunded Prescription benefit

Where did the $1.5 trillion from Obama go? It went out as LOANS to banks, It went out as LOANS to GM, it went for stimulus plans for infrastructure improvements.

Yes, I blame Bush
Seems liberals have a problem understanding that and ignore personal responsibility in any issue. Look at what happened when Bush tried to reform SS and the outrage on the left due to their potential loss of power?

Entitlements are the sacred cow and now liberals have just created another one.

For those that blame Bush for the deficit and debt, they seem to have no problem with Obama putting Bush spending on steroids and creating a larger govt. which of course means less debt to the American taxpayer, LOL.

Think now, what would America look like if Bush 'reformed' SS? Bush wanted to take wealth from from Main St. and give it to Wall Street.
Republican values.
For those that blame Bush for the deficit and debt, they seem to have no problem with Obama putting Bush spending on steroids and creating a larger govt. which of course means less debt to the American taxpayer, LOL.

Its not just the debt....but what you get in return for that debt.

I can borrow $10,000 and use the money to replace my roof. My neighbor can borrow $10,000 and use the money on a weekend in Vegas. The debt is not the same.

Where did the $5 trillion in Bush debt go? What did we get in return? We paid for two wars, $2.5 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy and an unfunded Prescription benefit

Where did the $1.5 trillion from Obama go? It went out as LOANS to banks, It went out as LOANS to GM, it went for stimulus plans for infrastructure improvements.

Yes, I blame Bush

Please excuse Sewer Worker Winger. He has no education and has been a sewer worker all his life. Therefore, he doesn't know better.
Seems liberals have a problem understanding that and ignore personal responsibility in any issue. Look at what happened when Bush tried to reform SS and the outrage on the left due to their potential loss of power?

Entitlements are the sacred cow and now liberals have just created another one.

For those that blame Bush for the deficit and debt, they seem to have no problem with Obama putting Bush spending on steroids and creating a larger govt. which of course means less debt to the American taxpayer, LOL.

Think now, what would America look like if Bush 'reformed' SS? Bush wanted to take wealth from from Main St. and give it to Wall Street.
Republican values.

Bush wanted to create wealth for all americans. That is the difference between republicans and democrats.

Democrats want to bring every down to make it "fair". Republicans want to bring everyone up.

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