Poll: Americans Blame GOP if We Go Over Fiscal Cliff


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
FTR, I blame both sides.

A majority of Americans expect the U.S. to go over the fiscal cliff at the beginning of 2013 and would blame Republicans if that happened, according to a poll published today.

The survey by the Pew Research Center and the Washington Post found 51 percent of those polled said they don’t think President Barack Obama and Congress will be able to agree on a package of tax increases and spending cuts to replace the automatic reductions in government spending and the expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts scheduled for Jan. 1. Thirty-eight percent said they expected Obama and Congress to cut a deal.

If lawmakers fail to reach a deal, 53 percent said Republicans in Congress will bear responsibility, compared with 29 percent who said President Barack Obama will be at fault and 10 percent who chose both sides.

Majority Says U.S. Won
FTR, I blame both sides.

A majority of Americans expect the U.S. to go over the fiscal cliff at the beginning of 2013 and would blame Republicans if that happened, according to a poll published today.

The survey by the Pew Research Center and the Washington Post found 51 percent of those polled said they don’t think President Barack Obama and Congress will be able to agree on a package of tax increases and spending cuts to replace the automatic reductions in government spending and the expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts scheduled for Jan. 1. Thirty-eight percent said they expected Obama and Congress to cut a deal.

If lawmakers fail to reach a deal, 53 percent said Republicans in Congress will bear responsibility, compared with 29 percent who said President Barack Obama will be at fault and 10 percent who chose both sides.

Majority Says U.S. Won

Yeah there is no way any sane, honest, or intelligent person is going to blame one party on this one, both parties did not negotiate this agreement in good faith. Also, both parties over the last 30 years have been progressively increasing the size of the govt in one way or another which has led us to the point where govt expense far outpaces govt revenues. Both parties have also added to the national debt. Like Obama said (and since saying has done himself) adding to the debt is unpatriotic and its a huge problem for future generations of americans.

Anyone who lays the blame on one party or person isn't to be trusted in whatever it is they are saying.
Just let Obama have what ever he wants no matter THE COST..

it's his Amercia now, so they tell us
FTR, I blame both sides.

A majority of Americans expect the U.S. to go over the fiscal cliff at the beginning of 2013 and would blame Republicans if that happened, according to a poll published today.

The survey by the Pew Research Center and the Washington Post found 51 percent of those polled said they don’t think President Barack Obama and Congress will be able to agree on a package of tax increases and spending cuts to replace the automatic reductions in government spending and the expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts scheduled for Jan. 1. Thirty-eight percent said they expected Obama and Congress to cut a deal.

If lawmakers fail to reach a deal, 53 percent said Republicans in Congress will bear responsibility, compared with 29 percent who said President Barack Obama will be at fault and 10 percent who chose both sides.

Majority Says U.S. Won

Another demonstration of the Power of the Main Stream Media.

What a joke, Obama promised us all that we would not go over the Cliff, Yet if it happens it's already not his fault.

Stupid fucking retarded lemming Americans.
I don't think it will happen. The CEOs have spoken. The Republicans will listen to them.

Here's hoping. Unlike the hardline CONS, I don't want to see the country go over the cliff just to make a political point. That's not patriotism in my book.
I just love it, What the American people just said to Obama is, go ahead don't budge at all, Don't Compromise at all, Let us go over the Cliff and once again you will not be blamed.

There is no competing with these dishonest, ignorant fucks on the left. We lost, They won. America will never be the same.
I don't think it will happen. The CEOs have spoken. The Republicans will listen to them.

Here's hoping. Unlike the hardline CONS, I don't want to see the country go over the cliff just to make a political point. That's not patriotism in my book.

You are funny, there are a bunch of people on the left, that want to go over the Cliff, just so they can blame the Right for it.


All Partisan Hacks must die!

I just love it, What the American people just said to Obama is, go ahead don't budge at all, Don't Compromise at all, Let us go over the Cliff and once again you will not be blamed.

There is no competing with these dishonest, ignorant fucks on the left. We lost, They won. America will never be the same.
Suicide is an option, you know. Before we are all communist slaves. :lol:
I just love it, What the American people just said to Obama is, go ahead don't budge at all, Don't Compromise at all, Let us go over the Cliff and once again you will not be blamed.

There is no competing with these dishonest, ignorant fucks on the left. We lost, They won. America will never be the same.

I thought just yesterday people were crowing about how Obama was cutting food stamps! Sounds like he's budging to me. Are you that oblivious to what's going on?!?!
It's a no-brainer.
Obama said he was going to raise taxes and cut spending.
65% of Americans say we have to raise taxes and cut spending.

If the Bohner boys stand in the way of that - OF COURSE they are going to get the blame.

They have zero leverage in this negotiation.

Taxes are going up one way or another. The only question is whether it's going to be via the cliff or via a deal. Of course the Bohner boys are gonna own it.
It's a no-brainer.
Obama said he was going to raise taxes and cut spending.
65% of Americans say we have to raise taxes and cut spending.

If the Bohner boys stand in the way of that - OF COURSE they are going to get the blame.

They have zero leverage in this negotiation.

Taxes are going up one way or another. The only question is whether it's going to be via the cliff or via a deal. Of course the Bohner boys are gonna own it.

Let the Bush tax cuts expire. Obama and his minions want to raise taxes, then all they have to do is nothing. What's the problem?
It's a no-brainer.
Obama said he was going to raise taxes and cut spending.
65% of Americans say we have to raise taxes and cut spending.

If the Bohner boys stand in the way of that - OF COURSE they are going to get the blame.

One party is a fan of one of those, the other is a fan of the other. Take a wild guess which one is for which part.

This should be an easy negotiation. Republicans give up some tax hikes on the the highest earners in exchange for some much needed spending cuts. We'll see if either is truly willing to do so though.
Republicans should show up, vote present and let the Democrats VOTE for everything and then THEY WILL not be able to blame ANYONE..
Republicans should show up, vote present and let the Democrats VOTE for everything and then THEY WILL not be able to blame ANYONE..

LOL. Haven't you figured out yet that the Democrats are counting on Republicans to keep them on this side of the cliff?

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