Poll: Americans, 2-1, Fear Obama's Reelection


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Poll: Americans, 2-1, Fear Obama's Reelection

January 9, 2012

When it comes to how Americans view President Obama going into the new year, there appears to be very little spirit of Auld Lang Syne. Instead, according to the new Washington Whispers poll, many voters aren't forgetting what they dislike about Obama and want him out office.

In our New Year's poll, when asked what news event they fear most about 2012, Americans by a margin of two-to-one said Obama's reelection. Only 16 percent said they fear the Democrat won't win a second term, while 33 percent said they fear four more years.

Poll: Americans, 2-1, Fear Obama's Reelection - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

Rush Limbaugh is correct. Even though you will NOT hear this from the obama mania, reelection team commonly referred to as the main stream media, who will lie to the bitter end trying to make you believe otherwise, but as of now, obama is going to lose the presidential election in a land slide of epic proportions. He's fucked the country up good, moved it way to far towards a third world, failed, socialism policy, and his administration is filed with tax cheats, communists, socialists, racists and liars, and people 2 to 1 do NOT want this FILTH back in the White House. They want him GONE, and they won't be bamboozled again by his bull shit.
Crappy push poll. And since when is 33% 66%?

As we enter the presidential election year of 2012, what potential news event do you fear the most?

President Obama wins reelection 33%

Taxes will increase 31%

Iran will get a nuclear weapon 16%

Obama will lose reelection 16%

North Korea will attack South Korea 4%
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Your thread title is TOTALLY misleading. In fact, a truthful title would have been "Americans by 2-1 DON'T fear Obama's reelection." Because 33% saying they did, means that 67% did not.
Your thread title is TOTALLY misleading. In fact, a truthful title would have been "Americans by 2-1 DON'T fear Obama's reelection." Because 33% saying they did, means that 67% did not.
Obamaturd scares the c%$^ out of true Americans who believe in the constitution.
Your thread title is TOTALLY misleading. In fact, a truthful title would have been "Americans by 2-1 DON'T fear Obama's reelection." Because 33% saying they did, means that 67% did not.
Obamaturd scares the c%$^ out of true Americans who believe in the constitution.

Which, it would seem, amount to only one in three.

(Of course, I consider myself a "real" American. I'm less confident that you deserve that title, frankly, as religious bigotry certainly goes against the Constitution in a number of ways.)
Your thread title is TOTALLY misleading. In fact, a truthful title would have been "Americans by 2-1 DON'T fear Obama's reelection." Because 33% saying they did, means that 67% did not.
Obamaturd scares the c%$^ out of true Americans who believe in the constitution.

True Americans™ shit red, white, and blue and have the used toilet paper to prove it.
Poll: Americans, 2-1, Fear Obama's Reelection

January 9, 2012

When it comes to how Americans view President Obama going into the new year, there appears to be very little spirit of Auld Lang Syne. Instead, according to the new Washington Whispers poll, many voters aren't forgetting what they dislike about Obama and want him out office.

In our New Year's poll, when asked what news event they fear most about 2012, Americans by a margin of two-to-one said Obama's reelection. Only 16 percent said they fear the Democrat won't win a second term, while 33 percent said they fear four more years.

Poll: Americans, 2-1, Fear Obama's Reelection - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

Rush Limbaugh is correct. Even though you will NOT hear this from the obama mania, reelection team commonly referred to as the main stream media, who will lie to the bitter end trying to make you believe otherwise, but as of now, obama is going to lose the presidential election in a land slide of epic proportions. He's fucked the country up good, moved it way to far towards a third world, failed, socialism policy, and his administration is filed with tax cheats, communists, socialists, racists and liars, and people 2 to 1 do NOT want this FILTH back in the White House. They want him GONE, and they won't be bamboozled again by his bull shit.

So if the poll was balanced, all it means is that by 2 to 1 Americans expect Obama to win re-election...

...you idiot.
I've read the linked article 3 times and I still can't find find anything where even a slim majority FEAR Obama getting reelected. What a sham, Here I am working for a living and this guy gets to sit in an office posting lies for cash, I'm in the wrong business.
Evidently "math" isn't a strong suit for our board libtard obama ass kissers. I can understand that. You have to be an IDIOT to have voted for the kenyan in the first place, but you're an even BIGGER IDIOT if you still plan on voting for him again.

Sorry if the poll upsets you Barry Soetoro butt lickers, but by the math in the sampling, yes, try not to cry now, your little messiah boi king is going to lose big.
Well if the poll is "accurate", President Obama should be a one term president and those people have nothing to worry about.

Simple as that.
Evidently "math" isn't a strong suit for our board libtard obama ass kissers.

Ha! We're not the ones who think that 33% is two-thirds of 100% when actually it's one-third.

I really don't think you should be talking about math competence, frankly.
Evidently "math" isn't a strong suit for our board libtard obama ass kissers. I can understand that. You have to be an IDIOT to have voted for the kenyan in the first place, but you're an even BIGGER IDIOT if you still plan on voting for him again.

Sorry if the poll upsets you Barry Soetoro butt lickers, but by the math in the sampling, yes, try not to cry now, your little messiah boi king is going to lose big.

Evidently "math" isn't a strong suit for our board libtard obama ass kissers.

Ha! We're not the ones who think that 33% is two-thirds of 100% when actually it's one-third.

I really don't think you should be talking about math competence, frankly.

Hey, OP's still swinging. The kid's got heart.

The best thing the OP can do at this point is take his lumps, crawl back in his hole and prays that this thread dies a quick death. :eusa_pray:
Crappy push poll. And since when is 33% 66%?

As we enter the presidential election year of 2012, what potential news event do you fear the most?

President Obama wins reelection 33%

Taxes will increase 31%

Iran will get a nuclear weapon 16%

Obama will lose reelection 16%

North Korea will attack South Korea 4%

Read the article again.

In our New Year's poll, when asked what news event they fear most about 2012, Americans by a margin of two-to-one said Obama's reelection. Only 16 percent said they fear the Democrat won't win a second term, while 33 percent said they fear four more years.

16 percent fear the democrat wont win a 2nd term
33 percent fear four more years

33/16 ~= 2/1
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Crappy push poll. And since when is 33% 66%?

As we enter the presidential election year of 2012, what potential news event do you fear the most?

President Obama wins reelection 33%

Taxes will increase 31%

Iran will get a nuclear weapon 16%

Obama will lose reelection 16%

North Korea will attack South Korea 4%

Read the article again.

In our New Year's poll, when asked what news event they fear most about 2012, Americans by a margin of two-to-one said Obama's reelection. Only 16 percent said they fear the Democrat won't win a second term, while 33 percent said they fear four more years.

16 percent fear the democrat wont win a 2nd term
33 percent fear four more years

33/16 ~= 2/1

In other words the poll is comparing apples to oranges.

In order to compare apples to apples you need to cite the ratio of people who fear his reelection to people who do not fear his reelection. That comparison doesn't do that.
Crappy push poll. And since when is 33% 66%?

As we enter the presidential election year of 2012, what potential news event do you fear the most?

President Obama wins reelection 33%

Taxes will increase 31%

Iran will get a nuclear weapon 16%

Obama will lose reelection 16%

North Korea will attack South Korea 4%

Read the article again.

In our New Year's poll, when asked what news event they fear most about 2012, Americans by a margin of two-to-one said Obama's reelection. Only 16 percent said they fear the Democrat won't win a second term, while 33 percent said they fear four more years.

16 percent fear the democrat wont win a 2nd term
33 percent fear four more years

33/16 ~= 2/1

In other words the poll is comparing apples to oranges.

In order to compare apples to apples you need to cite the ratio of people who fear his reelection to people who do not fear his reelection. That comparison doesn't do that.

The poll asked "what do you fear most in 2012"

33% said an obama 2nd term
16% said obama not getting a second term

maybe elaborate a little more how those 2 aren't both apples?
Read the article again.

16 percent fear the democrat wont win a 2nd term
33 percent fear four more years

33/16 ~= 2/1

In other words the poll is comparing apples to oranges.

In order to compare apples to apples you need to cite the ratio of people who fear his reelection to people who do not fear his reelection. That comparison doesn't do that.

The poll asked "what do you fear most in 2012"

33% said an obama 2nd term
16% said obama not getting a second term

maybe elaborate a little more how those 2 aren't both apples?

No more elaboration needed, homey.
Crappy push poll. And since when is 33% 66%?

As we enter the presidential election year of 2012, what potential news event do you fear the most?

President Obama wins reelection 33%

Taxes will increase 31%

Iran will get a nuclear weapon 16%

Obama will lose reelection 16%

North Korea will attack South Korea 4%

Read the article again.

In our New Year's poll, when asked what news event they fear most about 2012, Americans by a margin of two-to-one said Obama's reelection. Only 16 percent said they fear the Democrat won't win a second term, while 33 percent said they fear four more years.

16 percent fear the democrat wont win a 2nd term
33 percent fear four more years

33/16 ~= 2/1

That's not what the thread title or the article title says.
Hmm, interesting logic. It seems to go something like this:

Americans fear the invasion of space aliens by 10-1! How so? Some Americans fear the invasion of space aliens. At least ten times fewer are afraid that space aliens *won't* invade. Ergo, among Americans with a fear regarding the invasion of space aliens, they fear invasion by 10-1.

What this poll actually shows is that most people who plan to vote against Obama regard him as their largest fear (of the few fears offered as options), whereas most of the people voting for Obama are less ruled by fear in this regard (though I expect that latter number would tick up substantially once the Republican nominee is set, even if it is the relatively inoffensive Romney). The polling was itself rather suspect, coming from a no-name firm that advertises how cheap its polls are and uses a nonstandard technique (internet polling) and does not seem to publish methodology.

It's also a little odd that the original poster cited a poll from US News and World Report as something he or shee felt the mainstream media wasn't reporting.
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Read the article again.

16 percent fear the democrat wont win a 2nd term
33 percent fear four more years

33/16 ~= 2/1

In other words the poll is comparing apples to oranges.

In order to compare apples to apples you need to cite the ratio of people who fear his reelection to people who do not fear his reelection. That comparison doesn't do that.

The poll asked "what do you fear most in 2012"

33% said an obama 2nd term
16% said obama not getting a second term

maybe elaborate a little more how those 2 aren't both apples?

Well, for starters, 33 + 16 doesn't equal the 100% polled, so the 2-1 number is bunk.

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