DNC Pushes Ad That Mitt Loves Firing People


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This is about as dishonest as you can get.

Mitt Romney said he likes being able to fire his insurance company if they don't provide the service he wants.
DNC Chairwoman Debby Wassurman-Schultz jumped on this to imply Mitt just loves to fire people.

FOXNews called her on it this morning and she refused to admit that she was taking the sound bite out of context.

I think anyone who uses the comment is being totally dishonest.

Btw, John Huntsman jumped on the comment too, so to be fair, some Repugs tend to be just as deceptive as the DNC.
Both sides do it... wait till the general election when the GOP SuperPacs come out in force. Will your outrage be there then? Or will it only involve Progressive SuperPac ads?
This is about as dishonest as you can get.

Mitt Romney said he likes being able to fire his insurance company if they don't provide the service he wants.
DNC Chairwoman Debby Wassurman-Schultz jumped on this to imply Mitt just loves to fire people.

FOXNews called her on it this morning and she refused to admit that she was taking the sound bite out of context.

I think anyone who uses the comment is being totally dishonest.

Btw, John Huntsman jumped on the comment too, so to be fair, some Repugs tend to be just as deceptive as the DNC.

Debbie wasserman shultz is an ignorant **** who needs fired herself. When you hear "Defend against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC", the domestic part means people like her.
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quote "I like firing people who give me services"

he blew it

when has the right EVER backed away from using a stupid gaff by someone on the left?
eh... after his ads about newtie... i'd get over it if i were him.

and i seem to recall him using a quote by the president totally out of context...

oops... karma is a boomerang.

I prefer to call it what it I see it as. And that is 'unacceptable bullshit' from whoever. Frankly I don't care who started it - the 'Mommy, he did it too' crap has gone too far. What we, as Americans, should be doing is calling our own politicians on their crap and insisting that they argue on policies and issues, not bullshit and lies. I find it unacceptable that "our guy lies less than your guy". It is about time that both sides - left and right - held their politicians to the same standard. That standard should be honest, rational behavior in the best interests of the nation.... not this continual bullshit from the whole fucking bunch of them. None of them deserve the honor of serving this country. Not one.
Superpacs suck....The Candidates don't even put their endorsement on many of those ads. They just say.."paid for by Citizens against unwed lesbian mothers" or something like that.
and it wont take long before there are adds designed to take someone down by pretending to be on their side
A lie is a lie....no matter how you rationalize it, no matter how you excuse, no matter how you spin it.

I'll remember that after the nomination process is over and the general election is gearing up.

Oh.. hell... might as well start now.


just for starters.
This is about as dishonest as you can get.

Mitt Romney said he likes being able to fire his insurance company if they don't provide the service he wants.
DNC Chairwoman Debby Wassurman-Schultz jumped on this to imply Mitt just loves to fire people.

FOXNews called her on it this morning and she refused to admit that she was taking the sound bite out of context.

I think anyone who uses the comment is being totally dishonest.

Btw, John Huntsman jumped on the comment too, so to be fair, some Repugs tend to be just as deceptive as the DNC.
His opponents in the GOP race are doing the same thing as the DNC.
and it wont take long before there are adds designed to take someone down by pretending to be on their side

There should be a law against such. Think about it for a second truthmatters, if it can work against a republican(democrat or another canidate doing it) than it can work the other way against Obama. So this is going to get dirty as all hell...People are going to have to get educated on everything to get at the facts with this.
and it wont take long before there are adds designed to take someone down by pretending to be on their side

There should be a law against such. Think about it for a second truthmatters, if it can work against a republican(democrat or another canidate doing it) than it can work the other way against Obama. So this is going to get dirty as all hell...People are going to have to get educated on everything to get at the facts with this.

Not only is the ad dishonest but it's stupid.

Do the Dems want to make it impossible to fire an incompetent?

People are starting to sound off that firing someone is a good thing.

I think this backfires on whomever tries to use it taking aside the fact it was obviously taken out of context.
Ah...how sad. The Republicans are upset because the Dems have been studying at THEIR "out of context" conservatory. Boo freaking hoo...

It's enjoyable to see the conservative mantra of money being free speech biting them in their fat cat asses.

You're too dumb to realize this tactic works in a general election but not in a GOP primary.

Do you want me to explain why?
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Democrats tend to be unrealistic about much of the world. This applies to the business world. Saying you'll fire someone doesn't mean your automatically a heartless jerk. It means, in some instances, that you're frugal.

Bleeding-heart libs whine about how the worthless or incompitent aren't protected from the realities of life. Conservatives believe more in a merit system.

Btw, Obama wants to fire about a hundred thousand war vets. He must love firing people too.
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