Poll about leakers

Who is the real traitor?

  • Govt

  • Leaker

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Our government!

( Written by a bot for the government )

Seriously it is the government that is the traitor and not the individual that leaked the information. Too many partisan posters want to pretend their political party is beyond touch and can do no wrong and when caught they point their crooked little finger to the other side and tell everyone that the other side did it while not understanding it does not excuse their stupidity in life.

Oh well....
Damn right Bruce!
To partisan hacks, leakers are bad depending on who they leak about. Its sad.
You are still lumping the Wikileaks from the DNC/Hillary as "patriotic." But you're not partisan. Not at ALL.

Crooks are crooks. Too bad that you have a set of crooks that you like. You are not entitled to your own personal set of crooks that have immunity.
Please show me where I support leakers of either stripe. You should be saying this to TN, not me.
Your words:

You are still lumping the Wikileaks from the DNC/Hillary as "patriotic." But you're not partisan. Not at ALL.
Yeah, so? Learn how to read.
Damn right Bruce!
To partisan hacks, leakers are bad depending on who they leak about. Its sad.
You are still lumping the Wikileaks from the DNC/Hillary as "patriotic." But you're not partisan. Not at ALL.
It is. They are a political party that runs our government.
I love ALL leaks when they show something bad.
You better come up with something better than that.
What "bad" did it show? That's my point.
Giving presidential prospects answers to debate questions. Hek, their chairwoman RESIGNED over it. Excuse me, TWO of them over favoritism.
They favored Clinton over Bernie
It showed Hillary knew SA was aiding ISIS and she accepted millions of dollars from them.
It showed how they were infiltrating the catholic church to change ideology(not really that big of a deal, probably normal with people. But it showed how sneaky they were
The party itself was trying to set up a prospect for failure. They literally tried to rig the primary. Hek, one of Clintons lawyers gave strategy advice to the DNC
It showed how they were infiltrating the catholic church to change ideology(not really that big of a deal, probably normal with people. But it showed how sneaky they were
That statement right there is worthy of Easy65. I'm really disappointed in you.
I like how you ignored everything else :lol:
They were trying to infiltrate the longest running business on our planet so they could change their ideology to be on course with their political ideology. I even put a little note after it.
Try again.
Maybe go after the other 6 or 7 points I made?
If you don't remember any "bomb shells" either, I'm guessing there weren't any.

Don't act like you even give a crap. I gave you a long list and you pick one and run with it. No need to be so disingenuous
You are still lumping the Wikileaks from the DNC/Hillary as "patriotic." But you're not partisan. Not at ALL.

Explain to me how Wikileaks was the one that was evil when the Emails clearly show the DNC to be the one at fault?

For me Wikileaks is not the problem but the Government that hides it way of making sure it get what it want through propaganda and manipulating the voter minds. More should be like Wikileaks and target all that are guilty of being treasonous no matter what political party they belong too.
What exactly did the wikileaks show that was Hillary or the Dems "at fault?" I honestly remember a lot of nothing burger; it wasn't anything important, that I remember. I may have forgotten something important.

Go back and read and if they did nothing that was big of a deal then why do so many of those on the left claim Wikileaks was wrong for what they did?

The emails from Top DNC officials and Hillary camp was what was released and some believe cost Clinton the election.
You mean the ones blaming Wiki for losing the election for Hillary? It was a factor, more about the continual erosion of trust than anything concrete. If you don't remember any "bomb shells" either, I'm guessing there weren't any.

I didn't like the fact that some hacker (now they say the Russians) violated a private organization and released that information to the world for a political purpose. Wiki played along, but the underlying objection I had was the theft of private information and utilizing it for political purposes.

It was used for political reason like everything Wikileaks does, so that is not surprising to me. The DNC should have hid their Game of Deceit better and not used Emails to work on denying Sanders the Primary just because they feared is radical way of thinking.

In the end it was those voting for Sanders that did not really join in with Clinton voters and Stein caught many of them along with the lack of minority support that Obama got during his two runs.

In 2020 I am sure many will be working against Trump and his voters will look at Wikileaks as the enemy like so many on the left view them as the enemy now...
My prediction is that Nikki Haley will be the next Republican President. Don't know when or how, but mark my words, Vlad won't like it and the Republicans are going to get reamed a new one by hackers and I hope at that point they remember how patriotic it all is.
Like the CIA spying on you through your TV or cell phone? Them hacking smart cars that drive themselves to do assassinations? PRISM? NSAs illegal encryption? The govt lying about civilian casualties? How our govt hide that our soldiers were getting hurt in Iraq by handling WMD precursors we sold them in the 80s? Our apache in Iraq killing reporters and then laughing about it? Or what about when wikileaks showed that scientists were fudging AGW data?

FWIW, the CIA can't spy on me through my TV, at least not the TV's I use, and I don't use a cellular phone either. I don't own a smart car and there still has to be somebody in it to do the assassination. Look, our government is not nice people, no government is, that's the nature of government and why our founders wanted them limited. At least our government is one of the least not-nice ones out there.

I'm all for busting their chops when they go too far, but that wasn't what the poll asked. If you are in a position to have access to sensitive information, there are proper channels to follow. They even teach you that when you are first hired! If you still can't get anywhere, then leaking is a last resort. Anyone going into government thinking they will not see dirty dealings is a fool. The world isn't a nice place at all and our government has tremendous power. If you have to leak something to blow the whistle on very bad corruption, that is one thing, take yer chances, but if you do like that Reality Winner chick and do it just to hurt your president just because you are one screwed up liberal bitch following a private political vendetta, then you deserve the book thrown at you. That isn't patriotism, that is just stupidity.

But the real question is, considering her past, her tweets about Iran, her Bernie alliance, how did she ever get security clearance there in the first place?

The one thing government has shown time and again is that its corruption is exceeded only by its incompetency.
Explain to me how Wikileaks was the one that was evil when the Emails clearly show the DNC to be the one at fault?

For me Wikileaks is not the problem but the Government that hides it way of making sure it get what it want through propaganda and manipulating the voter minds. More should be like Wikileaks and target all that are guilty of being treasonous no matter what political party they belong too.
What exactly did the wikileaks show that was Hillary or the Dems "at fault?" I honestly remember a lot of nothing burger; it wasn't anything important, that I remember. I may have forgotten something important.

Go back and read and if they did nothing that was big of a deal then why do so many of those on the left claim Wikileaks was wrong for what they did?

The emails from Top DNC officials and Hillary camp was what was released and some believe cost Clinton the election.
You mean the ones blaming Wiki for losing the election for Hillary? It was a factor, more about the continual erosion of trust than anything concrete. If you don't remember any "bomb shells" either, I'm guessing there weren't any.

I didn't like the fact that some hacker (now they say the Russians) violated a private organization and released that information to the world for a political purpose. Wiki played along, but the underlying objection I had was the theft of private information and utilizing it for political purposes.

It was used for political reason like everything Wikileaks does, so that is not surprising to me. The DNC should have hid their Game of Deceit better and not used Emails to work on denying Sanders the Primary just because they feared is radical way of thinking.

In the end it was those voting for Sanders that did not really join in with Clinton voters and Stein caught many of them along with the lack of minority support that Obama got during his two runs.

In 2020 I am sure many will be working against Trump and his voters will look at Wikileaks as the enemy like so many on the left view them as the enemy now...
My prediction is that Nikki Haley will be the next Republican President. Don't know when or how, but mark my words, Vlad won't like it and the Republicans are going to get reamed a new one by hackers and I hope at that point they remember how patriotic it all is.

As the saying goes payback is a damn bitch. People love the hackers when it suits their political gain but hate them when it does not. It is like the police and you love them when they save your life but hate them when they give you a damn ticket.

So what goes around comes around and I am willing bet their is a trove of information compiled against Trump and the GOP and will be used when the time is right and when it does happen sit back and enjoy the spinning of how hackers are then bad by those that voted for Trump and those that voted for Clinton will scream they are patriotic...

God I really hate partisan nonsense the older I get...
If leakers/whistleblowers leak info about how the govt is doing illegal shit, sometimes treasonous, to us and our friends, who is the real traitor? Is it better to be loyal to our big bloated bureaucracy or the American people?
Im not referring to leaks about military plans or anything like that. That isn't patriotic at all.

Crime should be leaked.
Real crime, yes. Bullshit spun into "crime" by political zealots with only one toe still touching the planet? No.
Like the CIA spying on you through your TV or cell phone? Them hacking smart cars that drive themselves to do assassinations? PRISM? NSAs illegal encryption? The govt lying about civilian casualties? How our govt hide that our soldiers were getting hurt in Iraq by handling WMD precursors we sold them in the 80s? Our apache in Iraq killing reporters and then laughing about it? Or what about when wikileaks showed that scientists were fudging AGW data?

FWIW, the CIA can't spy on me through my TV, at least not the TV's I use, and I don't use a cellular phone either. I don't own a smart car and there still has to be somebody in it to do the assassination. Look, our government is not nice people, no government is, that's the nature of government and why our founders wanted them limited. At least our government is one of the least not-nice ones out there.

I'm all for busting their chops when they go too far, but that wasn't what the poll asked. If you are in a position to have access to sensitive information, there are proper channels to follow. They even teach you that when you are first hired! If you still can't get anywhere, then leaking is a last resort. Anyone going into government thinking they will not see dirty dealings is a fool. The world isn't a nice place at all and our government has tremendous power. If you have to leak something to blow the whistle on very bad corruption, that is one thing, take yer chances, but if you do like that Reality Winner chick and do it just to hurt your president just because you are one screwed up liberal bitch following a private political vendetta, then you deserve the book thrown at you. That isn't patriotism, that is just stupidity.

But the real question is, considering her past, her tweets about Iran, her Bernie alliance, how did she ever get security clearance there in the first place?

The one thing government has shown time and again is that its corruption is exceeded only by its incompetency.
when they are doing that shit, they ARENT limited. Everything isn't about you. Its about what they do, in general.
Explain to me how Wikileaks was the one that was evil when the Emails clearly show the DNC to be the one at fault?

For me Wikileaks is not the problem but the Government that hides it way of making sure it get what it want through propaganda and manipulating the voter minds. More should be like Wikileaks and target all that are guilty of being treasonous no matter what political party they belong too.
What exactly did the wikileaks show that was Hillary or the Dems "at fault?" I honestly remember a lot of nothing burger; it wasn't anything important, that I remember. I may have forgotten something important.

Go back and read and if they did nothing that was big of a deal then why do so many of those on the left claim Wikileaks was wrong for what they did?

The emails from Top DNC officials and Hillary camp was what was released and some believe cost Clinton the election.
You mean the ones blaming Wiki for losing the election for Hillary? It was a factor, more about the continual erosion of trust than anything concrete. If you don't remember any "bomb shells" either, I'm guessing there weren't any.

I didn't like the fact that some hacker (now they say the Russians) violated a private organization and released that information to the world for a political purpose. Wiki played along, but the underlying objection I had was the theft of private information and utilizing it for political purposes.

It was used for political reason like everything Wikileaks does, so that is not surprising to me. The DNC should have hid their Game of Deceit better and not used Emails to work on denying Sanders the Primary just because they feared is radical way of thinking.

In the end it was those voting for Sanders that did not really join in with Clinton voters and Stein caught many of them along with the lack of minority support that Obama got during his two runs.

In 2020 I am sure many will be working against Trump and his voters will look at Wikileaks as the enemy like so many on the left view them as the enemy now...
My prediction is that Nikki Haley will be the next Republican President. Don't know when or how, but mark my words, Vlad won't like it and the Republicans are going to get reamed a new one by hackers and I hope at that point they remember how patriotic it all is.

Haley is hated in her former state. She ain't going nowhere where she has to be elected on a state wide basis.
If you don't remember any "bomb shells" either, I'm guessing there weren't any.

Don't act like you even give a crap. I gave you a long list and you pick one and run with it. No need to be so disingenuous
That's a pretty fancy word for 11 a.m.
You gonna respond to it or just throw Xelor words at me?

About time for you to sit down, OL
If leakers/whistleblowers leak info about how the govt is doing illegal shit, sometimes treasonous, to us and our friends, who is the real traitor? Is it better to be loyal to our big bloated bureaucracy or the American people?

Our government!

( Written by a bot for the government )

Seriously it is the government that is the traitor and not the individual that leaked the information. Too many partisan posters want to pretend their political party is beyond touch and can do no wrong and when caught they point their crooked little finger to the other side and tell everyone that the other side did it while not understanding it does not excuse their stupidity in life.

Oh well....


Flynn for example after having lied about contact with the Russians during the campaign was now advising the president on matters of national security. Even worse, the president having full knowledge of that had no intention of doing anything about it.

That's when leakers come in handy because that little tidbit was classified & not known to the public.

And the same is true for AG sessions who also made contact with the Russians early on in the campaign and than lied about it during the confirmation hearings. That information was classified as well and would not have been made public were it not for a leaker.

All that & repubs say there's nothing to the trump campaign / Russia connection. lol
What exactly did the wikileaks show that was Hillary or the Dems "at fault?" I honestly remember a lot of nothing burger; it wasn't anything important, that I remember. I may have forgotten something important.

Go back and read and if they did nothing that was big of a deal then why do so many of those on the left claim Wikileaks was wrong for what they did?

The emails from Top DNC officials and Hillary camp was what was released and some believe cost Clinton the election.
You mean the ones blaming Wiki for losing the election for Hillary? It was a factor, more about the continual erosion of trust than anything concrete. If you don't remember any "bomb shells" either, I'm guessing there weren't any.

I didn't like the fact that some hacker (now they say the Russians) violated a private organization and released that information to the world for a political purpose. Wiki played along, but the underlying objection I had was the theft of private information and utilizing it for political purposes.

It was used for political reason like everything Wikileaks does, so that is not surprising to me. The DNC should have hid their Game of Deceit better and not used Emails to work on denying Sanders the Primary just because they feared is radical way of thinking.

In the end it was those voting for Sanders that did not really join in with Clinton voters and Stein caught many of them along with the lack of minority support that Obama got during his two runs.

In 2020 I am sure many will be working against Trump and his voters will look at Wikileaks as the enemy like so many on the left view them as the enemy now...
My prediction is that Nikki Haley will be the next Republican President. Don't know when or how, but mark my words, Vlad won't like it and the Republicans are going to get reamed a new one by hackers and I hope at that point they remember how patriotic it all is.

As the saying goes payback is a damn bitch. People love the hackers when it suits their political gain but hate them when it does not. It is like the police and you love them when they save your life but hate them when they give you a damn ticket.

So what goes around comes around and I am willing bet their is a trove of information compiled against Trump and the GOP and will be used when the time is right and when it does happen sit back and enjoy the spinning of how hackers are then bad by those that voted for Trump and those that voted for Clinton will scream they are patriotic...

God I really hate partisan nonsense the older I get...
I will not enjoy it when that day comes (which I agree it will) anymore than I "enjoy" all these anonymous sources gossiping about the President. I don't like him and probably a lot of the gossip is true, but the majority of it has no use except to make him look like a twerp. OOOOHHHH he said he "hoped" or "wished" Comey could drop the Flynn investigation. Big deal. The loyalty oath? Comey said no. Nothing the Pres said was illegal or even clever enough to be considered "obstruction." Just shows he's a dipshit.
If leakers/whistleblowers leak info about how the govt is doing illegal shit, sometimes treasonous, to us and our friends, who is the real traitor? Is it better to be loyal to our big bloated bureaucracy or the American people?

Our government!

( Written by a bot for the government )

Seriously it is the government that is the traitor and not the individual that leaked the information. Too many partisan posters want to pretend their political party is beyond touch and can do no wrong and when caught they point their crooked little finger to the other side and tell everyone that the other side did it while not understanding it does not excuse their stupidity in life.

Oh well....


Flynn for example after having lied about contact with the Russians during the campaign was now advising the president on matters of national security. Even worse, the president having full knowledge of that had no intention of doing anything about it.

That's when leakers come in handy because that little tidbit was classified & not known to the public.

And the same is true for AG sessions who also made contact with the Russians early on in the campaign and than lied about it during the confirmation hearings. That information was classified as well and would not have been made public were it not for a leaker.

All that & repubs say there's nothing to the trump campaign / Russia connection. lol

What part of what I wrote was nonsense to you?

The part that many partisans see no wrong on their side but see all the wrong on the other side and love the leakers when it hurt the opposition party but hate them when it hurt their political party?

If the investigation show that Trump is guilty then impeach and remove and I have no issue with it and in fact will welcome it.
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Go back and read and if they did nothing that was big of a deal then why do so many of those on the left claim Wikileaks was wrong for what they did?

The emails from Top DNC officials and Hillary camp was what was released and some believe cost Clinton the election.
You mean the ones blaming Wiki for losing the election for Hillary? It was a factor, more about the continual erosion of trust than anything concrete. If you don't remember any "bomb shells" either, I'm guessing there weren't any.

I didn't like the fact that some hacker (now they say the Russians) violated a private organization and released that information to the world for a political purpose. Wiki played along, but the underlying objection I had was the theft of private information and utilizing it for political purposes.

It was used for political reason like everything Wikileaks does, so that is not surprising to me. The DNC should have hid their Game of Deceit better and not used Emails to work on denying Sanders the Primary just because they feared is radical way of thinking.

In the end it was those voting for Sanders that did not really join in with Clinton voters and Stein caught many of them along with the lack of minority support that Obama got during his two runs.

In 2020 I am sure many will be working against Trump and his voters will look at Wikileaks as the enemy like so many on the left view them as the enemy now...
My prediction is that Nikki Haley will be the next Republican President. Don't know when or how, but mark my words, Vlad won't like it and the Republicans are going to get reamed a new one by hackers and I hope at that point they remember how patriotic it all is.

As the saying goes payback is a damn bitch. People love the hackers when it suits their political gain but hate them when it does not. It is like the police and you love them when they save your life but hate them when they give you a damn ticket.

So what goes around comes around and I am willing bet their is a trove of information compiled against Trump and the GOP and will be used when the time is right and when it does happen sit back and enjoy the spinning of how hackers are then bad by those that voted for Trump and those that voted for Clinton will scream they are patriotic...

God I really hate partisan nonsense the older I get...
I will not enjoy it when that day comes (which I agree it will) anymore than I "enjoy" all these anonymous sources gossiping about the President. I don't like him and probably a lot of the gossip is true, but the majority of it has no use except to make him look like a twerp. OOOOHHHH he said he "hoped" or "wished" Comey could drop the Flynn investigation. Big deal. The loyalty oath? Comey said no. Nothing the Pres said was illegal or even clever enough to be considered "obstruction." Just shows he's a dipshit.

Donald John Trump most likely thought he would never win and was most likely a shill for Hillary and that is my opinion... As for his intelligence or lack of it?

Well there is no doubt he is not the brightest lunatic in the funny farm we call D.C. and he will be gone in 2020.
If leakers/whistleblowers leak info about how the govt is doing illegal shit, sometimes treasonous, to us and our friends, who is the real traitor? Is it better to be loyal to our big bloated bureaucracy or the American people?

Our government!

( Written by a bot for the government )

Seriously it is the government that is the traitor and not the individual that leaked the information. Too many partisan posters want to pretend their political party is beyond touch and can do no wrong and when caught they point their crooked little finger to the other side and tell everyone that the other side did it while not understanding it does not excuse their stupidity in life.

Oh well....


Flynn for example after having lied about contact with the Russians during the campaign was now advising the president on matters of national security. Even worse, the president having full knowledge of that had no intention of doing anything about it.

That's when leakers come in handy because that little tidbit was classified & not known to the public.

And the same is true for AG sessions who also made contact with the Russians early on in the campaign and than lied about it during the confirmation hearings. That information was classified as well and would not have been made public were it not for a leaker.

All that & repubs say there's nothing to the trump campaign / Russia connection. lol

What part of what I wrote was nonsense to you?

The part that many partisans see no wrong on their side but see all the wrong on the other side and love the leakers when it hurt the opposition party but hate them when it hurt their political party?

If the investigation show that Trump is guilty then impeach and remove and I have no issue with it and in fact will welcome it.

That's good to know for sure. And I'll get back to re-read your post when I have the time. Maybe it was that all encompassing word "the government" that lead to my misunderstanding.
I thought for a minute this would be about Trump's Depends.

Whistle blowers should have blanket immunity for 'wrong doing' that is exposed. If there isn't any crime and they just release info to embarrass or get someone fired that is different. But if a govt agency is doing something outside the Constitution then a citizen is above all government officials and should inform the public.
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If leakers/whistleblowers leak info about how the govt is doing illegal shit, sometimes treasonous, to us and our friends, who is the real traitor? Is it better to be loyal to our big bloated bureaucracy or the American people?

Our government!

( Written by a bot for the government )

Seriously it is the government that is the traitor and not the individual that leaked the information. Too many partisan posters want to pretend their political party is beyond touch and can do no wrong and when caught they point their crooked little finger to the other side and tell everyone that the other side did it while not understanding it does not excuse their stupidity in life.

Oh well....


Flynn for example after having lied about contact with the Russians during the campaign was now advising the president on matters of national security. Even worse, the president having full knowledge of that had no intention of doing anything about it.

That's when leakers come in handy because that little tidbit was classified & not known to the public.

And the same is true for AG sessions who also made contact with the Russians early on in the campaign and than lied about it during the confirmation hearings. That information was classified as well and would not have been made public were it not for a leaker.

All that & repubs say there's nothing to the trump campaign / Russia connection. lol

What part of what I wrote was nonsense to you?

The part that many partisans see no wrong on their side but see all the wrong on the other side and love the leakers when it hurt the opposition party but hate them when it hurt their political party?

If the investigation show that Trump is guilty then impeach and remove and I have no issue with it and in fact will welcome it.

That's good to know for sure. And I'll get back to re-read your post when I have the time. Maybe it was that all encompassing word "the government" that lead to my misunderstanding.

If you believe the government is working for you, well stay naive. If you believe our politicians on all sides have not committed some form of felony and possible treason, well stay naive. No side is immune to this subject and I mean none of them including Trump.

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