Poll 11/4: Romney surges ahead of Obama

It will be interesting if it winds up a Romney/Cain ticket. The left will have a hard time beating them up. What? A White Man Chooses A Black Man as a Running Mate ??? How Racist !!!!! MSNBC will declare Romney un-electable soley cause he chose a black man as his running mate. And if Cain Wins, and he chooses Romney or Paul Ryan as VP, the left will rip Cain apart for choosing the worst of the worst choices for VP.
It will be interesting if it winds up a Romney/Cain ticket. The left will have a hard time beating them up. What? A White Man Chooses A Black Man as a Running Mate ??? How Racist !!!!! MSNBC will declare Romney un-electable soley cause he chose a black man as his running mate. And if Cain Wins, and he chooses Romney or Paul Ryan as VP, the left will rip Cain apart for choosing the worst of the worst choices for VP.

I think Cain is unelectable even as a VP.
In 2009 I was praying for either combination of a Thune/Pence ticket, and then later Mitch Daniels decided not to run. I think if Mike Pence ran, he would of won easily.

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