PolitiFact won't call out Kamala Harris’ and Elizabeth Warren’s lie about Michael Brown

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Yes, another LEFT WING FACT CHECKER again exposed as an arm of the party of INFANTICIDES lying and corruption.....

Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren lied last weekend when they claimed Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri, had been “murdered” in 2014 by police officer Darren Wilson. An independent Justice Department investigation found that there was no credible evidence to support the claim that the white officer “murdered” the 18-year-old black man. Instead, the report found Wilson had acted in self-defense. Brown was killed in the violent act of assaulting a police officer. But try telling that to PolitiFact, which published an absurd, laugh-out-loud defense of the 2020 Democratic primary candidates Wednesday. Having split so many hairs in order to impugn Republicans, the fact-checker now believes that it is just too difficult to know what a person really means when they use the word “murder.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com

The police officer that Brown attacked suffered a broken eye socket and multiple stitches to his face because of Brown attacking him.

The idiot liberals need to shut up. They either have no clue about what they are talking about. Or they are lying.

Or both.

Michael Brown was a piece of shit with a record. He attacked a cop and tried to kill him so the cop did what he had to do. Shoot the piece of shit.

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Harris and Warren are liars, just like every other leftist POS. If lying was a crime, the Democrat party would all be serving time.
Harris and Warren are liars, just like every other leftist POS. If lying was a crime, the Democrat party would all be serving time.

So true. They must have there publicist write them all down so they don’t forget. Biden and Sanders are too far gone to even remember the notes.

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Another example of liberals lost in loon land, pandering to blacks, in a desperation attempt to pick up any and all votes they can. For these suck-ups, anything is acceptable, if it will put a few more VOTES in the bag.

And another example of what a total joke PolitFarce is.

Politifact Is a Joke
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Brown is your typical Black Hero, his family got some big bling for his criminal stardom, so he's revered now. Cop baiting is the new big Ghetto Industry, and the Democrats' version of 'Entrepreneurship Encouragement'.

Meanwhile, the big black run cities can't find enough police officers to work for chump change and city govts. that paint targets on their backs.
Yes, another LEFT WING FACT CHECKER again exposed as an arm of the party of INFANTICIDES lying and corruption.....

Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren lied last weekend when they claimed Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri, had been “murdered” in 2014 by police officer Darren Wilson. An independent Justice Department investigation found that there was no credible evidence to support the claim that the white officer “murdered” the 18-year-old black man. Instead, the report found Wilson had acted in self-defense. Brown was killed in the violent act of assaulting a police officer. But try telling that to PolitiFact, which published an absurd, laugh-out-loud defense of the 2020 Democratic primary candidates Wednesday. Having split so many hairs in order to impugn Republicans, the fact-checker now believes that it is just too difficult to know what a person really means when they use the word “murder.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com

The police officer that Brown attacked suffered a broken eye socket and multiple stitches to his face because of Brown attacking him.

The idiot liberals need to shut up. They either have no clue about what they are talking about. Or they are lying.

Or both.


Too bad we only got Officer Wilson's side of what happened.
Yes, another LEFT WING FACT CHECKER again exposed as an arm of the party of INFANTICIDES lying and corruption.....

Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren lied last weekend when they claimed Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri, had been “murdered” in 2014 by police officer Darren Wilson. An independent Justice Department investigation found that there was no credible evidence to support the claim that the white officer “murdered” the 18-year-old black man. Instead, the report found Wilson had acted in self-defense. Brown was killed in the violent act of assaulting a police officer. But try telling that to PolitiFact, which published an absurd, laugh-out-loud defense of the 2020 Democratic primary candidates Wednesday. Having split so many hairs in order to impugn Republicans, the fact-checker now believes that it is just too difficult to know what a person really means when they use the word “murder.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com

The police officer that Brown attacked suffered a broken eye socket and multiple stitches to his face because of Brown attacking him.

The idiot liberals need to shut up. They either have no clue about what they are talking about. Or they are lying.

Or both.


Too bad we only got Officer Wilson's side of what happened.

Too bad we have your Hero on tape robbing a store, and we know your fellow Bruthas at the scene were a bunch of liars and thugs. Wilson's testimony fit the facts perfectly, while your beloved Hood Rats were too stupid to make up believable lies. We can chalk up Browns' death to his own racism and dumbassery, as is the case with most ghetto vermin.
Too bad we have your Hero on tape robbing a store, and we know your fellow Bruthas at the scene were a bunch of liars and thugs. Wilson's testimony fit the facts perfectly, while your beloved Hood Rats were too stupid to make up believable lies. We can chalk up Browns' death to his own racism and dumbassery, as is the case with most ghetto vermin.

Yeah, tell us how you aren't racist at all... that never gets old.
Brown is your typical Black Hero, his family got some big bling for his criminal stardom, so he's revered now. Cop baiting is the new big Ghetto Industry, and the Democrats' version of 'Entrepreneurship Encouragement'.

Meanwhile, the big black run cities can't find enough police officers to work for chump change and city govts. that paint targets on their backs.

Cops make pretty good money... The problem is, they can't abuse people anymore because prosecutors like keeping their jobs.
It is a shame that Brown had so contempt for the police that he tried to beat a cop up in his own car.

The cop did what he had to do, but that wont stop Dimocrats from calling him a murderer anyway since the victim was a minority and minorities are always right in the Woketards opinion.
It is a shame that Brown had so contempt for the police that he tried to beat a cop up in his own car.

The cop did what he had to do, but that wont stop Dimocrats from calling him a murderer anyway since the victim was a minority and minorities are always right in the Woketards opinion.

He didn't have to do that.

Brown was 147 feet away from him when the six fatal shots were fired. Wilson could have retreated, he could have gotten back in his car and waited for backup. He could have broken out his baton and took on Brown hand to hand.

Instead, he shot him six times, when he had his hands up.
Yes, another LEFT WING FACT CHECKER again exposed as an arm of the party of INFANTICIDES lying and corruption.....

Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren lied last weekend when they claimed Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri, had been “murdered” in 2014 by police officer Darren Wilson. An independent Justice Department investigation found that there was no credible evidence to support the claim that the white officer “murdered” the 18-year-old black man. Instead, the report found Wilson had acted in self-defense. Brown was killed in the violent act of assaulting a police officer. But try telling that to PolitiFact, which published an absurd, laugh-out-loud defense of the 2020 Democratic primary candidates Wednesday. Having split so many hairs in order to impugn Republicans, the fact-checker now believes that it is just too difficult to know what a person really means when they use the word “murder.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com

The police officer that Brown attacked suffered a broken eye socket and multiple stitches to his face because of Brown attacking him.

The idiot liberals need to shut up. They either have no clue about what they are talking about. Or they are lying.

Or both.


Too bad we only got Officer Wilson's side of what happened.

That and forensic evidence. And eyewitness testimony.

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It is a shame that Brown had so contempt for the police that he tried to beat a cop up in his own car.

The cop did what he had to do, but that wont stop Dimocrats from calling him a murderer anyway since the victim was a minority and minorities are always right in the Woketards opinion.

He didn't have to do that.

Brown was 147 feet away from him when the six fatal shots were fired. Wilson could have retreated, he could have gotten back in his car and waited for backup. He could have broken out his baton and took on Brown hand to hand.

Instead, he shot him six times, when he had his hands up.

From Wikipedia:

Credible witnesses did not support accounts that Brown had his hands up in surrender. He was not shot in the back. Forensic evidence showed he was moving toward Wilson. Numerous witnesses were found to have given accounts of actions they were unable to see from their vantage points, or to be recounting others' accounts.[
It is a shame that Brown had so contempt for the police that he tried to beat a cop up in his own car.

The cop did what he had to do, but that wont stop Dimocrats from calling him a murderer anyway since the victim was a minority and minorities are always right in the Woketards opinion.

He didn't have to do that.

Brown was 147 feet away from him when the six fatal shots were fired. Wilson could have retreated, he could have gotten back in his car and waited for backup. He could have broken out his baton and took on Brown hand to hand.

Instead, he shot him six times, when he had his hands up.

Cop's a dead-eye shot at 50 yards with a handgun, a broken eye socket and blood running down his face. Wow.
Yes, another LEFT WING FACT CHECKER again exposed as an arm of the party of INFANTICIDES lying and corruption.....

Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren lied last weekend when they claimed Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri, had been “murdered” in 2014 by police officer Darren Wilson. An independent Justice Department investigation found that there was no credible evidence to support the claim that the white officer “murdered” the 18-year-old black man. Instead, the report found Wilson had acted in self-defense. Brown was killed in the violent act of assaulting a police officer. But try telling that to PolitiFact, which published an absurd, laugh-out-loud defense of the 2020 Democratic primary candidates Wednesday. Having split so many hairs in order to impugn Republicans, the fact-checker now believes that it is just too difficult to know what a person really means when they use the word “murder.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com

The police officer that Brown attacked suffered a broken eye socket and multiple stitches to his face because of Brown attacking him.

The idiot liberals need to shut up. They either have no clue about what they are talking about. Or they are lying.

Or both.


Too bad we only got Officer Wilson's side of what happened.

Actually, Michael Brown's homie was there and testified. He's the one who came up with the line of bull of "hands up don't shoot".

BTW, he backed off the claim
Too bad we have your Hero on tape robbing a store, and we know your fellow Bruthas at the scene were a bunch of liars and thugs. Wilson's testimony fit the facts perfectly, while your beloved Hood Rats were too stupid to make up believable lies. We can chalk up Browns' death to his own racism and dumbassery, as is the case with most ghetto vermin.

Yeah, tell us how you aren't racist at all... that never gets old.

Oh noes, a racist POS called me a racist! I'm so hurt, cuz these faggot commies have so much credibility and moral authority n stuff. lollerz

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