Politics: disillusionment or spectator sport?

Can we ever form a truely objective view of the political landscape?

  • Yes, I think so.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. Personal bias and prejudice and rose colored glasses.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I would rather wager on the outcomes. Dice or Roulette? Bullets or marbles?

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • It's all like watching a train wreck. Popcorn for everyone.

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Other. Maybe I'll explain.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Can we as individual American citizens view, and thus form, objectively--and accordingly--objective, images of the current political landscape in which we live? Does personal bias remove that capability from each of us to the point of skewing the reality far and wide from the truth? Can we ever truly think independently of the filter of self, either in seeking the truth of the day, or in relaying what we've learned to other Americans?
Is viewing the current American political landscape from the ground up the only true means of doing so--from the perspective of our every day lives? How can such a viewpoint see past, or objectively through, the biased filters of the issues which surround our daily working and functioning lives?

Do political events at the national level even commonly effect our local lives? What affects each of most--speaking to American politics? Neighborhood Crime? Health insurance? Food and gas and energy prices? Employment or lack thereof? Personal economic position in relation to the level of each of our salaries? Education level? Veteran status?

I for one have gone many months without the slightest awareness of national news. The sky did not fall down on my head. So then, in the grand scheme of our daily American lives, does existence within a vacuum free of MSM input or newspaper headlines ease or vex our passage through the vaults of experiencing our American lives?

Seems like it could all be about personal motivation and past displeasure, or disillusionment. We are a naturally grudge bearing species. We are also a species predisposed to a tendency for spectating from the sidelines and commenting and betting on outcomes. Game Theory, without actual participation in the game; the ultimate excitement.

Are we not expected to live our lives according to a rather specific rule set? What happens to each of our individual "games of life" when those leaders in whose hands we've placed the steering wheel of fate act outside our understanding of our life rule sets? Does political commentary satisfy our need for having a say in what we never really can have a say about--beyond our suffrage?
I think Americans as individuals can be objective, but it’s a choice and from what I’ve seen most don’t WANT to be objective bc doing is uncomfortable. All Americans becoming objective is a pipe dream and will never happen. As a whole we are too selfish, intolerant and (sadly) stupid to achieve collective sanity.

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