Political Oddsmaker Says Obama Will Lose in a Landslide

He loses if he does not carry OH, because he will not pick up the difference in the others states you mentioned.

If Romney loses Florida or Ohio, the election is over for him

He has very little margin for error in swing states

Wrong... losing Ohio does not bury Romney.... he can lose Ohio, NH, NM, Mich and still have 279 electoral votes... it is possible for him to carry IA, FLA, NC, VA, NV, MO, and WI.. it of course would be more difficult to win, but not crushing if he does not take OH

Uhhh.. perhaps you should review electoral college numbers again


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dave, I will rephrase. I don't think he can pull the numbers he will need in the states if he loses OH.

Having said that, I hope that he takes OH, FL, NC, FL, VA, IA, WI, and Nevada.

Life will be better for all of us if he does.
Sure they don't. That's why ya keep mentioning his name. See the thing is ya might not care about him because obviously the brilliant strategists in the repubinazi party didn't realize he has a few million supporters and other fence sitters that are now going to vote for Gary Johnson...now see its a difference in voting for Obama,Obama wouldn't take votes away from willard but Johnson will since its a 3rd direction we are voting...enjoy it...oh and the ones that don't vote for Johnson are either not voting or are writing in Dr Paul. :) Enjoy 4 more years of Obama. Brought it on yourselves.

You will share the same enjoyment of Obama, so the only one you are fooling is yourself. I was under the impression that Johnson was a conservative, but I could be wrong.
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Now while I seriously doubt a landslide if either would win... Romney does have an even shot of winning the election, even if he loses Ohio

No he doesn't.

He's got to win every "toss up state". Currently Obama is leading in most of them.

I do think Democrats have a tough fight on their hands..considering Romney's war chest.
A republican friend told me recently that many of the major names are preparing for an Obama win by investing and buying into medical and insurance companies that stand to gain under ACA, aka Obamacare. He is quite wealthy and follows this stuff closely for the obvious reason.


"Despite Eastwood's Republican affiliation, many of his views differ with the party. Though he has described himself as a fiscal conservative, he backs gay marriage, favors gun control and abortion rights and supports environmental causes...That may reinforce some conservatives' suspicions that Romney is himself insufficiently conservative." http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/08/31/us-usa-campaign-eastwood-idUSBRE87T1BX20120831
Now while I seriously doubt a landslide if either would win... Romney does have an even shot of winning the election, even if he loses Ohio

If Romney loses Florida or Ohio, the election is over for him

He has very little margin for error in swing states

You can no more predict that than the guy in the OP can predict a Romney landslide. States that 'appear' to be firmly rooted for obama, could go Romney. NOBODY is going to know until election day and the votes are counted.
What we do know though is this, if by some WEIRD, MIND NUMBING, UNFORESEEN and UNNATURAL twist of fate, obama is reelected...

My barometer is very simple. Real active in the Republican party where I live and I was truly amazed 4 years ago how many claimed to have crossed over and voted for Barry. I was as mad as any of them over Bush's spending, but not enough to vote for a liberal Democrat with zero track record but they obviously felt otherwise. A number I know have admitted it was a mistake, enough of them that I've got to believe others feel the same way but not keen on admitting it openly. But in the privacy of a voting booth? I'd bet dollars to donuts the percentage of defections is going to be big, really big.

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