Political Message boards


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
My opinion
on polintical forums .......they are dinosaurs dying out. They represent the greatest and last frontiers for anonymous political debate before society shifted to less private platforms such as social media.

The forum most have is the software of yesteryear, or rather of the late 1990’s to mid 2000’s and many do not exist anymore.

I rember the early days and the aol message boards. They were the best.

The problem that message boards seem unable to solve is simply the obvious one---impossible to get good moderators for the most part. There are a few good ones but not enough to make for a good board.

If they would pay the moderators that might help but another problem are the owners and their agendas....too often Anti-American and totalitarian in nature.

I personally enjoy political forum like USMB over Facebook and the anonymity of it all. All arguing or bringing up politics on Facebook and other Social Media does is alienates and pisses off anyone, including your so-called "friends", who disagrees with you. Who needs that crap. Better to come post here, or similar political forums, and piss off those that you don't know who disagree with you!
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I personally enjoy political forum like USMB over Facebook and the anonymity of it all. All arguing or bringing up politics on Facebook and other Social Media does is alienates and pisses off anyone, including your so-called "friends", who disagrees with you. Who needs that crap. Better to come post here, or similar political forums, and piss off those that disagree with you!

The biggest threat to message boards being the crackdown on freedom of speech which we increasingly see just about everywhere.

We live in a time when college studenrs do not believe in freedom of speech.

Simply because they do not want to offend minorities.

Under the current administration in Washington, I see a big drift towards punishing those who dare to pursue controversial topics.

Cultural Marxism is steadily gaining ground.

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Message boards are really the last free beacon for popping our pie holes off. The only exception is hosting your own platforms.

The less a moderator does, the better.

The only problem mods on any message board on the web are those who moderate as a form of activism. People like that tend to actively strive for a spot behind the controls. It's like a goal for them. And once they get it, they never give it up. It's kind of like a lot of regular shmucks who seek political office.

The membership will do a well enough job weeding out the little Napoleons. Little Napoleons are prideful, much to their own demise.
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Technically speaking, though, a hosted message board ultimately plays by the rules of the software developer.

Yeah, sure, you can have your own little set of trivial rules or whatever, but rest assured there's a bigger rule book up the ladder.
I personally enjoy political forum like USMB over Facebook and the anonymity of it all. All arguing or bringing up politics on Facebook and other Social Media does is alienates and pisses off anyone, including your so-called "friends", who disagrees with you. Who needs that crap. Better to come post here, or similar political forums, and piss off those that you don't know who disagree with you!

I go back and forth.

If a demmy's in office I pee on the demmies.

If I republican is in office, I pee all over their cheerios.

For me its really nothing personal toward the membership. Most of the time they're just regurgitating a narrative fed to them by one or the other theoretical side of the party-of-one anyway. Collectively speaking.

There's really not a nickel's worth of difference between em. Not really. Not at the upper levels of politics. They're just fighting over who gets to snap the whip at that level of politics.

If you can stick to your principles, no matter what, it makes for a much more casual time. In terms of pure discussion, I mean.

Political action itself is quite another scenario indeed.
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I go back and forth.

If a demmy's in office I pee on the demmies.

If I republican is in office, I pee all over their cheerios.

For me its really nothing personal toward the membership. Most of the time they're just regurgitating a narrative fed to them by one or the other theoretical side of the party-of-one anyway. Collectively speaking.

There's really not a nickel's worth of difference between em. Not really. They're just fighting over who gets to snap the whip at that level of politics.

If you can stick to your principles, no matter what, it makes for a much more casual time. In terms of pure discussion, I mean.

Political action itself is quite another scenario indeed.
The problem that message boards seem unable to solve is simply the obvious one---impossible to get good moderators for the most part. There are a few good ones but not enough to make for a good board.
The good ones here, never are ON the board itself but stay in the background...or are fired...or are bullied/ignored with wanting a good board with suggestions and whatnot, so they quit. Willhaftawait is a good one and is here often. The rest....you rarely see. The absentee supposed senior moderator should not be a moderator at all if he isn't here to moderate and the other one has major attitude problems and could care less if this place loses members or not. THAT is the problem.
The good ones here, never are ON the board itself but stay in the background...or are fired...or are bullied/ignored with wanting a good board with suggestions and whatnot, so they quit. Willhaftawait is a good one and is here often. The rest....you rarely see. The absentee supposed senior moderator should not be a moderator at all if he isn't here to moderate and the other one has major attitude problems and could care less if this place loses members or not. THAT is the problem.
I can't recall ever having a single problem with any of the current mods during my time here. And I've tested each and every one of em at one point or another.

I talk shit to coyote once in a while, but she hasn't snapped yet. Probably not gonna. So she's no fun.
Coyote is ok. Mebelle is not here enough. Kat is never here where we can see her except on rare occassions.

Meh. Doesn't matter what we say/want anyway. And I'm too tired and sore to argue it or debate it. What is, is.

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